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Look this !
Osetinas7171Date: Saturday, 19-Oct-2013, 4:06 PM | Message # 61
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Name in that replay you told in private for secret space "falta yefer no hay" or something like this. Roy you raped and  .
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Saturday, 19-Oct-2013, 4:45 PM | Message # 62
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
First of all, we didn't took bk spells like death tower instead my allies got 2 transmute. Then it's called "-pool off" mode. Our unorganized team got between 25 000 / 30 000 gold. This game was a bit long because we didn't really tried to end that game quickly.
We were several to give time zone to vs each other. It's just USELESS to spam in troll box because we aren't checking troll box every 5 minutes.

PS : I just understood 5% of what you said, please try to improve your English just a bit.
Everyone can change his ip with proxy so country means nothing.

????  You said it yourself ITS ALLIES   is nice VS 1FTL NAME USE RULES ???
- Obviously no effort to not know what to do
- oh i look replay why tremur give fed ? or never attack space-princ and name
- trol box is is i laugh just to see a couple of idiots and I see that is increasing
- i give 1 present :  why lose in minute 6 vs stack  me pubs ?? are you sure you can win A FTLX3???
-and do not be an idiot I'll Searching for Fish waste time to change my ip programs never use as ulti xtransmu  lose time  me > U

Added (2013-10-19, 5:45 PM)
Quote Osetinas7171 ()
Name in that replay you told in private for secret space "falta yefer no hay" or something like this. Roy you raped and  .
if I saw it yeferzon perhaps because he is the only ally and my opponent to absolutely no one else or want rmk 1 vs 1?? answers and not shirk   oh i remenber u are loser

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Saturday, 19-Oct-2013, 4:46 PM
Osetinas7171Date: Saturday, 19-Oct-2013, 4:53 PM | Message # 63
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go 4 your self with 1x1
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Sunday, 20-Oct-2013, 2:06 PM | Message # 64
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Hello sweet fan,

Don't tell garbage to me ! With you, I really gonna reach top-level discussions. Do me a favour and don't look down on me with your senseless sentences.

So now, just let me follow your illiterate logic. That Game was clearly 1 TAS vs 3 FTL. I soloed your whole clan and that was pretty easy. I couldn't end your team shortly because it's was « -pool off » mode.

« i give 1 present (not so old as yours) : why lose vs stack me pubs ?? are you sure you can win 1 TAS WITH FTLX3 ??? »
Look at AccCreate build it's pretty funny^^

Just try to improve your english. You know, I was checking  your profile – 5 min ago – (to find what's wrong with your english) then I just discovered that you were a 25 years old dewd. I felt sorry for him because during 1 year I just got the feeling to speak with a childish of 8 years old mental age...

I gonna save your times by posting your favourite links :
Don't be mad, Don't be sad, You are what you are, Just deals with it !

PS : You haven't found a better replay ? This replay (EFB-BOT) is as old as my greatmother... You are so funny because you
was fully stacked, i made a really bad mass and the other teams was passiv.

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

Message edited by F00ty_R3b0rn - Sunday, 20-Oct-2013, 2:10 PM
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Sunday, 20-Oct-2013, 2:52 PM | Message # 65
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- old replay i remenber team rexarnoob = apf-walter , unstoppable apf-menber , footy-reborn apf member . You can see that even in speaking are a stupid ?
- I just saw the replay and I realized that all focus on me until 30 minutes and I have lvl16 and his team 15-13 - 14 important?? note the large difference

-sure one not so old here we can see that you are a stupid orc Katriel juegaron  very well and you ruined his game by asking pool u and did absolutely nothing

-true replay I have a few more of you there are not many. and I do not mean to be good ,but that great quantities of excuses you were saying

ejm : i lagg  - bad mass  -  corner mass  brb  , i study , I'm tired . see their sad reality please

oh i remenber that in these days you lost against my 2-1 do not hit replay just because respect for cou , yesterday returned to lose

you are no match for mi just another pile of garbage more

English certainly when you see something interesting to talk I start talking English, but to respond to things that are not worth it as you will leave to-google translator

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Sunday, 20-Oct-2013, 2:59 PM
MrDark_DevilDate: Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 8:45 AM | Message # 66
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smile n!Ce  devil

Added (2013-10-21, 9:44 AM)

Quote MrDark_Devil ()
  omg i did not post this here  wacko

Added (2013-10-21, 9:45 AM)

Quote SecreT-Name- ()

courtesy of : [-FTL-]RoyStom and [SecreT]-Name-

Was a tough game, but in the end we won with the ring..

Game time : 1 hours 50 minutes ..

we destroy 4 bases dark and 5 , 8ks towers

tongue ,, n!Ce

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
a_chinese_kidDate: Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 2:34 PM | Message # 67
Robotic Ninja
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Quote MrDark_Devil ()
Added (2013-10-21, 9:44 AM)
Quote MrDark_Devil ()
  omg i did not post this here 
Added (2013-10-21, 9:45 AM)
Quote SecreT-Name- ()

courtesy of : [-FTL-]RoyStom and [SecreT]-Name-

Was a tough game, but in the end we won with the ring..

Game time : 1 hours 50 minutes ..

we destroy 4 bases dark and 5 , 8ks towers

,, n!Ce

Since I'm not here does that mean I'm on the naughty list? :/ Have you checked your list twice?
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 4:15 PM | Message # 68
Group: Clan Members
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Quote \[-FTL-\]RoyStoM
- old replay i remenber team rexarnoob = apf-walter , unstoppable apf-menber , footy-reborn apf member . You can see that even in speaking are a stupid ?  - I just saw the replay and I realized that all focus on me until 30 minutes and I have lvl16 and his team 15-13 - 14 important?? note the large difference  -sure one not so old here we can see that you are a stupid orc Katriel juegaron  very well and you ruined his game by asking pool u and did absolutely nothing  -true replay I have a few more of you there are not many. and I do not mean to be good ,but that great quantities of excuses you were saying  ejm : i lagg  - bad mass  -  corner mass  brb  , i study , I'm tired . see their sad reality please  oh i remenber that in these days you lost against my 2-1 do not hit replay just because respect for cou , yesterday returned to lose  you are no match for mi just another pile of garbage more  English certainly when you see something interesting to talk I start talking English, but to respond to things that are not worth it as you will leave to-google translator


Since when I'm a part of APF team ? I have to recognize that You are a fanatic creativ kid.

Do you have more shitty replay for me ? Orcs metalica took donation, played alone and did horrible strategic choice. This is the ONLY reason why we lost.

If you really had respect for Cou, you wouldn't post those sentences. But the real reason is that those games were 3 vs 2 with unbalanced teams. So Feel free to post them !

You know, I though Google translator was better than this ! And I was right... It's just that you can't even write sentences in spanish without grammatical mistake^^

Sorry - I shouldn't say this because It's bad to criticize mentally handicapped person - but each time you post something you crack me up^^. Anyway when I try to have a conversation with you I got the feeling to speak with a goldenfish.

Advice : Don't answer you gonna be even more ridiculous^^

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 5:19 PM | Message # 69
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
please feel identified

Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Since when I'm a part of APF team ? I have to recognize that You are a fanatic creativ kid.
I believed a lie of other people

Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Do you have more shitty replay for me ? Orcs metalica took donation, played alone and did horrible strategic choice. This is the ONLY reason why we lost.
you do not help matters allies throughout the game did not realize? 

Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
If you really had respect for Cou, you wouldn't post those sentences. But the real reason is that those games were 3 vs 2 with unbalanced teams. So Feel free to post them !
the same 2 vs 3 when I lost one

Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Sorry - I shouldn't say this because It's bad to criticize mentally handicapped person - but each time you post something you crack me up^^. Anyway when I try to have a conversation with you I got the feeling to speak with a goldenfish.

oh that good, however I hear all have mental problems or so I hear absolutely everyone

- by the way I saw that there was a time to look at the profile, yesterday I did the same thing and see how idiot it can be a person to put in chf apm 2090

- want to see how your apm collapses??? Play me 1 vs 1 and compare your micro macro vs. mine 

- will see sadly that is not going to pass the level 3 and get at least 500 gold will quit going to realize that all their efforts to look good is going away like water through your hands

Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Advice : Don't answer you gonna be even more ridiculous^^
just want to hear: if I accept I will win - NO acept I feel fear as others prefer to ignore this to make a fool AJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ 

say yes or no and not waste my time pls
Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 5:29 PM | Message # 70
Group: Clan Members
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Roy mom: - Doctor what disease he is suffering from?
Doctor FrenchBaguette: - Fucking delusionism victim
Doctor FrenchBaguette: - Give me signature. With rape i can heal him well.
Roy mom: - but i dont have enough money for that procedure.
Doctor FrenchBaguette: - Its cost alot.. but you can come at my house tonight so we can make big deal..
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 5:53 PM | Message # 71
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you are a failure Osetina not waste your time

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Monday, 21-Oct-2013, 5:54 PM
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Tuesday, 22-Oct-2013, 2:01 PM | Message # 72
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Quote \[-FTL-\]RoyStoM
I believed a lie of other people

Lol you believe all what you heard ? F$cking sheep ! (I won't waste my time like you did to quote all your senseless sentences instead I will summurize)

Roystom ----> 10 IQ crazy

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Tuesday, 22-Oct-2013, 6:24 PM | Message # 73
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Lol te crees todo lo que has oído? F $ ovejas cking! (No voy a perder mi tiempo como lo hizo para citar todas sus frases sin sentido en vez voy a summurize) Roystom ----> 10 IQ

obviously not going to waste time in saying yes or no. because you're another fear failure  

last response I will not waste time Talking with noobs
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 23-Oct-2013, 3:52 AM | Message # 74
Robotic Ninja
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Roy you dont know you can change hero "Panda" for hero "Paladin" ??? And you call other players noobs? You raped by noobs yesterday because you thought you cant pick ultimate spell rofl:
FireHartDate: Wednesday, 23-Oct-2013, 10:57 AM | Message # 75
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O snap he pulled the noob card, got played back with a how come u don't know ___________ and u call other people noobs card 

great game smile

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