MAKE THE MAP LAYOUT DIFFERANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its fucked how you cant even send at another team without the bottom 2 on your nuts
the bases should be alot further apart, or have a warp where u can go to any base without everyone knowing,,, kinda like a free mass tp : D spider is my bitch
lol sorry guys.. i have to wait for a few patents to go through first so blizzard doesn't try and steal it from me i did some things their companies whole team couldn't do.. So its kind of a big deal.
haha i get it. i mean, DoTA wasn't patented and look how many other games have copied it. and now even blizzard is making one.
haha i get it. i mean, DoTA wasn't patented and look how many other games have copied it. and now even blizzard is making one.
because the dude couldnt patent dota , because he didnt MAKE it he jsut edited it I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors