Not in order: And ill put more than 7 just to get mah words out. IMMA REBEL!!!! Haseo: I put him here because I have never seen anyone put impale to such a use such as haseo can. He is a great teamplayer and back than could solo stacked teams. He has knowledge and good memory of using the cannon to kill footmen and is all around a good friend.
DeathGuard: I met him about the time when haseo was playing his last games with us. Death is loyal, honourable and has great knowledge of unit killing. He has a great useage of ravens and carrion swarm.
ic3dt3a: Ya'll may not agree but I'm very fond of Ic3d. He was one of the first players I played with back than in CHF. He uses fun and whacky builds and succeeds many games with them. He really enjoys tech build and requires NO POOLING *COUGH SOUNDWAVES COUGH COUGH* to win a game.
Master: One of my favourite team players of all time. He listens well and is a good friend (Soory for short description but IDK what else to say :p)
Arctitties: Sure he may only have a couple of builds within his reach but shit son does he do well with them. Some of them are actually hard to solo with.
Nobrain: I have never seen you use a build WITHOUT spirits :p. No complain. Has decent newt useage. Good player all around. You could mix up your playstyle abit just to spice your identity up, but nonetheless. If he lagged less im sure he'd be ten times better.
Lizzy: For a chick she really can game like a man.(<--- take it or leave it -_-) She can succeed in so many games without the useage of windwalk which at times can be rather a nuissance (I use it quite abit still >.< trying not too.) Also she is fucking hard as hell to kill >.<
Talk: Probably the most creative and free thinking player of all of CHF I have seen. This guy thinks outside of the box with his builds and is amazing all around.
Driftking: I may have not said his name correctly but still. He puts mass tp to such a useful use and combined one oif the strongest AOE builds (Bears blizz) mixed with mass tp tech build. Props for that you earned it.
Monster/Hato: You are a fucking funny guys I really just have too emphasize (<-- Did I spell right?) that. You both have the same playstyle (which is great BTW lol) Ya'll put hex out too such a great use. Shit sakes i've seen you two use hex in a mauler build a couple times and bum raped with it.
Fallen: If this guy had a name for his playstyle, Id call it "Douchebagery" but none the less he's got some tricks up his sleeve. He can golem and always find some sort of way too catch up too the levels if he is behind.
Boppydibopbop (Bop240): You are some of the best teammates to have when it is FTD mode.
Antyone:Wait what? what am I talking about?????? (Jk bro you good player and deserve to be on this list)
David.Palmer: Never seen someone have such creativity with riflemen useage, I mean with bears, Dark arrow, Mirror images, mauler builds etc. I just gotta give ya props for your whacky gamestyle.
Trixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: This kid right here is some of the best with them summon builds, treants beetles serpants ya name it son.
High0nlife: This guy has some of the most whacky creative stomp builds thats ive seen in decades. He really had a lust for the paladin hero. He was also funny.
Tonedef32: I have no idea where hes at but hell this guy can do any build with frost stomp. Ravens, acid, mauler, roots ya name it son. Truly a cool guy.
HM2008: Christ its been nearly 100 days since Ive last seen him. Memories from me of his specific gameplay style is nearly depleted. But hell hes a good friend, was creative with tichmez, and I hope the flood in Aussie didn't kill him.
ChrIsicera: (Was requested) This guy was one of the worst players ever when he first started out. I remember him since all the way back from december 2009. We played alot alot of games together back than, along with HM, Haseo and Tonedef32. And out of nowhere this guy becomes one of the best players of all time with knowledge of how to eff shit up, counter attack and timing. He's the first guy to have beaten the ruthless num team back than along with HM and talk. An honour playing with him and I wish he came back. PS: Isis if you ever see this. GET YOUR F@#$%&G ASS OFF OF SC2 AND COME BACK TO WC3!!!!!
Milk_: None of you know him at all but christ this guy ist a beast. Me n him used to pwn so many 5.4 games together. If this kid had alchemist it was gg automatically. I showed him to chf and hes made some pretty whacky stuff. Really great player. I wish he came back from though...
For the people that aren't on this list, it doesn't mean that your a shit player (not saying you are), it's just cuz.
A) that alot of you might have similar playstyles as some of the people on list so IDK Y I should waste my time typing more. Or...
b) Im not aware of you and/or don't play with you that often too really observe your gameplay. OOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRR...
C) I just fucking hate you, your playstyle, your attitude, and everything about you.^.^