Quote feeltree (
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Quote yoPriest-of-Sin....you make me really laughin...your words seams to me like nothin....just put some repicks.....show me what you are writing about proof it....i wanna see it how easy (like u sad) it is you handle fast windwalker with lighningchain-fork-tower-lvl3...and i will say: "Priest-of-Sin is the God of CHF
im not god of chf lol ( this titles are for ppl like roy ,xmon and some other losers )...im not even consider myself pro like others do (allthough i did win allmost everyone around here)... again idc about this titles.i play chf for allmost... (well i dont remember)...and i play for fun. i dont save replays...well only if is necesary (not your case though),i dont need to prove something here....i know what im capable of.but i will tell you again and hope for the last time '' you can counter everything in chf ...just use your f@king brain,and if you cant use your brain, well i think you should try other games (my sugestion is brickgame,mario or something like that).Added (11-Jul-2014, 3:28 PM)
windwalker with lighningchain-fork-tower-lvl3
pm me when you have time to play and maybe we can sync.
you have to pick those spell and i will show you how to counter this build.i will even play with noobs on my team.