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Who Will Win The Tournament of Champions? - Page 3 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009  
Who Will Win The Tournament of Champions?
1. 1. "The All Starz": Cou (Captain), F00ty_R3b0rn, Cyray, Mr_DarK [ 5 ] [15.62%]
2. 2. "FTL Gods": [FTL]-Roystom (Captain), NexsuS, [FTL]-Yeferzon, [Secret]-name-, [FTL]-Santos, [FTL]-Sharen [ 7 ] [21.88%]
3. 3. "The Rule Breakers": Soundwaves (Captain), Keep3r, Armenas, B3P, Katriel7 [ 1 ] [3.12%]
4. 4. "The Dream Team": J.ST4X (Captain), Cheesy-Gordia, xMoNsteRRR, Legal_Life [ 8 ] [25.00%]
5. 5. "Clan APF": [APF]-Walter (Captain), Vetealamierda, [APF]-Cesar, Terminator, Jakslasfa [ 0 ] [0.00%]
6. 6. "Team Bitch Please": Frungy (Captain), KietRivers, Golden_St1ck, Zizi-____-zizi, Secret-Darkness [ 0 ] [0.00%]
7. 7. "Petit Putain": Bajshoran (Captain), MrDark_Devil000, Sylelebelle_FR, Shinkirou, I-Connect [ 1 ] [3.12%]
8. 8. "The Chillers": TangerineSky (Captain), Chillersnail, ChillerKiller, Loverboy, Ic3dt3a [ 0 ] [0.00%]
9. 9. "The Sleepers": MASTA_K1LLA (Captain), The-Phantom, Krazy-8, STraT-gHosT, K.t.m.o.123, Talkischeap86 [ 2 ] [6.25%]
10. 10. "Team BOND" OR "Bumerang" OR "Lord Gays" [ 8 ] [25.00%]
Answers total: 32
SecreT-Name-Date: Wednesday, 12-Feb-2014, 4:05 PM | Message # 31
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FTL #1  yahoo   newrus
TheMambaDate: Wednesday, 12-Feb-2014, 5:16 PM | Message # 32
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Anyone wanna have good ole fashioned game bets? (talkin cash here)

Never Fear! The Black Mamba is here!

p.s stop taking my sig [wife] down
a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 12-Feb-2014, 5:29 PM | Message # 33
Robotic Ninja
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Quote TheMamba ()
Anyone wanna have good ole fashioned game bets? (talkin cash here)

I'm not sure you understand what cash is.
Priest-Of-SinDate: Wednesday, 12-Feb-2014, 7:51 PM | Message # 34
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1.Team Bond 
2. All Starz
3. Bumerang
4.Tange/Sound or Apf

RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 6:29 AM | Message # 35
Robotic Ninja
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1. The All Starz
2. The Dream Team
3. FTL Gods

Sorry Sound but as much as your a really good player, rest of your group doesn't hold up...
I mean Starz got F00ty and Cou
tDt got skype all over  and element of surprise because no one really knows the new playing styles of them....
and FTL Gods got the mexican  support (6 alts lol)

AL_GIDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 8:46 AM | Message # 36
Zombie Pirate
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Ok so :

#1 AL_GI
#2 AL_GI
#3 AL_GI

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 9:06 AM | Message # 37
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
and FTL Gods got the mexican  support (6 alts lol
santos = acm1ptjugoso from argentina   ,  sharen = michaelpridee from colombia

TEAM FTL TORNEO [-FTL-]Yeferzon , nexsus [secret]-name-  me , our games are going to do with bots so we can easily violate
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 9:23 AM | Message # 38
Robotic Ninja
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1) FTL (team Roystom-Yeferzon-Nexsus is unbeatable) there is not really rival for team FTL

2) APF or TAS (but i am sure APF because Cyray is only average player and F00ty was long time inactive and Cou cant win 1v3)

3) TDT or TAS

4) TDT or SOUNDWAVES team... Sondwaves and Keep3r are both good players but they are not team (i mean they dont play often together) and they dont have some tactic/strageties... but still enough good for fourth place

5) all other teams are at same level
LG-WaariDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 9:36 AM | Message # 39
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
1) FTL (team Roystom-Yeferzon-Nexsus is unbeatable) there is not really rival for team FTL 2) APF or TAS (but i am sure APF because Cyray is only average player and F00ty was long time inactive and Cou cant win 1v3)

3) TDT or TAS

4) TDT or SOUNDWAVES team... Sondwaves and Keep3r are both good players but they are not team (i mean they dont play often together) and they dont have some tactic/strageties... but still enough good for fourth place

5) all other teams are at same level
oke you dont know nothing :DD 100% bullshit

Leader of LG
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 9:56 AM | Message # 40
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Sorry Sound but as much as your a really good player, rest of your group doesn't hold up...

Nah. Keep3r and Osetinas both are good players.
I know these two players strength and weakness and I had thought about how to complement their weakness and make strong team.
I had big picture about my team and countering other teams.

but bad thing is we still haven't played any single game together LMAO.
This is really big handicap compare to other teams.
Also keeper went to tailand for sex tourism.
And osetinas is busy for work and he lost interest about this game.
So my team won't get practice before tourny. neither strategy.

That's why I didn't vote to my team as winner.
My vote went to TDT.
As long as tdt survive for final inhouse, they will win.
my 2nd vote goes to apf.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 10:03 AM
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 10:09 AM | Message # 41
Robotic Ninja
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full stacked TDT (Cheesy + Monster + JST4X) yesterday no chance vs 2 FTL (Roystom + Nexus + random player)... what do you think will happen if instead random pub will play Yeferzon? TDT will lose in 10 minutes.
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 10:24 AM | Message # 42
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game is completely different between "inhouse" and "3v3 with 2 pub team game"

Me and cyray with 1 pub raped footyreborn nihob bajshoran full stacked team last month.
Cause I had lucky with feed off from pub team. It's impossible in inhouse.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 10:27 AM
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 10:37 AM | Message # 43
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Me and cyray with 1 pub raped footyreborn nihob bajshoran full stacked team last month.Cause I had lucky with feed off from pub team. It's impossible in inhouse.

2 /3 months ago*
during 15 first minutes didn't get mouse. Then I get mouse and we came back in game. At min 25 or 27 (don't remember exactely) bajs got dysconnect.
The funny thing is that I thought he was afk and I was starting to rage against him^^

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

Message edited by F00ty_R3b0rn - Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 10:37 AM
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 12:05 PM | Message # 44
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
during 15 first minutes didn't get mouse. Then I get mouse and we came back in game

LMAO. really?
I never thought about people could micro mass newts golems mass vengence spirits without mouse.
You deserve 10++ micro for that.
Anyway I am glad that at least it wasn't cooking time for you.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 12:05 PM
Cyray@USEASTDate: Thursday, 13-Feb-2014, 12:09 PM | Message # 45
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LMAO. really?
I never thought about people could micro mass newts golems mass vengence spirits without mouse.
You deserve 10++ micro for that.
Anyway I am glad that at least it wasn't cooking time for you.

lol i remember that game, it was a nice one. me and soundy really bonded over our victory

name: james mcgovern
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