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GG Inhouse lol
Cyray@USEASTDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 12:46 PM | Message # 16
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
I was watching this replay from Cyray today (first 10-15 minutes) and i saw Cyray took donation. The most retarded spell in game. You dont need any skill for play donation. You are getting gold for staying in your base and doing NOTHING.

I would say defending your base from 9 people who have druids, divine shield, flame strike, aoe, vengeance, tons of creeps (newts, golems, wizard, priest), auras, and other hk spells takes skill.

Obviously clicking the "donation" button doesn't take skill, but winning with donation is not as simple as you make it sound.

You have to always have divine nets ready, micro your units and zeppelins and towers, defend your base with Jammys to dispel, rats to silence, blanks to counter silence, and frost towers to stun, doing all this without having a good ultimate (since donation is a non-combat spell). And finally you have to have good end-game knowledge to understand how to close out the game.

Picking donation does not mean you automatically win.

If donation was that OP and easy to win with, then it would be even more popular than vengeance tech, but the fact is winning with donation against good players does take skill. Good players like my lover Cou can destroy people who pick donation, if they don't know how to turtle well. Turtling against vengeance tech and late game dshield aoe is actually really freaking difficult

name: james mcgovern

Message edited by Cyray@USEAST - Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 12:51 PM
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 12:47 PM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
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I was alone? brain much?

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Cyray@USEASTDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 12:56 PM | Message # 18
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Anyway good job. There was like 5-6 best current CHF players and TDT win.

Thank you.

Added (29-Oct-2015, 12:56 PM)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
And for Cyray: Orge lord is really useless hero but why paladin? Paladin for me top hero. In fact Paladin is Captain Bond without blink...

3 melee heroes = you can't kill enemy healing wards or deadly wards so your mass is lost automatically

name: james mcgovern
lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 1:28 PM | Message # 19
Zombie Pirate
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I watched the replay and I have to admit it was good 
T2 knew from the start you guys had donation, t1 knew but they couldn't do much
T4 on the other found out about it after like 30min of the game (they tried the hardest to kill it)
(27:11 / Allied) IronWoman: dono?
(27:16 / Allied) BRONK4: oik
(27:17 / Allied) d-._.-b: no idea
(27:18 / Allied) BRONK4: ok
Also the fact that your donation started late and you still won is amazing (your ally killed most of your donation in the beginning) 
I don't think anyone used troll batriders to destroy the zepplins because there were times when your zeps were together
For some reason the match felt like a 9v3 to me
Everyone towered in your base, they aimed for your cannon
Every minute you'd have druids in your base but they failed most of the time (which was fun to watch)
T1 did have the advantage but for some reason they didn't do anything
T4 tried really hard and I think you guys were only worried about t4 because they kept on killing some of your donation 
All 3 teams fed each other but still couldn't do anything 
In the end after you used your penguins, all you needed to do was use demolishers and get a night terror (which for some reason was satisfying)
You left t1 defenseless (they couldn't do anything to mass spell breakers)
So yeah I'd say this was a pretty good replay
Well played
Hope to see more replays like these
I'd also love to have a game with you guys (again)

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
Cyray@USEASTDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 1:36 PM | Message # 20
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Quote lotrrotk ()
I don't think anyone used troll batriders to destroy the zepplins because there were times when your zeps were together

They did buy many batriders but they ran out of gold later on so they stopped buying more.

name: james mcgovern
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 1:57 PM | Message # 21
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Cyray@USEAST ()
I would say defending your base from 9 people who have druids, divine shield, flame strike, aoe, vengeance, tons of creeps (newts, golems, wizard, priest), auras, and other hk spells takes skill.Obviously clicking the "donation" button doesn't take skill, but winning with donation is not as simple as you make it sound.

You have to always have divine nets ready, micro your units and zeppelins and towers, defend your base with Jammys to dispel, rats to silence, blanks to counter silence, and frost towers to stun, doing all this without having a good ultimate (since donation is a non-combat spell). And finally you have to have good end-game knowledge to understand how to close out the game.

Picking donation does not mean you automatically win.

Ok i need admit this is true.

Quote Cyray@USEAST ()
3 melee heroes = you can't kill enemy healing wards or deadly wards so your mass is lost automatically

True. But i remember long time ago TDT always picked serpent ward. These snakes are best spell for mass and you can attack healing or deadly ward with them even with melee hero.
Cyray@USEASTDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 2:23 PM | Message # 22
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
True. But i remember long time ago TDT always picked serpent ward. These snakes are best spell for mass and you can attack healing or deadly ward with them even with melee hero.

Yes, but in this game we had no serpent wards sad so we lose mass hard with 3 melee heroes and our pub ally not pooling.

name: james mcgovern
[-FTL-]YeferZonDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 5:45 PM | Message # 23
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Those who call themselves professionals and good players lost against tdt team that was with only 2 jajajajajjajajaja members. taunt
Now the time grabbing FTL team had only two members (Royston and yeferson) to play against tdt with 3 members (TRASH xnoobster,trash cheesy-gordita and trash Jst4x) and despite being just 2 then we feel real fear firsthand the tdt. Now we have the last player we needed,         You have no absolute advantage now   tdt .  vinsent

Psdt: victory is to win the game, not to win the masses with full AOE.
Damn disgusting garbage  ,tdt use the brain thing shit like you do not have . ALL FUCK NERDS.  fuck fuck fuck

3 TDT VS 3 FTL = WIN FTL EZ GAME                                                                                      TDT
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 29-Oct-2015, 5:59 PM | Message # 24
Robotic Ninja
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Quote [-FTL-]YeferZon ()
Those who call themselves professionals and good players lost against tdt team that was with only 2 jajajajajjajajaja members.
Now the time grabbing FTL team had only two members (Royston and yeferson) to play against tdt with 3 members (TRASH xnoobster,trash cheesy-gordita and trash Jst4x) and despite being just 2 then we feel real fear firsthand the tdt. Now we have the last player we needed,         You have no absolute advantage now   tdt . 

Psdt: victory is to win the game, not to win the masses with full AOE.
Damn disgusting garbage  ,tdt use the brain thing shit like you do not have . ALL FUCK NERDS. 

3 TDT VS 3 FTL = WIN FTL EZ GAME          

Uhmm, Yeferzon, I think you are a bit out of context.
I wouldn't really consider anyone in that game 'good players' much less 'professionals'. I don't even think they call themselves that.

It was just a regular CHF game renamed as "GG Inhouse lol" to grab attention.

Anyways, I only commented because of your language. Please re-edit your rather derogatory words. It is forum rules.
Also, I think you (by mistake from google translate) just stated that you fear tDt instead of tDt fearing you.

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Friday, 30-Oct-2015, 1:26 AM | Message # 25
Robotic Ninja
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Quote [-FTL-]YeferZon ()
Those who call themselves professionals and good players lost against tdt team that was with only 2 jajajajajjajajaja members. Now the time grabbing FTL team had only two members (Royston and yeferson) to play against tdt with 3 members (TRASH xnoobster,trash cheesy-gordita and trash Jst4x) and despite being just 2 then we feel real fear firsthand the tdt. Now we have the last player we needed,         You have no absolute advantage now   tdt . 

Psdt: victory is to win the game, not to win the masses with full AOE.
Damn disgusting garbage  ,tdt use the brain thing shit like you do not have . ALL FUCK NERDS. 


I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
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