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The legends of CHF
gigasus91Date: Thursday, 02-Oct-2014, 12:58 PM | Message # 16
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
from me the legends are RosarioVampireZ, soundwave, stooge., F00ty_R3b0rn, Cou, and gigasus91

cry this made me cry

Added (02-Oct-2014, 12:58 PM)

Quote Web-Ghost ()
from me the legends are RosarioVampireZ, soundwave, stooge., F00ty_R3b0rn, Cou, and gigasus91

cry this made me cry
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 02-Oct-2014, 1:20 PM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Monster ()
lol ur all so shit

you actually have no proof of your superiority

ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 02-Oct-2014, 5:09 PM | Message # 18
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Anyways, this might sound ironic but I consider myself a legend-ary...(wtf is this pokemon?) ehh ^^

like u mentioned in another post(i think it was u atleast) certain players were considered "good" because every1 else was new and didint have a team. as soon as you started to lose, u would say "g2g" and leave. so to you, it wouldn't be a loss because u left. . . j.stax was only real pro. sorry
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 02-Oct-2014, 5:34 PM | Message # 19
Zombie Pirate
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Web-ghost you forgot me biggrin ?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 02-Oct-2014, 7:17 PM | Message # 20
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Quote AL_GI ()
Web-ghost you forgot me ?
i have never seen you play tongue or i dont remember 
Quote gigasus91 ()
this made me cry
wow i maybe the first person to say something nice to you  cool

PLusDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 3:38 AM | Message # 21
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I love how the noobs can't make a list..of the best chf players...
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 7:24 AM | Message # 22
Robotic Ninja
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
as soon as you started to lose, u would say "g2g" and leave. so to you, it wouldn't be a loss because u left
Oh no, quite the opposite in fact. Many times I left, my team was dominating. Now why I left? Well, I was a freaking middle/high school student for pete's sake. I can't control my "gaming hours" lol.
And Ic3d, I'm sure I could have r4ped at least 99% of the games I left if I stayed and wasn't interfered by my parents. xD
(and this incident was so long ago... I don't even do that anymore. This is like outdated stuff by a few years -.-)

Anyways, legends of CHF is hilarious. I think its basically almost everyone now. We all had that moment of troll in chf forum history <3

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 7:27 AM
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 2:17 PM | Message # 23
Robotic Ninja
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Quote PLus ()
I love how the noobs can't make a list..of the best chf players...

Dont mistake between "legend players" and "best players"

for example rogerlucass or wildjapgirl are legends players but they are not good players btw
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 3:46 PM | Message # 24
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Dont mistake between "legend players" and "best players"
for me they are legends

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 4:36 PM | Message # 25
Robotic Ninja
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Why for example Gigasus is legend? Maybe he is not bad player and he play good, but he is new player (if i remember good he started play just one year ago). For example DevilsRebel is probably #1 techer in CHF and he can rape all but he started play 3-4 months ago and I cant call him "legend".
AL_GIDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 4:38 PM | Message # 26
Zombie Pirate
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So I am a legend biggrin

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

PLusDate: Friday, 03-Oct-2014, 5:14 PM | Message # 27
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I've playing this game for 5 years nerd
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 04-Oct-2014, 9:50 AM | Message # 28
Robotic Ninja
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Legends of CHF is mostly from players that are either:
1. A super troll
2. Seriously, check number 1
3. Really good player
4. Players with long history in CHF
5. Check number 1 to 4 and any player that first played with you

Anyways, Adam_CZ is a legend of CHF, if you get what I mean :P

gigasus91Date: Saturday, 04-Oct-2014, 10:25 AM | Message # 29
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Why for example Gigasus is legend? Maybe he is not bad player and he play good, but he is new player (if i remember good he started play just one year ago).

i'm a legend cause ive teached Cou the art of goleming. => Cou became a legend = i'm a legend

simple huh. i've started playing 1 year ago , and became pretty good in 5 months of intense play
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 04-Oct-2014, 1:33 PM | Message # 30
Robotic Ninja
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Quote gigasus91 ()
i'm a legend cause ive teached Cou the art of goleming. => Cou became a legend = i'm a legend
What he meant was, Giga taught Cou the art of trolling. xDDDDDDD

I'm cracking up at the thought of Giga teaching Cou smile
Anyways, I am still thankful to Sound to this very day for teaching me how to golem. It was from him I learned that it was easy as fuq and all you do is right click and either:
1. press tab each time
2. just use number hotkeys
Pretty easy happy

All you do is get unholy, lasso/roots, bears/nova/swarm/aoe
and well...pretty much right click... lol

anyways, legendary players smile is 
i miss him -.-

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