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Ban bomb by maphack detector
stoogeDate: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013, 12:59 PM | Message # 31
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Add olympique10 the dude kept fogclicking my footmen and hero.

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Saturday, 23-Feb-2013, 1:01 PM
a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013, 8:24 PM | Message # 32
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Quote (lspiderl)
moved and stickied .... but as a sticky lets keep it clean guys

thx btw maybe we can idk keep this open but make a new thread in the ban section with the maphack ban list. you dont have to make it but someone should, maybe make a temporary ban thread too
2DaYuDiEDate: Monday, 25-Feb-2013, 5:22 PM | Message # 33
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username: SwE[-LucanO

CouDate: Monday, 25-Feb-2013, 9:19 PM | Message # 34
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lol I knew lucano was mh. One time I brought wards with mass tp and i revealed his base with rat and all of sudden he was piling wizards, jammies, newt, shaman and even brought dispel satchels without reveal on my base as soon as I buy god wards. especially being the last team lawl. But they couldnt dispel once I casted druids and mass tp.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 25-Feb-2013, 11:19 PM | Message # 35
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Quote (Cou)
lol I knew lucano was mh. One time I brought wards with mass tp and i revealed his base with rat and all of sudden he was piling wizards, jammies, newt, shaman and even brought dispel satchels without reveal on my base as soon as I buy god wards. especially being the last team lawl. But they couldnt dispel once I casted druids and mass tp.
Just think like this

So dont ban them plz
I need competition :P

Technically, if u consider top 10 for those who dont maphack
I wont even be surprised if chinese.kid is one of them cause almost everyone maphacks
Only ppl like me still dont freaking maphack. I shuld....then i could literally go top 1 in chf..xD

2DaYuDiEDate: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013, 11:12 AM | Message # 36
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
So dont ban them plz I need competition :P

RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013, 11:16 AM | Message # 37
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (2DaYuDiE)
So dont ban them plz I need competition :Pwtf
   Well...chf bots nvr start without spanish speakers joining in..
and if all those spanish speaking players are banned from playing chf...
chf will go extinct again

Currently, the only chf players in chf-bot are majority maphackers
U take them out...and game nvr starts -.-

a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013, 12:46 PM | Message # 38
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
I wont even be surprised if chinese.kid is one of them cause almost everyone maphacks

xd on top of that all of the good players who don't maphack left.. I 300% guarantee everyones skill level has gone down since the days where there was actual competition.. even cou. Well technically your skill level has gone up in different ways but the actual skill level you used to have used to be a lot higher.. now its you playing the game without killing them in the first 15 minutes
2DaYuDiEDate: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013, 1:01 PM | Message # 39
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Currently, the only chf players in chf-bot are majority maphackers U take them out...and game nvr starts -.-
the reason many people quit the game is because no1 takes care of maphackers, and it takes out the fun of alot of people

even tho u are so amazingly pro that u can beat all the maphackers, you shouldnt let mh go unpunished, or evryone will start using it

RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013, 11:20 PM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (2DaYuDiE)
even tho u are so amazingly pro that u can beat all the maphackers, you shouldnt let mh go unpunished, or evryone will start using it
They seem to lose to me like 9 times in every 10 games so uhmmm

Maphackers arent problem for me
The problem is the freakign mass pooling stackers who also mass feed and keep tt/thoring u

Added (2013-02-27, 0:20 AM)

Quote (a_chinese_kid)
I 300% guarantee everyones skill level has gone down since the days where there was actual competition.. even cou
My skill has 300% gone up because I started playing ladder and started abusing items I never used before
Plus, my reaction speed nowadays are much higher than last year.

Just last year when me, sound, bik vsed clan tDt
I had average apm of 80
Now, my apm can go anywhere from 100 to 280s depending on the game I play allowing me to abuse more units/spells in a given amount of time

and chinesekid...
the skill level in chf has DRASTICALLY gone up since to win maphackers, mass stackers, mass feeders, mass annoying tters/thorers, u really need to outsmart enemy in reaction speed
I can even blink thors sent from another base without even dusting the enemy
And Im having more frequent cases where i save my allies hero when they are exactly below 10 hp and a bolt is coming mid air
Games gone harder chinesekid...alot harder. Even I find myself going through ALOT of challenges...... Those maphackers and mass maimers with stacked team are so difficult to beat that I highly doubt that anyone who isnt as good as me can win majority of games alone

a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013, 11:56 PM | Message # 41
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
the skill level in chf has DRASTICALLY gone up since to win maphackers, mass stackers, mass feeders, mass annoying tters/thorers, u really need to outsmart enemy in reaction speed

Just cause they have tools doesn't mean the players are better.

honestly stop with the apm you prove literally 2% of someones skill level.
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
started playing ladder

good for you. When I say peoples skills are going down because the good players are gone you cant use different variables that are only related to you. Of course there will be select few that have gotten better but the majority of players have gone down.

There were stackers plenty every year this was out, the balances were 100% worse then today and people didn't know all the builds. People tried new things it wasn't rock paper scissors like it is today where if someone chooses aoe you choose blank and if they choose that then you choose this. maphack honestly makes a difference but if you are better that crap wont do anything for them.
Osetinas7171Date: Wednesday, 27-Feb-2013, 1:16 PM | Message # 42
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WolfGang16 <---- MapHack
O_o]-PrincipVDate: Thursday, 28-Feb-2013, 0:52 AM | Message # 43
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Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
i-connectDate: Thursday, 28-Feb-2013, 1:18 AM | Message # 44
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
honestly stop with the apm you prove literally 2% of someones skill level.
TangerineSkyDate: Thursday, 28-Feb-2013, 4:31 AM | Message # 45
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
I had average apm of 80Now, my apm can go anywhere from 100 to 280s depending on the game I play allowing me to abuse more units/spells in a given amount of time

Added (2013-02-28, 5:31 AM)

Quote (i-connect)
Quote (a_chinese_kid)honestly stop with the apm you prove literally 2% of someones skill level.
 you spam click *clap clap* you still suck from what ive seen

Message edited by TangerineSky - Thursday, 28-Feb-2013, 4:29 AM
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