World War III World Map
Bond009 | Date: Friday, 15-Oct-2010, 0:48 AM | Message # 1 |
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| World War III B.v.3.48 Created by Bond009
Map Preview
---------------------------- Created by: Bond009 ----------------------------
•World at War III World War 3 is an altered Melee map with No air units, No Locked Teams No food, Wood is only needed for upgrades! A permanent Ally is someone who you promise to remain allied to until the end of the game. You may only have one "Perm." When you are ready to declare war you may Attack the player you wish (smart ally will initiate the war) or you can use the Ally Interface (F11) Or use commands listed below.
•Other Credits: Started with BladeWarrior17's basic terrain layout many years ago. (extremely altered since then)
•Help Description
•Features: Includes all classic WW3 standards Can get up to 4 Heros Lots of commands to improve game play even sped up game play so its not slow pace! Able to control a limit on units of 100, 150, or no unit limit. Game options at Game start such as: - Start Ally/Enemies - Start with 10 min peace timer - Enable/Disable Nuke usage 12 player map able to ally and un-ally at will anytime 4 different ways My Banking System allows gold to be stored past 1 million and also interest to be gained while in bank. Made a Item Bag for carrying more items with your hero for quick use. Tons of new items and abilities, such as a bag of tree seeds, and the wisp ability to regrow anything. New Item recipe combos with the power Rune. More hero and unit balancing Ships for water wars Naga as a secret expensive race for more units and power. Nukes for mass destruction, it has a counter to keep from getting too powerful Ability to change races and/or be all of them (Its quite fun) "Code Red Emergency" on castles for one last stand to fight. Massive upgrades for units also lumber and gold gathering upgrades for all races. Able to make walls for protection to bases. stacking certain item charges A battle Cry on Heros to gather close by units around a hero to all take same orders the Hero does for a duration. Mass unit Move on castles, also a Mass Stop button (in case units become unresponsive) many towers to choose from with naga race. commands to location special important units. map is connected by water on the sides to act as a complete globe Too many features to list Play and Explore it all! Super fast load time, and very clean triggers (remade most all of them from when I first started this years ago) for smooth game play For more information on version changes, credits and other stuff see Map Info(F9) in-game or my site.
•Commands Host only aka Admin Commands: -Revote (brings up a voting window again to revote for Nukes) -book store (for a book store on the island off of Florida.. full of tomes to rais stats) -Water Wars (for a Ship Yard on the island off of Florida, Making so races can build war ships) -Water Wars Off (To remove above ship yard) -No Air (No Naga air units can be trained) -Nukes off (Makes Nukes not exist in the game) -Nukes on (Makes Nukes exist in the game again) -aa off (turns off the trigger that, If you manually attack an ally of yours, the both of you will automatically become enemies) -aa on ( turns back on the trigger that if you attack someone manually your both auto un-allied) -Remove lag (removes all dead bodies from the land and ext.) -Max lag (does a more deep Lag removal for long games, only use for Real bad lag.) -A New Hope (does a higher deep Lag removal for REALLY bad lag, only use if Really needed.) -money! (this code makes it so every unit killed, the owner of the killing unit gets 200 gold. *could make game run a little more laggy in some cases, and money is not given if killed with nukes*) -money! off (turns off the above code if you don't want it anymore or the game is lagging more than it otherwise would..) -FFA (Makes it a Free for all and makes everyone Unallied! make sure to call a vote if you want to use this one.) -Ally All (Makes everyone ally up.) -Gold Rush On (turns on the extra 6 gold mines that appear after 1 hour, must be typed before the hour is up to work.) -No Wait (Turns off the 10 min no rush timer, Note this command only works for the first 2 mins to prevent host from cheating and abusing it.) -Limit 100 (Can train 100 units that cost no food.) -Limit 150 (Can train 150 units that cost no food.) -Limit off (Can train unlimited units that cost no food.) -AI On (ONLY use if playing Single player, do NOT use on B.Net) Bank Admin Controls: -Interest On (or) -int on Turns on 1% Interest in the Bank *it on by default*.) -Interest Off (or) -int off Turns off 1% Interest in the Bank, so no Interest is made.) -Bank Off (Turns off the Bank and Interest in the Bank and also Disables Resource Trading Commands.) -Bank On (Turns on the Bank and Interest in the Bank and also Enables Resource Trading Commands.)
•Commands for All: -Find Naga (Will Ping in white where your Blue 100k Naga are on map) -Horse or -PH (Will Ping in white where your Pack Horses are on map) -Show MB (shows MultiBoard for playing skills) -count (Shows how many your total army, worker, and building amount is on map) -kill (Type kill then click the unit of yours you want killed, 'might have to double click the unit.') -full share (type to give full shared control to allies who already have unit control, or for just unit control press f11 and check share unit control. *if you type this read the note that displays on your screen*) -MS (shows all your hero's movement speeds) -zoom min (zooms screen in closer *can't see as much but might cause less lag for you) -zoom out (zooms out the screen a little more than normal.) -zoom max (zooms the screen out real far to see alot at once. *only real good computers should use this, to prevent lag*) (*Just scroll mouse wheel to reset to normal viewing or type -zoom*) Ally Commands: -Ally (Brings up a dialog window to choose a player to ally with, it will ally yourself to them, but they have to ally you back as well.) -Unally (Brings up a dialog window to choose a player to go to War with.) -Ally (color) (Typing -ally then a players color will ally that player matching that color) -Unally (color) (Typing -Unally then a players color will unally that player matching that color) Permanent Ally commands -PA (Brings up a dialog window to choose a player to Perm ally with, it will ask that player to ally you back as well, you will be each others perm ally if request is accepted) -Break (Will bring up a request to break perm alliances after a perm alliance has been made, if player leaves the PA will also be broken.) -Perm (Checks and shows you if you have a Perm Ally, if so, it shows you their name in color.) Bank Commands: -dg (Deposit Gold) for example.. type -dg 1000) -wg or -wd (Withdraw Gold) for example.. type -wg 1000) -Bank (Shows your current Gold in your Bank.) -W All (Withdraws all the gold from the bank) -Trade Gold (Trades Gold for Wood for the number you type after) for example.. type -Trade gold 100 (will then take 100 Gold away and give 100 Lumber to you) -Trade Wood (Trades Wood for Gold for the number you type after) for example.. type -Trade wood 100 (will then take 100 Lumber away and give 100 Gold to you)
•Key points * If you're a big WC3 fan I'm quite sure you'll have fun and love this * Most perfected and realistic Version of Classic WW3 thus far * I put a ton of work into this over the years, play it and check all the game detail out * Read F9 to learn a LOT more (This game has a lot of new stuff never before done) * Tons of commands to make game play better and customizable! * Check for more info on this game as well as others
Doodads: 2047 Regions: 42 Cameras: 3 Triggers: 446 variable: 90 sounds: 14 Total custom unit settings: 468 (not counting altered standard ones)
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ZiZi-____-ZiZi | Date: Saturday, 03-Aug-2013, 4:39 PM | Message # 2 |
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| World War III B.v.3.48 Created by Bond009
try to play, the game is fun, and you can build a strong defense : heavy Rochet launch tower!
host : random260 (host boot)
gl hf
CHF for life :) ^^
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a_chinese_kid | Date: Saturday, 03-Aug-2013, 4:42 PM | Message # 3 |
Robotic Ninja
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| It's a nuke bro. Jeez respect the power.
Random that's really dope that you are hosting this, bond better be giving you something in return
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ZiZi-____-ZiZi | Date: Saturday, 03-Aug-2013, 7:58 PM | Message # 4 |
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| Quote (a_chinese_kid) heavy Rochet launch tower You're right it's heavy nuke Click a button and the destruction of the world begins!
CHF for life :) ^^
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Random260 | Date: Saturday, 03-Aug-2013, 8:05 PM | Message # 5 |
 Head Administrator
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| Lol . The main reason why i am so hesitant with this is that it is filling garenas game list. It also reduces the chance of new chf players joining. Also in garena theres a max of 20 games per gamelist and we nearly cracked that. However it isn't helping witching ucw brining 5 host bots to garena..... And one of them footmen frenzy which we already have ... . So less chance of people joining a Custom Hero Footies bot as it is.. So all in all I predict the hostbot to be dead and not fast filling in 5 months or so. Due to the fact that more and more hostbot to come in and ucw planning to bring more hostbots .
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 04-Aug-2013, 7:36 AM | Message # 6 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Dont waste time on other maps just make 4.1 pls
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O_o]-PrincipV | Date: Sunday, 04-Aug-2013, 8:43 AM | Message # 7 |
![O_o]-PrincipV](/avatar/65/1224-028133.jpg) Grunt
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| Quote (Adam_CZ) Dont waste time on other maps just make 4.1 pls haha
Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
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a_chinese_kid | Date: Sunday, 04-Aug-2013, 8:34 PM | Message # 8 |
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
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| Dont waste time on other maps just make 4.1 pls
This is an old game so shut yo pie hole
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Bond009 | Date: Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 5:38 PM | Message # 9 |
 Overall Site Owner
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| lol yeah i started making this in like 2005 or earlier
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Adam_CZ | Date: Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 5:40 PM | Message # 10 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| but today i saw firstime this map on Garena btw (that reason why i thought this map is new)
Message edited by Adam_CZ - Monday, 05-Aug-2013, 5:40 PM |
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