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Head Admin, Admin's and other beauties
smallvillDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 1:26 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Hello , it was little habit check this forum for ban request’s, but know it is my centrum of have a better mood for whole
day  = ). In last week i saw so many BULLSHITS that i decided show u any fact’s  and i hope many ppl will read this. I will show mirror to your face and im sure it will be fun for all regular
player‘s , see how many  creature’s add here and work for good of comunity and game. I will start with many
add’s  to person’s like admin’s, bug’s and other thing’s .

1. ADD Bajshoran – I respect yours  play forchallange or for fun. But u are like DOG, if u see bratwurst  Uranos, u are lossing your mind . But ifu play with MAPHACKER’S u do NOTHING. I saw your game with
wdap_TK. , this guy maphacked as yours ally and u cared only about WIN.
U weep about clanHPHH reserved but no one have brain say Bond009, that
reserved is wrong coded and need little repair. U dont know RECOGNISE that
farmer_ is GAGAMEL . That do from u admin beauty . Of
course u dont care about gagamel and his maphack. And more, result is :tralalalala, tralalala i dont need elo i am green man Bajshoran i can mock from everyone,
tralalala. U did only one good thing, u banned real farmer_ and
deadlyman for abusing reserved but this twins are everytime unbanned in 2

2.ADD F00ty_Reborn- man u rly think u can be admin? I hope no. U are one of master’s of MICRO ART but u in
fact don care about game. U told maphack is in this game rarely? Rly? Real
realy? Ok now read: Sole= maphack, GSC =maphack, Esperto_dark=maphack,
LALALALALALALA= maphack, Plus=maphack, Zegarot=maphack, mmuti_ aka sole =
maphack (anyway site one of best ranks), still not enough? Ok, carry on :
Locutor =maphack, yserals= ,maphack, efl-goku=maphack, the_Shreder=maphack
(this guy is rly good in this),lidokaine=maphack, Gagamel=maphack.So
i know more, and more nick’s. Is not end of list , is only few name’s. So
wake up, instal fog detector and u will be suprised from your RARELY xD.

3.ADD Web-Ghost This girl is special cathegory, this girl is admin moderator, abuser by my mind and one of slowest man in thinking about the
game .This ADMIN dont use fog detector and know nothing about maphack it mean
he dont ban maphacker’s. This person as i said know nothing about this
game and map, why? 2 day’s ago he tried convince me, that if u do nick
Bond009 useast and Bond009 , sec nick form realm eabattle is
spoofed nick :D. I tried explain him, that on one nickname but in 8 different
realm‘s, can be different 8 ppl . Al_GI pls explan him what is SPOOFER tool for
w3. In this way i saw how he came in lobby TYPE !FROM and BANNED NICK
DeadlyAnt, reason = FAKE  XDDDDDDDDD.Bond009 RLY is this your choice ? XDDD So his hunt on Gagamel failed and he
banned Inocent person, best is it was many time bcz !from order showed him DE
country xD. Are u racist or what? Realize one Web-Girl, u are not
adam_cz, u dont know recognise player’s, u dont know what is fhack,
yhack, garena master, delay hack, reserved bug, start lobby bug, -test afk bug,
ctf mode bug and more. I ASKED U, AND U ONLY LEFT. NO COMMENT TO U.
ON U XDDDDDDDDDD. Finally, your admin was removed, then again reached,
again removed, then reached with WORD’s from Bond009 u TESTED GAME  XDDDDD. Mega bullshits. Player’s now u can see what is  or who is Web-Ghost. One more info , today u banned WWIII, is enter debug mode nick,
after few minutes were this nick unanned. Bravoooooooo.


4.ADD RosarioVampireZ = AccCreate if is rly justice ban person’s who use debug mode, than listen little Adam_CZ and dont ABASE (this Word rly exist in english, but for gagamel is this Word like RUMOR :), u should excuse him, he likes attention, GOOD BOY Gagamel, Good and now SIT :))) and WATCH !!! ) ppl like
monkey from highest branch of tree.

5.ADD JaneFox This lady is rly useless, no active in game,all time last one in action and she tried abused, no, in fact she abused one my
game. I was in lobby,  she was in team 4 i typed her one sentence. She left. Lobby was full, i was
teal, my friend blue, red third guy and she used reserved to kick red. After
i told her fucking abuser and left, then again i joined again to same
team and she left. She kicked red on purpose. Ok, 2 days ago my brother tried
told her about one abuser to ban, she left xD. Rly usefull admin. If
i unbanned chickenwet with Bond’s allow, she typed on forum, we unbanned u
. If web-ghost banned one guy, she typed we banned already . Ok, she is only
speaker and locked only 2 thread’s. For ppl which alert her in lobby for ban for abuser,
she know only leave , she is sweetheart. In fact, she is also traducer. Bcz
Lady u typed about me in forum without explain and talk without me.
Control your estrogen.

6.ADD Adam_CZ U only one said real truth about debug mode also SOLUTION, anyway i agree with u about this clanHPMM, bcz in
start of game is  typed: This is custom,think about balance . If this reserved is balance only for bunch ppl is rly
weird BALANCE. And something in my language.

Nebuď idiot, posmieva sa ti web-ghost i ostatní, ty jediný si uhádol, že kto som. Môj brat je jednoduchý, ale keď serú na to, čo
robí gagamel, tak nech neonanujú z toho, čo robí on. Trochu sa zamysli, že
nikto ti nedá uznanie, ale to preto, lebo veľa ľudí s tebou nesympatizuje.
Ale aspoň by ti mohli uznať kvality. Tak trochu hrdosti.

7.ADD farmer_ this guy is abusing reserved together with his friend’s like b3ngan= mushroomen, deadlyman and others. He use 6vs6 force mode
same like my bro if he lose, he use also observers trick, and if someone ban him, this guy
in 2 hours is unbanned. Also he is item killer on nick wqw.

8.ADD reserved status Bond009 once time i asked for reserved, but now i can say u i find way i can have
reserved anytime i wanna. Gagamel is using also this way . 100 point for
Gagamel, bcz he use more then Debug mode.

9.ADD Debug mode Adam_CZ already typed solution, but all HEAD ADMIN ARE DEAF. U can wait for next map release but it takes time.
Again 100 points for Gagamel XD.

10. ADD Start lobby bug This bug is using all timeMr.Qzclke_Q (dont know his nick properly but i have print screens) , he
daily destroy more than 30 game’s. BRAVO ADMINS. This bug of start use also

11.ADD Test afk bug No one care about this , but this showed me  Mr.Q used in one game against Bajshoran.  Bajs had nice chance, but i wasnt admin. Sorry, keep thinking ADMIN .

12.ADD J0ker. This admin use order !owner for his second nick Mr.Lit. After Mr.Lit is in lobby, he stack all lobby for elo boost himself XD .
GOOOOOD ADMIN. Also i saw and posted replay to web-ghost how he begged my
Brother for force -6vs6 mode . Bravooooooo. Grizz buddy of Bond, J0ker buddy of
Grizz. Friends friend of friend can have admin xDDDD. Very gooooooood. No need
coment. One more intell, this same way have been removed admin from too_selfish
and mushoomen =)))).

13ADD AL_GI U spoofed HEAD ADMIN in few months ago and kicked many players from game, also me. U dont know manner with admin
right or without right.

14.ADD Dan- aka Bobcat aka da-na aka Nasa Man, my Brother is simply, but  rude manner’s and elo and special protect of gagamel and admin’s
behave made from him abuser.
U cant stop him, u can only talk to him. I gave him everything for his protect and now he know‘s more than gagamel.
So is only reaction to this aka comunity. But in fact he like normal play with
any mode.

15.ADD 6vs6 force mode If u do this mode on start game is same as u do  ars mode or pool off, is normal and balanced. Today banned for this Noilesness one Inocent
player. This guy also need more use brain. I agree is abusing for save
your ass in middle game, but exist other way’s how to use. I wil explain
maybe later.

16ADD Bond009 I accept u have life, job , personal life , maybe family, but u started with this project and u are
creator. U decided do Gagamel untouchable. Pls remove all bugs
i remebered here and little think about your system. U need
admin,yeh, but is hard start from bottom? Do admin hierarchy. 1. level admin
with orders like !ban, !swap, !synclimit , !ping , !from, this admin give to
ppl  like venom61(little hot head, but detective better than Adam, also know every bug i typed, finaly is my
friend), adam_cz( i remeber times of Adam_cz admin, not very good
reputation, but good detective), ic3dt3(this guy like chalanges, dont cheat,
and he is stable on his mind), and also decreased Bajshoran (has courage also
ban abusers like farmer_ but he dont recognise players) and web-ghost (he try be
friend with everybody, this attitude is bad for do right decision’s) to this
level. Level 2 of admin can stay like admin i was. 3. level admin can be
this admin moderator. But if u give someone like this person’s up
option ban someone from all realm, u can only lost many players. Bcz for
example : vetealamierda is known player, but vetealamierda on uswest is
Gagamel, farmer_ is abuser but gagamel is using nick farmer_
This ppl dont know recognise this and u can only lost player’s. And
i think is not hard do database with logs of order’s like !unban, !owner
and other’s.

This aka comunity tried my patient, so i decided do website with all bug’s, glitch’s, secret hero‘s, code’s, command’s , trick’s ,
toll’s (yhack, fhack, and more, and more) and all i will describe ,how it
works, how it use, and how play like other player do. If Gagamel is untouchable
i wanna see 100 untouchable’s Gagamel’s and ppl with code’s and everyone
with reserved and mode’s, mode’s and mode’s. Bcz Gagamel use for example nick
farmer_ for do same mode’s like my Brother. But Gagamel is doing in stupid way,
my brother can use all mode’s for reached his goal , gain a lot of money and
win. So is not finally only about DEBUG mode. Bcz debug mode’s is one of easiet
way how destroy game. And finally i dont will answer to u. Bond know how
to contact me. All for this i typed i have EVIDENCE. I will not answer to your's comments. This was only announce :). So have a nice evening kid'os.


Message edited by smallvill - Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 4:32 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 1:54 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
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you're stupid
BajsHoranDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 1:56 PM | Message # 3
Group: Game Mod
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i also banned ur brother so 2 good things smile at least

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
fantasossDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 2:12 PM | Message # 4
Group: Banned Users
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BajsHoran- and I think that if you give me banned so I come back the next nick? You're at the chasing when you give ban?
GagamelDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 2:33 PM | Message # 5
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It doesnt surprise me that he is crying here now over pages after he got busted for abusing. Now he wants to hurt this community because his virtuall candy (admin) was taken away from him. Sadly he isn t smart enough to find his own ways, thats why he tries to copy me. And after one month of work he succeded in how to use the debug mode. This simple 3 steps task took him so long, but in his mind he is now a hack developer. Thank you very much for this long loveletter my dear fanboy. When you told me recently that you want to be like me i thought it was a joke, but now i belive you. Well i dont want to destroy the dreams of a 12-year old boy. Maybe when you grew up and work hard you will be one day just like me wink . But untill then know your place. #Wannabe

Added (05-Apr-2015, 2:33 PM)
how much did you donate again that you cry now for weeks about your admin that you lost to abuse?

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 2:37 PM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
you're stupid

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

GagamelDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 2:40 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
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cant disagree

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 2:43 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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I do not understand what is going on but uhmm, hi?
Was this an "Introduction page" by any chance in the wrong thread?

Anyways, Hi! I'm RosarioVampireZ.
Hope to get along in forums <3

Anyways, I am not sure if you are complimenting admins or deriding them. i am very perplexed of your thread right now...
Anyone else perhaps clarify this for me a bit?
Or at least only my portion as I don't fully comprehend what:
Quote smallvill ()
4.ADD RosarioVampireZ = AccCreate if is rly justice ban person’s who use debug mode, than listen little Adam_CZ and dont ABASE ppl like monkey from highest branch of tree.
this means...
Is this complimenting me by saying "give admin to RosarioVampireZ" or deriding me by saying I "abase" people? 
And quite frankly for further notice, most people don't use abase at this context. Maybe I'm quite paranoid with grammar and stuff but this isn't the most appropriate place to use the word "abase" since the analogy of "from highest branch of tree" has no relation with it...

F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 2:57 PM | Message # 9
Group: Clan Members
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Quote smallvill ()
2.ADD F00ty_Reborn- man u rly think u can be admin? I hope no. U are one of master’s of MICRO ART but u infact don care about game. U told maphack is in this game rarely? Rly? Real

Nope, read closely what I wrote here :

I said 80 % of ban request come from mode abuse and not from mh. Never said there is only few mhers.
That's why I was asking for a new version to fix this main issue.

Also that's a real problem that game mods can only ban in their own realm or in realm of the player when they are ingame. In fact they can't extend ban on another realms. So it's too easy to avoid.

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

GagamelDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 3:36 PM | Message # 10
Group: Users
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Anyone else perhaps clarify this for me a bit?

Dont be mad about his english please, it became already a lot better since he uses google translator.

Added (05-Apr-2015, 3:36 PM)

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 4:20 PM | Message # 11
Head Administrator
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hmm i do not want to read it all(unless an admin or clan member or vip wants me to reply a certain part) because i know the user who wrote this is an idiot
look at this smile

+ where is the screenshot?
+This thread is a very good thread
to help intelligent people become cavemen  
Probably even better.... a parasite! no, an amoeba! 


Message edited by Web-Ghost - Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 4:58 PM
[APF]-WalterDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 5:08 PM | Message # 12
Group: Users
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Web-Ghost, stfu motherfucker, I fuck your mom noob abuser
GagamelDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 5:09 PM | Message # 13
Group: Users
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Web-ghost asked me to correct this: He did not banned anyone innocent.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 05-Apr-2015, 5:14 PM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3354
Status: Offline
Quote [APF]-Walter ()
Web-Ghost, stfu motherfucker, I fuck your mom noob abuser
As I can see you really want to be reproofed

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

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