Mass music
Dragon-Hawk | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 6:30 AM | Message # 1 |
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| Ok so when mass starts the music starts aswell and people with 25 codes or more and change it into something else and if u changed the mass music maybe u can put some eminem ir tupac in there in my opinion this music is giving me a headache and i find it quite annoying now that i heard it everytime i play -.-
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AL_GI | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 7:35 AM | Message # 2 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Yes the music at mass is kind of annoying
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katriel7 | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 10:02 AM | Message # 3 |
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| i have another problem when i type -music i cant listen the other music for example the default music is on but i type -music and pick tragic confrontation... i cant listen nothing is like i mute the sound,, why its happening? Bond009?
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Bond009 | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 2:17 PM | Message # 4 |
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| the mass music is changing
Quote katriel7 (  ) i have another problem when i type -music i cant listen the other music for example the default music is on but i type -music and pick tragic confrontation... i cant listen nothing is like i mute the sound,, why its happening? Bond009?
not sure why this would be happening maybe play around with your wc3 settings in options
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AL_GI | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 4:08 PM | Message # 5 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Quote katriel7 (  ) have another problem when i type -music i cant listen the other music for example the default music is on but i type -music and pick tragic confrontation... i cant listen nothing is like i mute the sound,, why its happening? Bond009? Turn on your speakers
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Random260 | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 6:36 PM | Message # 6 |
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| Better be ziz music... Anything else is a F. Only thing I am really into in 4.1 the mass music.
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katriel7 | Date: Monday, 17-Mar-2014, 7:52 PM | Message # 7 |
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| idk what is hppening bond but i cant listen it... what about w3c options?
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Ticklemonster | Date: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2014, 4:46 AM | Message # 8 |
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| kat, the other music types are very quiet, change the music and turn your speakers up lots and you will hear it. usually cant hear th other music at mass because of all the footmen fighting and spells etc making sfx noises.
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ic3dt3a | Date: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2014, 5:44 AM | Message # 9 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| will there be some twerking music?
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Dragon-Hawk | Date: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2014, 5:51 AM | Message # 10 |
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| Haha put some gansta rap
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AL_GI | Date: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2014, 4:00 PM | Message # 11 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Good idea
Call me "GOD”
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katriel7 | Date: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2014, 11:23 PM | Message # 12 |
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| or music when someone get darks tier
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