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Ask me anything
JohnSmith55Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 12:07 PM | Message # 31
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slender and sex appeal? Can you please be more specific? Also, why can't people get along?

I'd be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions, IF YOU ASK ONE QUESTION AT A TIME (1st post), JEEZ!

I can't even tell if I'm being addressed with 2 questions or 3.

HashDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 12:12 PM | Message # 32
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Both questions are for you to answer tongue

Can you please be more specific about your "slender and sex appeal" ?

JohnSmith55Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 12:36 PM | Message # 33
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Can you please be more specific about your "slender and sex appeal" ?

I will certainly try; after all, I'm here to answer questions.

Some synonyms for slender: slim, graceful, lanky, lean, lithe, petite, rangy, slight. So to follow up on your previous question, girls who have lean bodies are my type of girls.

Therefore, I like girls who are slim, that is to say, not fat. Mind you, I have nothing against fat girls, they are just not my type.

Hope that's specific enough and not too academic for ya'. My next step would be to give the ideal weight-range in pounds. biggrin

Moving on to sex appeal, might as well start with the dictionary again:

sex appeal: 1. the ability to excite people sexually 2. a capacity to stimulate or attract interest or enthusiasm

Girls with sex appeal are few and far in between. It's not the usual 'sexiness'. You can tell from a picture if a girl is sexy or not, but you can't tell if she has sex appeal or not; you have to be around the girl to know. These girls have that special 'aura', that special vibe around them, which makes them so appealing. They're not necessarily the prettiest ones, a girl with average looks can have sex appeal.

It's hard to describe it further or be any more specific about it; these girls are not the 'usual' that you meet at clubs or at parties. I can still count on two hands the number of girls with sex appeal that I have met in my life. Nevertheless, girls who have sex appeal are my type. wink

Next question.

HashDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 1:11 PM | Message # 34
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It is specific enough for me. And I don't mind the academic part. My next question is : Why can't people get along?

Added (2011-05-14, 2:11 PM)
I want a full list of reasons and supports ( Yes, this is just like writing an essay, the only difference is that I am a very easy teacher .

JohnSmith55Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 2:06 PM | Message # 35
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Quote (Hash)
Why can't people get along?

Quote (Hash)
I want a full list of reasons and supports ( Yes, this is just like writing an essay, the only difference is that I am a very easy teacher .

Full list of whoa... wacko ...reasons, supports... surprised you say, miss teacher!

First of all, I want to paraphrase and expand that question, from my perspective it looks like this: why can't people get along i.e. why are people arguin', b!tchin', fightin', complainin', cryin', hatin', pickin' on/messin' with each other etc...

In part it's an ego problem, on the other hand it's standard tribal mentality.

In any bigger group, a leader has to emerge. Males compete for the alpha position (who's the best, strongest, who gets the females), and where there's competition, there's also arguin', b!tchin', fightin', complainin', cryin', hatin', pickin' on/messin' with each other etc...or worse...that's a simplified version of course, yet the sole cause of most 'not-getting-alongs'.

In any group - no matter how cooperative that group is - friction and misunderstandings occur. Most of the time, instead of resolving the conflict peacefully (listening to each other, hearing the other side and their opinions, trying to reach a compromise, giving both parties a chance to resolve), the easier route is taken: arguin', b!tchin', fightin', complainin', cryin', hatin', pickin' on/messin' with each other etc...

Some other short points I'd like to make:

- people are competing for limited resources, positions of power, wealth etc. -->> competition -->> not-getting along
- diplomacy and politics (almost self-explanatory), the bigger version of not getting reasons or supports here, just throwing some examples around
- people pick sides and defend their version of truth vehemently (whether they are right or not), which leads to conflict; people hate to be proven wrong (their ego refuses to allow it), hence they argue 'to the death'
- guys can't get along because 'getting along' would be too nicey-nice, it's not macho etc...not that the ladies are excluded from this, but most of their reasons remain a mystery to me...must be coming from jealousy, gossip and such

This is true in real life as it is true online. Just look at this forum: there are examples of good players losing games, but their ego cannot accept defeat, they need excuses, someting/somebody else to blame. It usually starts with posting a replay, followed by arguin', b!tchin', fightin', complainin', cryin', hatin', pickin' on/messin' with each other's not limited to that scenario, but it's an easy one to observe

Short answer: people can't get along because the overwhelming majority have huge egos. It has to be that way, that's how you get ahead in life; if you wanna stay on top, you better have a big ego. It's the sad fact of our current state of society that humility, modesty, compassion (to name a few valuable qualities) is not seen as a virtue.

(I know I repeated a list too many times, I'm ok if it's not an A.)

ItSoVeR9000Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 4:46 PM | Message # 36
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Why are men so competitive? happy

Master-HeroDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 5:44 PM | Message # 37
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Why do women ask so many questions?

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ItSoVeR9000Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 5:47 PM | Message # 38
Blonde Ninja Mod
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Cause we like to gain as much knowledge on a subject as we can smile

Master-HeroDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 7:00 PM | Message # 39
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Quote (ItSoVeR9000)
Cause we like to gain as much knowledge on a subject as we can

I would like to here johns opinion about that subject tongue

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mb53Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 10:48 PM | Message # 40
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Why do girls tend to create so much pointless drama?

I think I know why, but you answer!

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
JohnSmith55Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 1:21 AM | Message # 41
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Quote (ItSoVeR9000)
Why are men so competitive?

I already answered that question (if my jumbled 'essay' makes ANY sense at all).

Quote (Master-Hero)
Why do women ask so many questions?

Let me get back to you on that.

Quote (ItSoVeR9000)
Cause we like to gain as much knowledge on a subject as we can

blink What a diplomatic answer (why am I not surprised). You basically dodged the question and provided some wishy-washy answer. This is why YOU DON'T ANSWER THE FREAKKIN' QUESTIONS! I ANSWER THE FREAKKIN' QUESTIONS AROUND HERE! angry2 angry2

[calms down]

Quote (Master-Hero)
Why do women ask so many questions?

Because women are hard-wired to talk more than men do; talking more leads to more questions being asked hence you get the impression that women ask 'so many' questions.

Quote (mb53)
Why do girls tend to create so much pointless drama?

I touched on this subject a bit, jealousy, gossip, trying to get's what girls do. 'Pointless drama' is a bit of a loose term by the way, girls certainly don't think the drama they create is pointless.

Added (2011-05-15, 2:21 Am)

Before you ask any more man-woman related questions, make sure to check image above. (it was posted picture thread a while ago)

flamefusionDate: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 4:39 AM | Message # 42
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Why did u join HPMM?

I never back down from any challenge puttin front of me.
JohnSmith55Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 7:05 AM | Message # 43
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Quote (flamefusion)
Why did u join HPMM?

To be honest with ya, I'm not sure why: I was in clan CHF, then stooge asked me if I wanted to join HPMM. I said sure, DeathGuard was there too. Something about I'm too good for CHF or something (I was like lol, I'm not that good). Little did I know I was involved in a threesome. When I woke up, I was in HPMM. At first I thought it was an april foolz joke (I got invited on April 1st). Looks like it's for realz.

Edit: deleted the second part about off-topic posting (thanks again Master-Hero!).

Message edited by JohnSmith55 - Sunday, 15-May-2011, 1:10 PM
HashDate: Monday, 16-May-2011, 9:10 PM | Message # 44
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Actually I changed my mind John, I will only give you a C+ because of your answer about women create pointless drama. First of all there is no such thing as pointless drama. Drama is never pointless (you failed to mention about that fact) and secondly, we don't make it seems like we ask a lot of questions. We DO ask a lot of questions.

Now I have another question for you Professor John. Why do men (Boys and Men included) act so stupid sometimes? And by stupid I mean juvenile, careless (about their health as well as people's feelings) and create troubles?

PinasDate: Monday, 16-May-2011, 9:39 PM | Message # 45
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Actually I changed my mind John, I will only give you a C+ because of your answer about women create pointless drama. First of all there is no such thing as pointless drama. Drama is never pointless (you failed to mention about that fact) and secondly, we don't make it seems like we ask a lot of questions. We DO ask a lot of questions.

LOL, Please don't make me laugh :P

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