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Micro & Macro Guide
Bond009Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 2:59 PM | Message # 1
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Micro & Macro Guide

I DID NOT write all of this guide, just some headings and minor comments. I have also edited it many times. It has existed for almost a year and it would be impossible to count all the people it has helped. This guide is a combined effort of the forum over the past year in an attempt to create a guide to aid in the help of micro and macro to surpass all others, this guide IS better than anything you can buy from a game store or an online service and it's a bonus that all this info is free. It has taken much time over the past year to keep it up to date. I hope you will find the information in this guide to be as useful, as so many have found it to be before you.
Abbreviations in this section
RT = Random Team
AT = Arranged Team
Dual = Two
Rax = Barracks
Zeppelin = Goblin Zeppelin
NE = Night Elf
FS = Farseer
AI = Artificial Intelligence
Tier = Tech. Greathall[Tier1][Tech1] Stronghold[Tier2][Tech2] Fortress[Tier3][Tech3]

Micromanagement Tips
"Proper Micro"
Part I.

Micro is the basis of harassment. Micro is the basis of all tactics. Micro is the 'art' or the 'craft' of individuality controlling small[or large if youre good] groups of units into positions that give you maximum advantage.


Flanking is the first form of micro to learn. flanking is the 'art' or 'craft' of surrounding your enemies to maximize the total rate of attack.

Melee vs Melee

In closed ranged combat, where you have many more units than your opponent, what you must do is to run past behind enemy lines and 'collapse' the formation, having all units engage the enemy at the same time. use terrain to your full advantage, such as fighting on cliffs are not a good idea.

Even if your opponent have outnumbered you, he/she would incur more loses than he would otherwise, in this method. but if you both have same size armies, use flanking to save units, always make sure where units that are in the 'red zone' should be 'flanked' or 'stay out' of the battle.

Melee vs Ranged

In melee vs ranged, most of the time melee will win. But rangecraft still persists in the world of warcraft 3. this will work in smaller armies. You must break the ranged unit's formation. Do not let your enemies out flank you. But if they do, do not concentrate on THAT one ranged unit. If you persist on doing that, then youre giving out free hits for the enemy. Instead, concentrate on another ranged unit instead.

Ranged vs Ranged

Ranged vs ranged, you must definitely out flank your opponent. It is better to concentrate fire[focus fire] than spreading damage.

Spreading the damage

You should be aware that if an army is killed one unit at a time, the army dies faster than if you spread the damage across the entire army.

Concentrate Fire
Focus fire

Lets say I have 10 grunts. vs another 10 grunts. now remember, no hero situation, the enemy doesnt focus their attacks, so your army is getting 50% of the 100% damage dealt. this way, you can flank easily.

Whereas you do 100% to their units, one by one at a time. In this way, that battle is already won for you.

In a hero situation, FS lets say. with 3 grunts. The FS is more prone to get attacked so you can use this to your advantage. As you run away/flank your farseer, the grunts might follow to attack. this way, you have free hits.
"Proper Macro"
Part II

Macro is a simpler tool than micro. This relies on the hotkeying of your buildings. Macro, in short for macromanagement is the form/art of expanding/economic gathering/pumping units/and also, multi-tasking, where you do multiple things at the same time.

When youre in battle, be sure to use the resources carefully and not recklessly as so that all NE have to do is build hunts and use macro to win the game. If your macro is poor and have over 2000/1000 resources, then knowing where/when to expand is very effective.
Part III

What is harassment? In general, harassment is the use of micro as well as macro, combining it into one tool. Although in these situations, this is purely micro. Even though performing the necessary micro uses up your time, the bet is that it will waste either more of your opponents time or be extremely cost-time effective. There is more than one way to harass an opponent; you can harass by simply luring your enemy, or by executing a early hero harass while distracting the worker line with units of your own.


Luring is the term for subjecting one of your units to the enemy, but not sacrificing it. But trying to 'lure' their entire armies in using the AI. in this, if you are battling your opponent in their base, you can lure them out whereas their defense would not reach.

Another luring strategy by using illusions. This way, if you lose the illusion, it wouldn't cost you a thing.


Distractions are multi-tasks that allow you to harass as well as creep. This also comes in handy with illusions as well, using goblin zeppelin to distract your opponent's base. This way, they will start to panic and be on guard around their base while you can outcreep them to get valuable items and such.

In the common games of solo and RT[random team], distractions are always key if your opponent have extra expansions.

'Split' which is a term that rt players, where one of you attack one base. The other attack another base. this way, it is like having a 1v1 in a RT game.

Lets say your opponent is going out of their base to attack your base. And you do not want to tp because you are practically near their base. When they are out of their base to attack you, you immediate go into their base to attack their own. Usually you will force them to tp in or immediate retreat back to their base to save it. You tp out.

"Goblin Zeppelin Harassment"

This is usually the workings in solo, harassment is top notch. Every player should use goblin zeppelins when they have a chance. Players use the zeppelin to kill off worker lines and to force other players to tp back.

Common Mistakes
Part IV

Non-army Production

Many people know the standard build order and simple micro and macro. What they do not notice is that they do NOT often continue to have a steady flow of grunts, archers, etc. You should always pump units when resources are constant.

Not scouting

Scouting is part of the game. Without scouting, you will not know your opponent's strategy and you will get easily killed off. for example, you mass grunts throughout the game, while your opponent has two beastiaries and started pumping wind riders. You will easily lose the game due to no AA. Knowing your opponents strategy is the first step in beating it.

Bad building placement

This is one of the most common mistake of all. Ive seen many undead players build their Ziggurats outside of their workers. the problem is, the undead mine does not have protection or any kind. another example is orc players build their burrows completely outside of their base as a wall, where no workers could be found near it. then it becomes useless.


You might be in a game of solo, and the opponent is orc. While youre ne[night elf], you assume they are going to use grunts. so you scout, dual rax and nothing else, tier1. So youre still going to continue to make huntresses. then out of nowhere, the orc has a combination of grunts and headhunters. Just that youve scouted, doesnt mean what you see is actually there. Don't scout once, scout many times.

Getting Angry

Getting angry over a loss [or more rarely over a win] is not such a good thing. It prevents you from playing effectively in the following games, and may disenchant others with respect toward your manner. Those who always get mad over a loss will never become gosu because they will give up first. it is refreshing to lose, as do many others because you can learn from your mistakes. To fix this problem, just get some patience. Manner up guys.

Bad use of Casters

Casters are just like sidekicks, you cannot rely on them too much to win a game for you. You should never mass shamans when the opponent has spellbreakers. Casters should be a number of 2-5, you do not need a mass of them nor will that win a game. You should have a steady balance of all units.

Knowing the Enemy
Part V

Many people will often have their own predictable strats, changes in strats, and counters. This is information that you can use against them. If you play with me in RT or AT[Arranged Team], you'd know I would use Demolishers whenever possible and getting oil. Many of these strats are predictable, as well as effective, you just have to maximize the strong points of the strat.

Once you know the enemy have a steady flow of one unit, you can easily counter that. For example, Orc goes headhunter, you are Undead going ghouls. Ghouls will beat headhunters, so Orc changes to grunts, and you change to fiends to counter them.

Using math in the game
Part VI

Math is used when you have 200 gold/200 lumber left. You have no bases but have two heroes with items. You sell a 200gold item and you will have 400gold, which is more than enough to create an expansion.

Another situation is calculating how many hits it will need for one grunt to die from footmen. Lets say youve scouted an Orc base who has 3 grunts and a hero. For every grunt, 2-3 footmen will take its place.

Upgrades, and when to get them
Part VII

When dealing with units that have a lot of HP and very little damage or very slow attack rate = Upgrade damage.
When dealing with units that have about the same HP and have a very fast attack rate = Upgrade armor.
When dealing with the same units = Upgrade armor.
Final Note On Heroes Early Game:
in solo or 2v2:

early game, a level 1 hero revival costs less than replacing your TP later, but:

- you immediately lose almost 170 gold. this might hurt you more than replacing the TP later on. when your build is just starting up and every unit you build counts. this will delay buildings, units, or even your second hero. the total penalty could cost you the game, a lot more than 350 gold later on would.
- you may not need that tp later anyways.
- you give the opponent a lot of experience, and then while you are dead he creeps even more. he will be at least level 2 next time you see him, or depending on map, level 3 (and you just revived a level 1 hero. you will probably lose if this happens)!

Do not engage in a battle you cannot win.

********************Overall rules:********************

- ALT - Use the "Alt" key... it is your friend and will aid you in almost all the faculties of battle.

- GOALS - You do not have to kill every unit or even kill a single unit (although this would be favorable) to win a battle. Sometimes your aim in a battle will be to cripple or to create a distraction.

- SCOUT - Very important to scout... this will give you the information you need. you need to know when to attack, when you opponent is most vulnerable. you need to know what your opponent is building, if he is teching, or if he is massing.

- MAKE A PLAN before you engage in battle... those who plan out the battle before it's engagement most often have an advantage. Racial match-ups brood plans... if you know your opponent is NE and you are orc get started on the demolishers and Headhunters. If your opponent is HU and you are NE then plan to get a few faire dragons to counter their casters. Do not set yourself on one course of action so deeply though that you cannot be flexible to adapt to what your opponent is doing. However DO NOT make two ancients of wind when you have not even seen what your opponent is making.

- GROUND ADVANTAGE - Seek to fight in areas where you are at an advantage. examples would be fighting next to your towers, away from moonwells if your opponent is NE, on bridges if you have AOE, or on HIGHER GROUND for the 25% bonus. If you are fighting next to a merc shop buy the mercs if you can before your opponent otherwise even if you are winning the battle your opponent will boost his ranks with mercs. Same applies at goblin shops for items like scrolls of healing and protection.

- UNITS - Seek to build an army that directly gives you an advantage in battle. examples would be makin faire dragons to counter human spell caster, making demolishers to counter huntresses, etc. This goes double for heros... pick heros that will boost your army's capabilities and at the same time put your opponent at a disadvantage.

- HOTKEYS - You have to make it a point to know what your units are capable of and this includes hotkeys. You have to know that a witch doctor can place a healing ward using "e" instead of using the mouse to click the picture. You should know all your races hotkeys to increase your speed in battle. you should not have to load four peons in a burrow manually unless there is a reason for it... just click on the burrow and click "b" and when the battle is over quickly click "d".

- CONTROL GROUPS - Put your units in control groups "ctrl + #". Make groups that you will remember and that will make it easier for you to command them in battle. Some popular assignments are melee in one control group with ranged and casters in another control group, all spellcasters in one group with all other units in another control group, all normal damage units in one control group with all piercing in another group and all magic damage in another group. In any case make what you feel most comfortable with but do not be afraid to change the kinds of control groups you have later on... you do not have to keep the same groups through-out the game. In the battle though most of the time these control groups will be rarely used in exchange for commanding each unit individually.
Control Group your buildings! - While you are in battle it is easy to click on your control grouped buildings and quickly hit the hotkey for some extra units. Don't go crazy and que up a thousand units... que them up as needed and rally them to your hero.

- TAB - you only really have control groups with numbers 1-5 readily available to you and i myself only use 1-4. I highly recommend keeping at least two groups for units but as for buildings i find it easiest to set all my buildings to control group 3 and setting my alter to control group 4. Tabbing allows you to control multiple buildings and units extremely easily and i highly recommend makin yourself comfortable using it and familiarizing the order of your units in control group orders so as not to have to look down to the control group pannel... rather your eyes should be fixed on the ensuing battle so as to control units more effectively. TAB'ing should be an automatic skill you're fingers have danced with many times.

- RALLY POINTS - Rally point where you need them... most of the time you will want to rally point your units to your hero but this is not always the case. Rally points also work for combat as well.... target an opposing unit or creep and shift target the next unit you'd like to attack.

Alex[STAR]Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 3:51 PM | Message # 2
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Bond is a professional tactician

ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 10:04 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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how play with orc?
a_chinese_kidDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 0:21 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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you must play a lot of fire emblem bond if you are a
Quote (Alex|STAR|)
Bond is a professional tactician
Alex[STAR]Date: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 0:57 AM | Message # 5
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"If you are a Bond is a professional tactician"

xMoNsTeRRRDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 1:25 AM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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Amateur stuff right here

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
shinkirouDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 10:56 AM | Message # 7
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Quote (ic3dt3a)
how play with orc?

orc is gay dud xD play with undead or elf xD

That's easy. If someone wins, the fighting will end.
FirNesSDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 11:33 AM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Well mained, orc is for me the best race. If you have a good micro with Raiders / Net / Kodos / devour / few wyverns + chief tauren and shadow healer, you can do good shit.
Then wyrms are too imba I think

a_chinese_kidDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 9:42 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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elite is by far best in ladder.

demon is best in chf.

debate over
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 02-Jun-2012, 0:21 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (shinkirou)
Quote (ic3dt3a)
how play with orc?

orc is gay dud xD play with undead or elf xD

it was a joke, i can play ok with orc and undead, i play crappy with human and worst with elf
SecreT-Name-Date: Saturday, 02-Jun-2012, 0:32 AM | Message # 11
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Quote (ic3dt3a)
it was a joke, i can play ok with orc and undead, i play crappy with human and worst with elf

nice ...well I play with my computer tongue Naa i play whit orc , chieftan is a great hero in this...
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 02-Jun-2012, 1:02 AM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (SecreT-Name-)
nice ...well I play with my computer Naa i play whit orc , chieftan is a great hero in this...

i used to play chieftain(stomp and endurance) with zerks shams/docs with stasis trap and sh with heal and hex and tauren, but i jsut play
raiders with ensnare casters bm and sh
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