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Ban uranos mh - Forum

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Ban uranos mh
hassanrizvi10Date: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 1:05 AM | Message # 1
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take action on yhis guy he got jammy along with hero his team matehave hero too

Added (16-Feb-2015, 1:05 AM)
this guy is map hacker

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 1:09 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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How is it hacks to mass pool for Jammy quick in mass?
It's still 3 heros...

I don't understand. By that point, most of mass is already over.
You can see Team 2 is already crushed by you and such.
Mass has pretty much ended. Why should we ban for something legit? lol

Added (16-Feb-2015, 1:09 AM)
And how is it hacks?
He got jammy to counter your d arrow.
This is perfectly valid move. Lol

Web-GhostDate: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 1:43 AM | Message # 3
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hassanrizvi10, listen good in maphack you get to see extra information
like you can see a hero in ww mode but cant kill it without scanning but you can see it
you can see the whole map.

imagine this your playing you are about to make a tot, somehow your enemy find out your about to make a tot without scan they get a mega beam cannon(the 2.7 scepter of shockwaves) and kill it than you can say maphack. cool

JaneFox2666Date: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 4:04 AM | Message # 4
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Hi hassanrizvi10

i dont get this. Whats happeing here?

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 12:13 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Quote JaneFox2666 ()
i dont get this. Whats happeing here?
I'll answer for you.
Nothing. Literally nothing

Hassan and his mates were going d arrow and team 1 to counter that at the end of mass bought a jammy.
Perfectly valid move.
In fact, this is literally the only counter to d arrow in mass. Although by that time, the d arrower if successfully executed pretty much won game (Cause you can already see Hassan's team destroyed mass)
On the flip note, I personally would rather get spell of negation item in mass.
Bigger aoe and cheaper and more effective xD

Basically, Hassan is calling for ban since he doesn't realize that d arrow ghouls can die... lol

F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 1:03 PM | Message # 6
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I don't understand, if you were in T3 how could you see spells of T1 ? I mean just look at the screenshot..

Added (16-Feb-2015, 1:03 PM)
Mm nothing, just the screenshot is pretty confusing. Same hero, same build but not same lvl

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