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V1.28 - Forum

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Forum moderator: Alex[STAR]  
Fiery__WADate: Wednesday, 05-Apr-2017, 12:14 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 32
Awards: 0
Reputation: 67
Status: Offline
Specific Changes & Improvements
  • Added view options: windowed fullscreen (default), windowed (-window), and native fullscreen (-nativefullscr)
  • Added cursor clamping in game while windowed; unclamped in menus
  • Data migration now removes the need to run as admin to access saved games
  • Improved installation and patching performance

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed WorldEdit to include proper icon and strings for Map Script Validation
  • Fixed command cards to be hidden again with special coordinates (0, -11) and (-2147483648, -2147483648) within CommandFunc.txt; invalid coordinates will now be ignored
  • Fixed disconnects from at the conclusion of games
  • Fixed the cinematic player to keep the entire video on screen at any resolution
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Windows GameDVR from functioning properly
  • Fixed various bugs and exploits

Is there anyone else out there unhappy with the latest patch as I am?

1.  Alt Tab no longer minimizes you out of WC, it just plays stacks on the mill with other apps you have open, while leaving WC sitting there as a backdrop.

2.  As a mostly ladder player, CHF for R&R  yahoo , while bnet searches for a ladder game, I have always had WC minimized in the background, when a game was found WC ALWAYS used to spring to full screen.  Now I have to sit and watch for a game to be found, if I don't sit and watch the eye searching, a game has come up, and if I haven't already been beaten, my build has been delayed.
l3etuceDate: Wednesday, 05-Apr-2017, 3:24 PM | Message # 2
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 222
Awards: 0
Reputation: 791
Status: Offline
I am getting error after the new patch v1.28 . Anyone has same problem . And how did you fixed it ?

I love green leetuce
Fiery__WADate: Thursday, 06-Apr-2017, 12:18 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 32
Awards: 0
Reputation: 67
Status: Offline
Quote l3etuce ()
I am getting error after the new patch v1.28 . Anyone has same problem . And how did you fixed it ?
Have you not been able to install the patch?

Added (06-Apr-2017, 12:18 PM)
Two schools of thought on how to install the new patch

go to the command prompt


Delete the folder "".
Reboot and run WC3 and see if it updates now.

1) Right click the game and hit "Run as Administrator" 


2) Go to the game directory and run BNupdate as Administrator.

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