SEASON 2 [-FTL-]roystom [-FTL-]Yeferzon [-FTL-]broly
ic3dt3a | Date: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 11:44 AM | Message # 16 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Black arrows, full stacked team and mass pool VS noobs who are playing in random teams. Of course its very easy get tier 5 in few minutes. But what happen if Roystom pick black arrows vs good players?
most ironic sentence ever
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 7:02 PM | Message # 17 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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| Quote attackers2012 (  ) Mrdarkdevil 12min darks TRashs
Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Black arrows, full stacked team and mass pool VS noobs who are playing in random teams. Of course its very easy get tier 5 in few minutes. But what happen if Roystom pick black arrows vs good players? 1)
Especially second replay is funny. Roystom and Yeferzon had 2 hero mass and Roystom picked black arrows. And they only feed team 4 so enemies get darks while Roy had only tier 3. team vs team i easy make dark , forget you in those game was ruining it?
Quote FirNesS (  ) Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()is smarter than to say, but no matter may follow barking Can someone translate this into English? you and all stink
Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Roystom dont use "english". He just type something in spanish language, then copy + paste in google translator. He said he is studying university but i dont trust him because every student on university (its not important where - Peru, France or for example Czech republic) need good english. I really have not the slightest interest in you think if I study or not because your life will always be a troll
you are neither average player do not understand that arguments can speak?
stinky evade one rookie
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Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 10:35 PM | Message # 18 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Its really possibe in Peru study university without any english language knowledge?
Roy please dont excuse about this second replay. I saw you and Yeferzon have 2 hero mass and you picked black arrows. I wanted make this game ballance so i bought 4 rats (instead hero) and silenced you during mass thats all. When mass end you were still higher level than all your enemies.
And how many times you said FTL Roystom & FTL YeFerzon autowin vs world ?
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Adam_CZ | Date: Friday, 20-Jun-2014, 11:07 AM | Message # 19 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Today I have free day so I was playing few games under alt... one of them was against FTL Broly (he was playing under account "_MwwM_") and he picked black arrows + he asked his allies for mass pool.....
it was very easy win for me and this noob was only feeding all.... you can watch replay and you will see i am still best HK with druids and never fail (even if i dont have time play CHF only 2-3 games per week)
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Friday, 20-Jun-2014, 11:47 PM | Message # 20 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Today I have free day so I was playing few games under alt... one of them was against FTL Broly (he was playing under account "_MwwM_") and he picked black arrows + he asked his allies for mass pool..... it was very easy win for me and this noob was only feeding all.... you can watch replay and you will see i am still best HK with druids and never fail (even if i dont have time play CHF only 2-3 games per week)
broly alone ( using this newly arrow ) vs world is nice you use alt vs broly ?? adam u dont deleted wc ??? u promise never play chf ?? again liar , get life pls adam you will remain a player low level
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Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 21-Jun-2014, 4:56 AM | Message # 21 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| FTL Broly vs world? All teams random noobs who dont know each other. Try some better excuse please. Do you remember game FTL Roystom + FTL Yeferzon (black arrows) vs Adam_CZ?
Adam_CZ win again:
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SecreT-Name- | Date: Monday, 23-Jun-2014, 10:41 AM | Message # 22 |
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Monday, 23-Jun-2014, 4:14 PM | Message # 23 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) FTL Broly vs world? All teams random noobs who dont know each other. Try some better excuse please. Do you remember game FTL Roystom + FTL Yeferzon (black arrows) vs Adam_CZ? Adam_CZ win again: boring i post replay rmk
i again arrow and rush you lose minute 09 remenber ???
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 27-Jul-2014, 6:48 PM | Message # 24 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| [-FTL-]Adam darks minute 12
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Sunday, 27-Jul-2014, 9:25 PM | Message # 25 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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| WTF ????
why make ftl f*k*n , s*n of*b**ch
i remenber crywaves request ban acc :
cou pls ban ip ftl-adam can ruin the reputation
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Cou | Date: Sunday, 27-Jul-2014, 10:17 PM | Message # 26 |
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| Ok when i get home from work as its been fairly requested
Legendary Team All Starz pack:
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Sunday, 27-Jul-2014, 11:03 PM | Message # 27 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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| Quote Cou (  ) Ok when i get home from work as its been fairly requested that's good news for me CX
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Adam_CZ | Date: Monday, 28-Jul-2014, 1:29 AM | Message # 28 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Cou show me please (give link) this rule which say i cant make acc whatever I want? Because it was not spoofing. Yes I agree you can ban spoofers. If i will make for example account [-FTL-]Roystom you can ban me.
But i am not spoofer. I can play under acc [-FTL-]Adam If i want and Roystom cant ban me. There is not rule which allow you ban me. For example I will make account tDT_Adam and Cheesy, JST4X or Monster will not ask you ban me. I can also make account [APF]-Adam if i want.
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Cou | Date: Monday, 28-Jul-2014, 4:43 AM | Message # 29 |
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| I've been fair to you Adam, now I need to be fair for someone else. FTL is a proper team just like TAS, tdt and apf. If you declare yourself apart of their team and they say they don't want you in it, for obvious reasons, then you shouldn't play under that name. TDT don't care if you play as TDT_Adam, I don't care if you play as TAS_Adam but if FTL report it because they are an official team, then it needs to be done.
Just because it's not written in the rule book doesn't mean I can't do anything about it. When it's causing problems then I have to fix it, correct? When I helped you out, you said you will not cause anymore problems.
Legendary Team All Starz pack:
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Adam_CZ | Date: Monday, 28-Jul-2014, 5:10 AM | Message # 30 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| And If i will make [APF]-Roystom can i play under this account until Walter or Cesar will not report me?
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