Quote l3lackownage (
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I think i heard of that debug cheat thing, idk how they do it, maybe type -debug? idk i think thats what it is, havent seen the replay.
you can use debug mode only if you have red color and specific username (Bond009, Vexslasher, StarWarz, Biga04.... and few other)Added (15-Jun-2016, 0:33 AM)
and you write -ffcc00 but whoever can write -kick and they kick you
Added (15-Jun-2016, 0:37 AM)
Quote PLus (
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Lol that's not me .. gagamel spoofed me @uswest and I only play on @useast
yeah he spoofed you... but main reason was keep ballance games (i am not joking)
Uranos spoofed few ClanHPMM members who are reserved and he joined full games and kicked players who were red and he make stupid modes (-ars mode, capture the flag mode, 6v6 across...)
it was reason why Gagamel spoofed your reserved account... he was able keep red slot and Uranos cant ruin game
the only one solution is remove reserved for EVERYONE (even for Bond and admins) so there will not be abusers anymore