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Official Custom Hero Foots Tourny
BikiniandPunaniDate: Saturday, 19-Feb-2011, 9:18 PM | Message # 16
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"my best hero kill strat was the pause button"


HashDate: Sunday, 20-Feb-2011, 11:43 PM | Message # 17
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LOL Masta. Why do you have to make up so many rules for? Pooling is also part of the game. And Thank you for your wonderful words. I will be missing you! cry Also, can I sign up even if I am not sure that I can participate in the tournament? Please let me know. Thank you.
BikiniandPunaniDate: Monday, 21-Feb-2011, 2:41 PM | Message # 18
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why would u sign up if u cant participate????? u have a bf or something? and why u even ask k1lla, he is a ho! lol
HashDate: Tuesday, 22-Feb-2011, 6:39 PM | Message # 19
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No, I don't have a bf, but there is someone that I am interested in.... The reason that I am not sure if I can play is work related. I may be in Europe by that time sad
BikiniandPunaniDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 3:03 PM | Message # 20
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k its simple.... if u gna be in Europe then u dont sign up! besides lets be honest whos gona partner with u dry lol

Added (2011-02-23, 9:03 PM)
jk biggrin

HashDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 5:48 PM | Message # 21
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Awwww cry And here I thought that I could get someone like you to partner up with me cry cry cry You are making me cry
BikiniandPunaniDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 7:56 PM | Message # 22
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not gona lie ur sig pic chick is pretty hot!! k thats off topic tho... I am not gona be perticipatin for the one this season, cuz my partners got school and im sorta budy... if there is one this summer, then ill participate!... that dont faze Biggie Bik! what i am pissed off bout is that need admin to hpmm and bondbot so i dont end up partnering with rookies on regular games! bond keeps forgetting to complete his promise! surprised
u on the other hand, well we will partner on reg games... cuz u suck lets be honest! tongue but i still love u so no worries!
HashDate: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2011, 9:27 PM | Message # 23
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Awwww... Thank you Bikini. See? You can be nice sometimes. But you don't need to remind me that I am a noob tongue
LittleBDate: Thursday, 24-Feb-2011, 1:20 PM | Message # 24
Robotic Ninja
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Bikiny, dude have some respect for the lady, what your saying MAY be true but still u have no right to just tell her in her face, shes a person she has feeling u know...Hash, it would be more than a pleasure to participate with you in the tournament.=)
And thats how u do it bikini, dont go all NO WAY UR A NOOB F*** OFF! Shes a lady.. Treat her like one, not like ur slave.
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Thursday, 24-Feb-2011, 2:13 PM | Message # 25
Zombie Pirate
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your both pretty...

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.

Message edited by Master-Hero - Thursday, 24-Feb-2011, 2:19 PM
LittleBDate: Thursday, 24-Feb-2011, 2:24 PM | Message # 26
Robotic Ninja
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Why Thank you monster . dry
FuzzyLogicDate: Sunday, 27-Feb-2011, 8:04 PM | Message # 27
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what exactly is going to be the format. 3v3? i hope. Apparently HPMM refuses to play 3v3 vs CHFG since 3v3 "isn't the way the game was designed" and would rather play 3v3v3v3 in a pub. with randoms.

hopefully this will finally force hpmm to stop dodging

My team:

(not determined yet)

Master-HeroDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 10:36 AM | Message # 28
Legacy Staff
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Stay on the topic! Offtopic replies have been moved to recycle bin.

Inactive mod.
NoBrainDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 11:24 AM | Message # 29
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Quote (FuzzyLogic)
what exactly is going to be the format. 3v3? i hope. Apparently HPMM refuses to play 3v3 vs CHFG since 3v3 "isn't the way the game was designed" and would rather play 3v3v3v3 in a pub. with randoms.

hopefully this will finally force hpmm to stop dodging

My team:

(not determined yet)

It must be 3v3v3v3 (with 4 tournament' teams).
It could be interesting to make differents groups which include 4 teams.

je l'ai rêvé si fort... que les draps s'en souviennent..
FuzzyLogicDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 6:40 PM | Message # 30
Group: Users
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why must it be 3v3v3v3? 3v3 is perfectly balanced, isn't a feeding off the weaker teams contest, and would actually determine which team has superior teamwork & micro.

I talked with Konvict a week or so back he said it would be 3v3, to eliminated imbalance, targetting, and feeding issues.

Also a 3v3v3v3 format wouldn't make sense if the number of participants weren't a multiple of 4, and with the same amount of teams from each clan/teams to prevent targeting and teaming up. even then, just the mere coincidence of targetting makes 3v3v3v3 imbalanced for competitive play, but i'll leave that for another day/topic =)

as far as rules, i agree with the 2 set rules of normal mode and every player must get a hero. everything else should be available to use.

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