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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

just a thought - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
just a thought
are you sick of the standard 5.4 foots layout?
1. yes [ 3 ] [20.00%]
2. no [ 12 ] [80.00%]
Answers total: 15
demitriDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 7:53 AM | Message # 1
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would be cool if you knocked down all the walls so you wouldnt have to walk across the middle to attack a base. this would also keep enemy heros from attacking you on your march.


ÜberGeekDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 10:11 AM | Message # 2
Mr. Löwenstein
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"are you sick of the standard 5.4 foots layout?"

O yes
O no
O wilz is not sexy

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
Alex[STAR]Date: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 11:32 AM | Message # 3
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Quote (ÜberGeek)
O yes
O no
1 wilz is not sexy

FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 2:21 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Could you please stop creating 459609485968 polls ?

Bond009Date: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 5:00 PM | Message # 5
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what more can you expect from masta killa? aside from dumb ass polls that no one cares about lol

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 8:23 PM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (Fir)
Could you please stop creating 459609485968 polls ?
a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2012, 10:42 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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i don't exactly discourage of poll making at least its something to follow and its nice to see peoples opinion
2DaYuDiEDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2012, 8:40 AM | Message # 8
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if u remove the walls, where will the hero taverns and skill shops be? also, this would make the game completely f@!ked up...

Bond009Date: Thursday, 09-Feb-2012, 4:52 PM | Message # 9
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yea its probably best as it is now.. if teams could attack their side neighbors without going to middle i think that would make the game pretty different, t3 could go attack t4 while t1 and t2 dont have a clue and they could go fight t4 while t1 goes there down the side lane too while no one knowing the fight is already going on making it unfair for t4 in this situation, also it would take away perks from mass tp (element of surprise and stealth attacks) also it would give mh'ers another big advantage

a_chinese_kidDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2012, 6:16 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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lol maybe have a mode with random portal sends that will change like every minute on where it sends you idk it could be fun "just for fun" but other wise id not think it matters on the layout
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2012, 9:06 PM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (Bond009)
what more can you expect from masta killa?

masta wouldnt suggest something this stupid tho >.<. he has some pretty stupid ideas but this def isnt one.
TrixxareforkidsDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2012, 9:57 PM | Message # 12
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a_chinese_kidDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2012, 11:27 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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who gives a f*ck who it is all i know is they keep the forums alive and they aren't breaking rules.

no one forces you to check this forum beans and no one gives a crap about the latest update on clan chfg or how you and reaper planned another sausage fest no one gives a f*ck.
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Friday, 10-Feb-2012, 0:39 AM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
reaper planned another sausage fest no one gives a f*ck.

one message in the thread about chfg.

Added (2012-02-10, 1:39 AM)

Quote (a_chinese_kid)
no one forces you to check this forum beans and no one gives a crap about the latest update on clan chfg

one update and that was correcting you on saying ultra was the best sham.
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