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Computers & Technology
Bond009Date: Friday, 15-Oct-2010, 3:55 AM | Message # 1
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Need any advice or talk about tech type problems post here.

Alex[STAR]Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 1:13 AM | Message # 2
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-The i7 will cost you a damn lot, that's a middle spec i7, and unless your planning to play multiple games at one time or do work that will put a strain on your PC, I wouldn't get it. Go for an i5 processor.
The GTX260 is nice, especially from eVGA, from my experience, eVGA is the best nVidia Card producer, and they have bespoke overclocking software made especially for their products.

-8 gigabyte ram is a bit excessive, and it doesn't say what the mhz is. I've never gone over 2.5GB of RAM usage unless I'm running Photo Shop and some other heavy duty stuff all together. I would go for a higher mhz ram with less GB's. Kingston are a well-known ram producer that make good RAM sticks, they have 2133 mhz 2GB sticks for cheap (relatively cheap, considering how much this PC will cost you) You could buy 2GB of it, or 4GB if think you need more. Kingston (2x2) 4GB DDR3 2133mhz RAM.

-Hard-Drive is fine, although you may want a secondary hard-drive. Hard-drives are cheap, probably the cheapest part of your PC.

-DVD-RW is fine.

-With the Sound Card, what games are you planning to play? Because with a game like Call of Duty 4, it is essential to have a good sound card so you can hear footsteps, with my old PC, in a 1 on 1, I could pinpoint my enemy exactly on the map, even if I was on the other side of it. But if you're just planning to watch some HD movies and play WC3, you should probably be able to use the Gigabyte built-in soundcard.

-Windows 7 Home Premium is okay, but it is a little short of features compared to Windows 7 Ultimate/Premium.

-Monitor is fine.

-You will also need a good PSU, probably 750W from Corsair of XFX, else your system may run out of power.

-Also, once you've built your PC, try to put it in strain for 12 hours, and see if you find any problems. This is a stress test and should always be done when you have finished building your bespoke PC, to find any problems in it. If you find any, come and tell me or ask the manufacturer of the part.

-This is still a mighty fine PC, it will still be "high performing", but not a Super PC :P. If you want to go crazy with it, you could get:

-4x GTX480 eVGA in SLI.

-12 GB Kingston Hypex RAM.

-Intel Core i7 990X Six Core 3.4GHz 12GB Cache (12 Threads)

-Then that would be a Super PC :P.

JohnSmith55Date: Tuesday, 26-Apr-2011, 8:26 AM | Message # 3
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0 or 1, which came first?
JST4XDate: Tuesday, 26-Apr-2011, 4:29 PM | Message # 4
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Oh no you have ruined the surprise, now I need to find another gift for you Masta.
ArcttyDate: Tuesday, 26-Apr-2011, 5:02 PM | Message # 5
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Message edited by Arctty - Tuesday, 26-Apr-2011, 5:03 PM
JohnSmith55Date: Wednesday, 27-Apr-2011, 0:07 AM | Message # 6
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stooge'll love it nyam nyam
Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 27-Jan-2015, 11:44 AM | Message # 7
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what and why do you get desync
"Desync'" means the synchronization didn't work correctly.
Desync in chf is when you're in a game, and it looks completely different in your screen than in the other players' screen. So in one computer (yours) you are basing killing/owning Cou while in everyone else's computer you keep walking up and feeding.

You get desync because the map may have bugs in them or because of lags for example:
you just pressed tt spell on AL_GI, at the same time AL_GI teleported and at the same time you are lagging so in your screen you just killed him and in AL_GI's screen he teleported so the bot make a discussion which happened first in real time and kicks the player who is desynced

best way to avoid desync is
#restart war3  after every custom game (specially long ones like ftd/uim)
#redownload the map at times the map gets corrupted 
#re-install war3 if you get desync alot more than 5 times a day
#say Cou is a noob or say Web-Ghost is my master (highly recommended)

lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 27-Jan-2015, 7:23 PM | Message # 8
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Help me find a great monitor here  at least 24"  prefer 27 but the picture quality has to be amazing for photo editing  but under $250


I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 27-Jan-2015, 8:14 PM | Message # 9
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lspiderl, if your editing Widescreen is the best for you and 27 inch is perfect 

btw get monitor for me

lspiderlDate: Wednesday, 28-Jan-2015, 0:01 AM | Message # 10
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there reason I posted the site I did they have a store near me lol

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Web-GhostDate: Wednesday, 28-Jan-2015, 0:54 AM | Message # 11
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Quote lspiderl ()
there reason I posted the site I did they have a store near me lol
hmmm your getting a long term asset not a short term +its not cheap so if you going to get something for long a time than get a good one and wait.
rather than rushing and than regretting if you only wait for 1 week etc

VexslasherDate: Tuesday, 14-May-2019, 6:14 PM | Message # 12
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Thought these were kinda interesting.

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