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Bond009Date: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 1:23 PM | Message # 91
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Quote (|APF|-Cesar)
Ya sabia que algo asi sucederia , q tiene q ver bloodruids ¿? , su ip , los q jugamos fuimos nostros 3 Nexsus , Pablee y yo , ahora no me extraña q si pierden nuevamente un team del ombuserver contra los de otro server , pongan excusas similares , ya sea por los ips o por q cierto team le favorecio , por eso las reglas de este torneo son muy malas , no devian haber teams urbanos , por q pasara lo mismo en todas las partidas , ahora si un team del ombuserver reclama diciendo de los ips o q un team los favorece tu crees haran tanto escandalo?
Q pasaria si tu team es el q se alimenta de un team noob? , lo darias por justo ¿ miren mis replay si lo tienes , siempre voy a una base ni bien salgo
Nuestro team no se opone a jugarles un rmk , pero parece q los jueces ya dieron su opinion , de todas maneras si quieres igual les jugamos , ademas esta es la 3ra ves q juego contra ti y la 3ra vez q te gano .
bueno respecto a las Ips en Peru los Ips coinciden son muy parecidos , por lo tanto siempre tendremos esos problemas Ollanta , Roystom , Principe , bloodruids … noc se cuantos mas

no this is all bullshit and you know it as well as i do all you guys have different IPs roystom and those guys had an ip starting with and [APF]-TENEBROSO has, etc.. now you are just making excuses like everyone did last night talking to cyray when they told him different excuses every 10 mins and the story changed constantly..

What pisses me off the most is you accuse us of being racist? and being bias about the game?? I can tell you right now im not racist and we would have called out the same bullshit if someone in the US or any other country did that and had a insane close IP and allowed feed to happen so easily pre mass like that. Trust me.

Its easy to feed without it "looking like it" when was in game 1 time in an inhouse and 9000 wasnt on my team she fed my team sometimes if she knows it wont matter becuase the team winning is so far ahead of the other 3, and shes not stupid she feeds in such a way that it looks like shes also trying to kill us nova'ing and bolting etc.. she'll try and make as much gold off us before she gives the kill or feed etc.. but thats just an example

Bottom line is someone that has played 100s of games and was on an Alt account as orange when they shouldnt have been, that alt played 2 games on all bots total yet knew about pet control and combining ammys and knew a good build to make and also was using Maphack and just happened to play and look like a complete noob, thats something anyone thats played 100s of games can do, and the fact green ran right to org for his free feed pre mass is dumb. And the argument is we shoulda went down there and stopped him, well when something is planned like that it happened to fast to try and salvage the situation. That resulted in us playing like shit being under leved the rest of the game.

xMoNsTeRRR's ip is and if someone in the game with those first 2 IP numbers being that close and xmon ran and did that to that guy on an alt i would be calling out the same exact thing. There should be no one in a tourny match with IPs that close regardless of ANYTHING and for sure someone thats an alt using MH allowing that kinda feed PERIOD.

The fact you think i called out feeding abuse that game becuz im qQing or because you guys dont speak English blows my mind. You think i would also be nice to shink and those guys or my sister would have talked with him on skype if we were? And shink shame on you for acting that way.. if ANYONE was racist it is shink for siding so hard with that team and not just playing a middle role between the 2 teams situations and putting himself in both shoes.

This is a damn game why even bring race into it anyway? Its not MX and PE vs. the world... get over that bullshit. To be honest the only time i ever even see anyone say something racist is when you guys act like this anyway. like what pimp or ic3dt3a said on last page, your guys racist paranoia is what brings out the racism.. if you just let the racism go it wouldn't exist at all ..honestly..

Maybe i should make a poll for you guys and see whos more racist the ombu people or everyone else.. If i were you guys i would stop playing that BS card real quick.
Its sad how this happened and every single team that speaks Spanish threatened to leave the tourny over it instead of handling it like adults and admitting yes there is room there for potential fowl play. But you don't see every single team that speaks English acting the same way do you? I wonder what side of the people is in actuality acting more racist? hmm..

I just had to get that off my chest, i really dont care anymore about it and if they are too scared to have a rematch to prove there was no fowl play then that is fine by me. Good luck in your other games guys.

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 1:34 PM | Message # 92
Robotic Ninja
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I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
SkankponyDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 2:08 PM | Message # 93
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Added (2012-06-22, 3:08 PM)
P.S. Dont MESS with the creator of the game .... Just ask Monster about the power he holds. LOLOL

[APF]-TENEBROSODate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 2:13 PM | Message # 94
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Bond you are mistaken if you think that we are afraid to play a rematch. I told you, jugemos again. And nobody said that you are racist, But the tribe of xmonster! That bothers my friends any more, there was no need to make as much mess. Jugemos revenge and ready smile
TrixxareforkidsDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 2:30 PM | Message # 95
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (Bond009)
there was no fowl play

Are you trying to make a pun or

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"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
Bond009Date: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 3:30 PM | Message # 96
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Bond you are mistaken if you think that we are afraid to play a rematch. I told you, jugemos again. And nobody said that you are racist, But the tribe of xmonster! That bothers my friends any more, there was no need to make as much mess. Jugemos revenge and ready smile

Sorry it just sounded to me like some people were bringing race or speech into it and it has nothing to do with that at all.. i like all you guys that like my game.. I am the first one who brought my bot to your guys server after all..

Also i know i dont have the best overall team and i dont really expect to win this tourny in the end, i just expect fair play and a good game and thats all i ask.
I think a rematch would be fair just to prove there was no foul play just because of the evidence gathered with the player who was orange and how his whole teams mass went at our wall of foots and the beginning allowing of feed etc, lol.

I would be happy to give you guys a best 2 out of 3 if you like to make it fair for you, that way even if we win the next game you can call for 1 more rematch. Im not trying to be unfair here in anyway.. just a game where its 100% clear there is no hidden tampering.

Quote (Trixxareforkids)
Are you trying to make a pun or

lol only 1 that noticed tongue

stoogeDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 7:15 PM | Message # 97
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im the biggest racist, whachu gonna doooooooooooo,

lol bond never seen u so worked up ahhahha. chill fuker, i watched the replay...its odd to run past the 1st base and go to the further one from u...but when i try to pre mass feed of someone i usually go to (t2 for example) yellow, then purple, then orange to bring out all three colours so just incase 1 of them is nooob enough to let their units go or afk...

but yea lol watched the replay it was suss most of the time, but i've played with that dude before LOL he is THAT bad...unless he was feeding other teams lol

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
shinkirouDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 8:19 PM | Message # 98
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Quote (stooge)
im the biggest racist, whachu gonna doooooooooooo,

lol bond never seen u so worked up ahhahha. chill fuker, i watched the replay...its odd to run past the 1st base and go to the further one from u...but when i try to pre mass feed of someone i usually go to (t2 for example) yellow, then purple, then orange to bring out all three colours so just incase 1 of them is nooob enough to let their units go or afk...

but yea lol watched the replay it was suss most of the time, but i've played with that dude before LOL he is THAT bad...unless he was feeding other teams lol


That's easy. If someone wins, the fighting will end.
ManicDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 11:02 PM | Message # 99
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Rules say collusion with pubs is fair game however take measures to prevent players from ur team doing it.

<If you are in the tournament (whether you have already been eliminated or not), you are NOT allowed to play on team 2 or 4 (as fake "pubs") in any official tournament games. This is to prevent teams from cheating and teaming up against their enemies. If you are caught playing on alts (IPs will be checked) then you will be banned (my boy Bond009 will fuck you up). The only exception to this rule is that the 3rd and 4th place teams (runners up) can play in the finals game so it resembles an inhouse.>

however no where does it say it is against the rules to ask for feed or for a pub to intentionally feed or target. for instance i am not in tourny so if i wished i could join on an alt (or even my main) and help someone. also someone in the tourny could whisper pubs asking for feed. the only restriction in this section is to prevent tourny teams to play as sudo-pubs. Even if team apf was receiving coordinated mass feed it is not against the rules unless u can prove it was someone on their team list.

The rules also do not allow for a rematch or "2 of 3" without evidence of cheating and in the event of cheating it is to be considered a loss. Such a rematch or "2 of 3" would be imbalanced as it is not offered to other players (for instants apf vs btdbdsbtb team in round 1) and would make the tournament unfair to any team that lost without a rematch as well as apf.

Sorry bond but u have no ground to stand on... take a loss and revise the rules for next tourny.
Good luck in the second bracket.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 11:16 PM | Message # 100
Robotic Ninja
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You may play on alt accounts if you want, but you MUST inform me (CyRay aka TaylorSwift) AND the people you are playing against what the name of your alt accounts are. Alt accounts are optional

Something bloodruids didn't do. Hence concequences for him.

If you are in the tournament (whether you have already been eliminated or not), you are NOT allowed to play on team 2 or 4 (as fake "pubs") in any official tournament games. This is to prevent teams from cheating and teaming up against their enemies. If you are caught playing on alts (IPs will be checked) then you will be banned (my boy Bond009 will fuck you up). The only exception to this rule is that the 3rd and 4th place teams (runners up) can play in the finals game so it resembles an inhouse.

Another rule he broke. The feeding factor was not the only part. When we also say "this is to prevent cheating" I really hoped none of us needed to ellaborate how easy your subconscious should pick up the fact cheating also involves helping another team and manipulating end results whether it's by feeding, maphacking, giving information.

I'm sorry some people are actually retarded enough to not pick up common sense...

The main reason we decided it should be a win for APF was because bond honestly played like shit and his team could have easily taken so many chances that would get him back in the game and get him the win.

We didn't give concequences to the APF team since we couldn't gather enough evidence/proof but we were on bloodruids nuts for this.

Technically this was cheating HOWEVER in the end it wasn't like a game changing factor besides the mass. No rematch. Still going.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 11:24 PM
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 11:16 PM | Message # 101
Zombie Pirate
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^^^^ biggest faggot alive

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.

Message edited by xMoNsTeRRR - Friday, 22-Jun-2012, 11:17 PM
ManicDate: Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 1:34 AM | Message # 102
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wasnt aware it was bloodruid. but as the rules stand it is not against the rules for a NON-COMPETITOR to feed or focus.

Quote (Cheesy-Gordia)
I really hoped none of us needed to ellaborate how easy your subconscious should pick up the fact cheating also involves helping another team and manipulating end results whether it's by feeding, maphacking, giving information.

Besides the obvious attempt to insult my apparent lack of common sense... common sense does not mean rules. its also not "cheating" if its not against the rules so helping another team manipulating end results by feeding or giving information are not cheating... In fact the non tourny members can maphack as they are not subject to the rules of the tournament.

just saying huge gap in the rules... common sense says you would prevent such acts in a list of rules of some sorts but u went the other way so whatever...

As Voltaire once famously wrote "common sense is not so common"

Quote (xMoNsTeRRR)

^^^^ biggest faggot alive

QQ more please u bigot.
term faggot comes from when they used to burn homosexuals. they believed that homosexuals werent even worthy of the bonfire so they "through them in with the other faggots" (faggots as in kindling.) when u call someone a faggot you are really saying that u believe in the burning of homosexuals. ur talking privelages should be taken away.
CouDate: Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 1:45 AM | Message # 103
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Quote (Manic)
In fact the non tourny members can maphack as they are not subject to the rules of the tournament.

lol sorry if I found a loophole mr. Attorney at law but regardless, players aren't allowed to mh at all. If they are mh, it shows they aren't nooobs either. No noob/real pubs would mh because 1. they don't care enough about the game yet 2. They play for fun and literally don't care about losing or their online "rep" 3. they arent main stream enough into the community to learn about mh for chf. There was a time when the word "mh" never existed.

The fact is, this is some real scandal shit here and should be treated very seriously. Almost like athletes taking drugs and getting caught in the act through a drug tester and denied the allegations by saying they had their baby brothers fetus inside them which almost actually passed ahahahaha

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 1:54 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 1:46 AM | Message # 104
Robotic Ninja
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Manic is right

There is nothing wrong with a non tourny player to be in either t2 or t4
But that saying..... Why would you waste your precious time doing that

All I see in tourny are people trying to manipulate the rules in their needs
I find it kinda pathetic
And also, chf can nvr be a fair game
Theres always gonna be a smarter pub in 1 side than another (Heck i know cases where pub teams fked up 3 stacked teams with mass bolt impale lasso)

Winner of chf basically claims nothing
It just means you just had more luck than the other

And btw.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 1:48 AM
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 2:24 AM | Message # 105
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Manic)
Besides the obvious attempt to insult my apparent lack of common sense... common sense does not mean rules. its also not "cheating" if its not against the rules so helping another team manipulating end results by feeding or giving information are not cheating... In fact the non tourny members can maphack as they are not subject to the rules of the tournament.

just saying huge gap in the rules... common sense says you would prevent such acts in a list of rules of some sorts but u went the other way so whatever...

As Voltaire once famously wrote "common sense is not so common"

Okay so if I said no cheating allowed, but I didnt say anything about MH, you'd think it's okay to mh? You should obviously know what cheating is whether in all categories. Apperently, and thank you for making me realize this, Some people here actually can't problem solve the rules... But here's the thing as to why your argument and rosarios ends here.

We reinforced rules to those people that signed up for the tournament. We told everyone that signed up what is indefinetly not allowed, what is permitted, and how we will look at the replays. Since you or Rosario have not signed up at all you weren't told because what is the use? You're not in the tournament

And of course common sense doesn't seem to exist in retards, thanks captain obvious!

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Manic is right

There is nothing wrong with a non tourny player to be in either t2 or t4
But that saying..... Why would you waste your precious time doing that

All I see in tourny are people trying to manipulate the rules in their needs
I find it kinda pathetic
And also, chf can nvr be a fair game
Theres always gonna be a smarter pub in 1 side than another (Heck i know cases where pub teams fked up 3 stacked teams with mass bolt impale lasso)

Winner of chf basically claims nothing
It just means you just had more luck than the other

And btw.

Oh so every game you won was just pure luck? Seems legit.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Saturday, 23-Jun-2012, 2:33 AM
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