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The Dream Team's strategies
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 3:56 AM | Message # 16
Zombie Pirate
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Firness, we dont need those strats anymore because we can beat every team with ww aoe easy.
@cyray, how would those strats suck if you've never seen them?

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
CyRayDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 5:21 AM | Message # 17
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oh i have seen them because stax sent them to me

TicklemonsterDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 5:29 AM | Message # 18
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Lol shit just got real.


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"

Message edited by Ticklemonster - Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 5:30 AM
FirNesSDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 5:40 AM | Message # 19
Robotic Ninja
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Monster, just give me a good team (my Budweiser bros are ok) and you'll see if ww aoes beat us ahah. I believe you if you say it beats roystom or any apf guy, but unfortunately it doesn't work with everyone, sorry.

I would have liked to play the game against TDT in the tourney. Even if we still had lost, I would have liked to show who's the real Firness, just to proove that I'm not just a troll failer on this forum (I believe it's what many people think). Currently I think that the only pro player that knows how I play for real is Cou.
Anyway my team played 3 games and I still didn't play. For the 2 first ones, I couldn't come, and for the last one, no one even said me when it was, and I still don't have the two last replays...

TrixxareforkidsDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 6:52 AM | Message # 20
Zombie Pirate
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Am I the only one that saw this coming???

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
CyRayDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 8:39 AM | Message # 21
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we didnt break up because we were losing stooge, matter of fact the best players are still 1. cheesy 2. me/jst4x 3. xmon/fallen...the problem is that xmon and fallen needs an attitude adjustment.

i have limits and he doesnt. for example, we were trolling jamie and it was all fun and games until she started taking shit personally, and she told me she was crying. i felt bad and consoled her, while xmon the heartless bastard continued to troll. he really is a sick fuck.

also inb4 "u mad bro?" or "wow you're soft/a pussy" or "QQ"
sorry i have emotions, you're just a weirdo who lacks social skills and empathy bro

not only that but fallen and xmon are fucking know-it-alls. even when me and jst4x came up with the death tower strat or when i discovered the OPness of explosion they doubted me up until we got 150 hero kills with it. they are stubborn and egotistical, and it holds back the team and makes gaming with them not fun.

Message edited by CyRay - Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 8:43 AM
FirNesSDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 10:15 AM | Message # 22
Robotic Ninja
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Omg mn you're So cool to put these pictures on this thread!
Get out of here, you've nothing to do with this topic, and you're more than useless

SOUNDWAVESDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 10:54 AM | Message # 23
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Quote (CyRay)
matter of fact the best players are still 1. cheesy 2. me/jst4x 3. xmon/fallen...the

ahahaha another bull shit thread from this comment.

the best players are your mom and 2nd are xmonsters mom and her cousin(actually her husband)
3rd is cheesy's mother. Cause cheesy's mother is korean hooker.
Now write down the rank cyray you mother fucker


-load 3SM@ gaf& c68

-Zoom 2500


-Test AFK

Rest in Peace Rookies
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 12:05 PM | Message # 24
Zombie Pirate
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lol cyray is e-hurt right now

i hope you realize we used explosion for a shit long time and stopped because we were bored. you didnt "discover" it lmfao

ill give you credit for the dtower strat, but then again me and stax were there to play it the first time too, so idk how you discovered it

@firness, lmao we can beat cous team easy with ww aoe, we've won every inhouse easy with ww aoe (look at last thread where my team had 150+ hks while sounds team bondss team, and then cou and rosa had like 5 lmfao)

the fact of the matter is you don't know who we are because you've never played us

oh and one last thing, how is tDT done when the 3 originals are still in it?

now lets forget this shit, its a waste of my time, e-drama is annoying

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 2:44 PM | Message # 25
Robotic Ninja
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ahahaha another bull shit thread from this comment.

the best players are your mom and 2nd are xmonsters mom and her cousin(actually her husband)
3rd is cheesy's mother. Cause cheesy's mother is korean hooker.
Now write down the rank cyray you mother fucker


-load 3SM@ gaf& c68

-Zoom 2500


-Test AFK

Seems that a bunch of elders that haven't even touched a computer in their life are better at chf than a kid who's played 7000 games in less than a year and takes psychiatry sessions due to kids hurting your penis online LOL.

Added (2012-07-06, 3:44 PM)

Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Oh b4tch plz. Sound would never even think of recruiting u in his team. Ur his hmmm... NOT EVEN HIS LAST CHOICE
Guess wat/ Im one of his first choice QQ
Ur like wildjapgirl who thinks hes pro playing with RESERVED players vs a stinking 1000 ping soloer cause of kicks from the reserves

If you're his first choice, SOUND must have extremely low standards LOL.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
a_chinese_kidDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 2:51 PM | Message # 26
Robotic Ninja
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Lol trixx I saw this coming a long time ago hell I have screenshots as proof
TrixxareforkidsDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 4:37 PM | Message # 27
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (CyRay)
i felt bad and consoled her

QQ, wow u pussy. u mad bro?

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
FirNesSDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 4:58 PM | Message # 28
Robotic Ninja
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Wtf I had put 2 posts, where have my answers gone? I didn't even swear

Alex[STAR]Date: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 5:29 PM | Message # 29
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Quote (Ticklemonster)
Lol shit just got real.

SecreT-Name-Date: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 5:44 PM | Message # 30
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