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iiillliiilll Come Out! I summon you :) - Forum

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iiillliiilll Come Out! I summon you :)
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 07-Mar-2015, 3:57 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Well, like the usual, a pro playing under an alt xD

Well, for some unlucky or maybe lucky reason, the alt was playing against me when I was with Adam <3

Anyways, whoever player is  iiillliiilll
usuing a private server :
with a US flag.

I ask them to come out and reveal yourself :3
I never do this but I believe this player has the skills that is incredible and should acknowledged.
No player in 2015 should be playing like me in my concentration state.
I 100% applaud your skills and despite your hiding in alt nature, I commend your raw skills in CHF.
I would like to know though, who did I actually face in that game?

All accounts were in private server so I can't find you.
smile goodnite ^^

If you are embarrassed, PM me.
Cause this is really irritating me lol

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Saturday, 07-Mar-2015, 4:35 PM
Web-GhostDate: Saturday, 07-Mar-2015, 5:20 PM | Message # 2
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at least i dont have the lowest apm smile

genkiamericaDate: Saturday, 07-Mar-2015, 5:56 PM | Message # 3
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I'm just some random guy that used to be a pretty good wc3 player (solo/2v2) a long long time ago.  I'm not anyone known to you footies guys, but I was a 'semi-pro' at the regular game a long time ago.  Here is a page of some of the matches I played way back then if you're curious (mostly losses, hence why I was semi pro and not full pro xd)

I reinstalled wc3 about a year ago and played some stuff like random team.  Later I started playing some custom heroes footies.
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 07-Mar-2015, 6:07 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Quote genkiamerica ()
I'm just some random guy that used to be a pretty good wc3 player (solo/2v2) a long long time ago.  I'm not anyone known to you footies guys, but I was a 'semi-pro' at the regular game a long time ago.  Here is a page of some of the matches I played way back then if you're curious (mostly losses, hence why I was semi pro and not full pro xd)
That's a really good record.
I mean getting that wins against those players, I commend you for that.

Too bad ladder died long ago lol

lotrrotkDate: Saturday, 07-Mar-2015, 11:21 PM | Message # 5
Zombie Pirate
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I remember this guy, he used to troll in the lobby daring everyone to type his name down properly with !stats

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 08-Mar-2015, 9:52 AM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
at least i dont have the lowest apm

Added (08-Mar-2015, 9:52 AM)
LOOOOOOOOOL there is someone spoofing me on west hahahah an American XD 
I think its byjackyleexd because he ask people to join CHFG TROLOLO

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

MrDark_DevilDate: Sunday, 08-Mar-2015, 8:41 PM | Message # 7
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im sure he is zed

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 1:03 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Well, for some unlucky or maybe lucky reason, the alt was playing against me when I was with Adam <3

You are best troll ever, really...

So i was second best player in game but you still cry "i was with Adam"???

RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 1:49 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
but you still cry "i was with Adam"???
I never said anything like that? You aight bro?
Yes, I'm very thankful you had druids of talons that game because trying to golem against another player who had 2 more golems and 2 more newts than you is almost impossible.

I simply stated
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Well, for some unlucky or maybe lucky reason, the alt was playing against me when I was with Adam <3
because I happened to have an unfortunate game when you were testing my levels. It was a horrible replay for showing off my skills and that was why I said for some "lucky or unlucky reason"
Lucky in the fact that you were incredibly helpful.
Unlucky in the fact that I was not prepared for such player to be in the game.

And Adam, you seem to fail to understand CHF a lot....
Either that or you want to prove the community that somehow you are better than me.
I simply went golems because it was what you wanted to see to "test my skills" since apparently I could not control more than 1 unit like you.

In a regular game, frankly, I would never golem. Yes, I have proven countless times in multiple CHF games that I can golem and that I can dominate with goleming like the players you often worship.
But hey, why golem when clearly, your hero has just proven in game that instant aoe/hk is much more effective?

Anyways, the game itself was an unfortunate one. I wish I had better knowledge of the teams which I had thought of them as pubs.
I saw only I-connect alone in his team so I thought hey, "easy game". Best player outside my team is with pubs. No chance for him to win.

If I had known such player in team 3 existed pre-game, I'm sure the outcome would have been dramatically different. I already had the unfair team advantage than the others in that game.
And I would have not wasted gold at start buying a rat to silence sheep.
Yes, if anyone bothers to watch replay that game, there was a sheep that was going to use its spell specifically near team 3. Wanting a balanced game, I silenced it. If I had known a player of that level existed in team 3, I would have made sure that the sheep was not silenced whole mass and that I use the starting money to buy wards instead.
Using starting gold for rat instead of ward made a complete different outcome from the one I expected in mass. I ended up using too much gold in mass for actual gold after mass (as I had to buy wards soon after the rat and since I felt like Adam would have wanted me to get blank golem no matter what -cause well, I was playing with him for him to figure out my skills and well, there are set requirements to his criteria lol-)
And also, if the game had players like him, I would have never spoiled to everyone in spell chosing area and in lobby that I was going to golem and that everyone should be prepared to counter me. I only did so in that I hoped the game would be while fun and easy,  a bit challenging.
In addition, if I had known a player of his level was playing, I am sure I would have started checking everyone's spells before choosing. I pretty much took my build without much thought since I knew I had to golem no matter what. Very pub thing to do (not checking enemy hero spells in hero picking area) but I did promise to the players that game by shouting I would golem and that everyone should be going banish HK to counter me. Lolz
Also, the game did take a very unexpected turn. I had long expected from start of game to get feed from team 4 right after mass. It was a major mistake that I silenced the sheep because they just all quit right after pretty much... And trying to golem with no feed (for the money and starting level) is pretty much impossible.
(It also didn't help the fact that gray left in iiiillilill's team so he suddenly happened to get a huge bonus of gold for the golems and newts)

Ehh, the game did take an unexpected turn in a variety of ways.
Kind of explains why alts. have an incredible advantage in a game. However, even despite hiding in a random account or staying in an account that I do not know (since I do not keep track of the newer players), I think this player should still deserve praise for his skills.

And Adam, if you had read this far, I am very thankful and your spells were very useful in my team. In fact, I was glad in game that you went druids because the game was still a bit possible (although I did not want to bother taking that "bit possible" into an almost hour long game)
And this should bring you another question. Why golem when you and your team can simply go banish cold strike bolt nova/swarm mass? This build is pretty much a guarantee to win levels and is very easy to execute.
Easy answer : There is a lot of balance issue in CHF and why bother fancy golems when there is just as effective methods for like 1/5th the concentration

btw, gotta admit one thing
Towers are lame lol
Two death towers from team 3 in middle with their golems/newts/flame strikes and I swear, I could not even leave base with my units.
And I guess next time, I will be going aoe with unholy than lasso bears since well, ehh, it's safer.
And just watched replay, wow, team 3 was 2 levels ahead of us after mass. That was just set gg. I'm actually surprised how we seemed to look like  we dominated mass but we were lowest levels out of the whole 3 teams in mass hahahahhaa.
Level 7 vs fresh level 5 at end of mass. Strange twist xD Ahh well, what should I expect from a team that went full AOE. Kind of surprised right now though that Web went d arrows. That was unexpected. :l
Anyways, moral of story: Alts. rock and AOE/instant hk is best in game. Done. GG.

And to Web specifically:

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 2:25 PM
AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 3:03 PM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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How can you all get owned by iiillliiilll, He's not that good lol

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 3:05 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AL_GI ()
How can you all get owned by iiillliiilll, He's not that good lol
When a game takes a huge unexpected turn and the balance isn't there, anything goes.
Anyways, at least in my opinion, I strongly disagree with "he's not that good"
I think he is perfectly good in raw skills alone. Sure he may not know as much game mechanics but nevertheless, I do believe he is good in terms of sheer skills.

Sheer skills = higher potential
Higher potential = greater threat long run
greater threat long run = well, if CHF survives till then...  ^^

GagamelDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 3:11 PM | Message # 12
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
greater threat long run = well, if CHF survives till then... ^^

even if he practices 10 years he will never beat edu.reme the god of chf.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 3:13 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AL_GI ()
How can you all get owned by iiillliiilll, He's not that good lol

pretty sure green is an alt, and + he had adam on his team

anyone know who drunkenroystorm is, btw?
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015, 3:31 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
+ he had adam on his team
Na, Adam played fine.
He was pretty much the only one in our group who could actually herokill so ya, no way was he a luggage in my team. (Although tbh, he usually is lol)
In fact, I was looking at replay and I'm smiling/cracking up at Web's build so :). There's always a trololol. Hahahhahaha

Quote ic3dt3a ()
pretty sure green is an alt,
Na. Just a pub who played over 1500 games and won only 20%.

Quote ic3dt3a ()
who drunkenroystorm is, btw?
Lol. I think it's roystorm himself xD

Ehh. I lost. And that's it ^^
But then again, that loss made my day.
I dropped Adam's elo by like what? 100s of point within a day?

ELO IS LIFE. Salute!
I hope Adam plays with me more often though. It's funny to see him raging. smile MAkes game lively.
Better when Adam's ELO falls as Adam claims in game he is better than me 
(while his ELO is being dropped to my level rofl)

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