Adam_CZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:14 AM | Message # 31 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Stupid Korean girl QQCreate talking excuses again.... Its funny how you lose in regular game where your oponent was better player and you still talk sh*ts. But why you are typing this boring story about auras and stats, just say "I was playing bad on purpose" like you say in previous 1000 games where you got powned. One your ally played 9 games, other ally played 3 games.... but maybe they just created new nicknames? And with old accounts they played 1000 games who know? Nobody care about your excuse, you are average player CHF and noob in ladder, thats it. You lose vs better player.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:19 AM | Message # 32 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I swear this guy is retarded So by ur logic If F00ty_R3b0rn loses to Mehrquack That means Mehrquack is better player?
LOL CHF has so much things to account for From hero choice to ally to the pubs in game to the hero spell ROFL Even ladder isn't properly balanced I once vsed blademaster in east doing 6 crits in row. DAMN HE BETTER PLAYER JAJAJAJHAA
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Adam_CZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:27 AM | Message # 33 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| F00ty R3b0rn is obviously better than Mehrquack
stooge is obviously better than you
thats fact
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:31 AM | Message # 34 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I think adam just proved his level of retardiness If I was worse than stooge skill wise I WILL JUMP OFF A BRIDGE JAJAJJAJAJAAA
Hey Adam, how's ur 2 hero strat working out for u? jajajaja
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stooge | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:37 AM | Message # 35 |
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| rosa u should jump off that bridge. u suck and are wasting oxygen. now QQ and check the end of the replay lol where pink goes Acc ur a whiney little bitch ahahah obviously an alt...and u picked hero after ur allies now its u that is retarded who picked the same aura as they did. lol noob QQ
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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stooge | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:39 AM | Message # 36 |
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| also i asked u to rematch but u bitched out again haha QQ
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:44 AM | Message # 37 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I do acknowledge I play like sh3t compared to past because I barely played all year while u been practicing daily BUT JAJAJAJJA STQQGE, u cant play for ur life and pink was a fuqing pub too He only got fuqing mad cause I kept screaming at both my allies for being so retarded as to get those spells
and ur right iI shulda checked my allies' spells but because I hadn't played a lot all year, rustiness fuqed me up there JAJAJJAJA stqqge u win this one but any idiot other than adam if they watch replay will notice how fuqed up the balance was all game JAJAJJAJA
ADAM BASURAAdded (2013-08-01, 5:44 AM) --------------------------------------------- and dont u fuqing lie that I bitched out second game I told u before first game iI had 33 minutes before I had to leave to study for standardized tests LOL
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stooge | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:48 AM | Message # 38 |
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| lol u have yet to beat me since forever. check ur replay directory and find me losing to u. everygame we vs i own u and ur always "afk" after i've made u bleed like a bitch.
no point arguing with u cuz ur a moron and half. keep sucking those hentai co*ks and try not to choke on them.
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:52 AM | Message # 39 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Could u be kind as to post those replays of yours? Damn, I wanna see your great solo power
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stooge | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 4:58 AM | Message # 40 |
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| lol i hardly saved replays and dont think im gonna start now u were shit, u are shit and u always will be shit. we leave it at that or u can prove me wrong next time.
till then stfu with ur QQ's
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 5:02 AM | Message # 41 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| DAMN Luv empty threats So u win 1 game in solo due to fluke and now u act like adam cz
No wonder u STQQGE and Adam_CZ and Vampirism nvr get my respect LOL
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SOUNDWAVES | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 5:24 AM | Message # 42 |
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| Quote (stooge) also i asked u to rematch but u bitched out again haha QQ
is that a noob named Ali who claims victory by admin abuse? the 1st game where I had 2 nubs with corner mass by ur team and pinas with alt but u still didnt beat me. when I asked you 4 another match u ran out with "time to go bed" excuse. but I found you with pinas stacked n showed rape show til you kick me.
the real funniest part was after you get owned by me you deleted all my topics that I raped you and banned me forum to hide your embarassment. glad that bond decreased my reproof but still sucks to see god mod stooge. still I have tons of games that I raped you alone while you have 0 games win against me. Actually I am rusty now but stil no problem at raping you by my right foot. (no need to use hands hahahaha)
when I was new at this game version 3.4b you already had over 2000 games with 1000 win code. you was very arrogance compare to your skill n it tooked me only 2 weeks to rape your stacked team easily. your ego in forum posts are so high always, guess that "MODERATOR" marks by money unfolds your bended spine hahahaha now keep pussy out on bnet with "time to go bed excuse" and create more fresh bull shit topic on forum, mod god stooge.
p.s) objectively even with accreates 100x less play time, you suck stooge. I laughed a lot when I saw your chat box spamming about me. you are no better than adam, feel compassionate at your son.
Rest in Peace Rookies
Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 5:34 AM |
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stooge | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 5:49 AM | Message # 43 |
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| QQwave only good at QQ's i asked u to vs me but ur excuse was ur alt friends gonna help u... LOL and 2nd game u rape me? u forget to tell the fact that u had 2k and 2 hero mass? u call that rape?
ur shit and u cry about mass pool when we owned ur ass 3v3? lol this game did not have mass poolers until u arrived and everyone can attest to that.
the real ass rape was when u couldnt get outta of ur base all game in 1st 1v1...thats called ass rape which im sure ur familiar with since u been getting alot of it lately without ur mass pooling boyfriend.
now next time i see u online than i will gladly make u cry again but this time come with a better excuse than "allies in alts helping" ur no better than rosa only difference is rosa doesnt have a mass pooling ally but still shit and talks big.
also saw the ass bleed footy gave u too, now its only dark from our team that needs to make u QQ. ur like that $2 hoe that goes crying from 1 to another till his ass cant take no more and disappears for a week and comes back under alts and runs to psychologist for treatment after some comments from kids like cyray, monster and cheesy who are half his age. i suppose u havent hit puberty yet at 35 but dont worry u will bleed and become a full grown woman one day.
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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SOUNDWAVES | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 6:28 AM | Message # 44 |
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| QQ more noob. I asked what? what did you asked? your fresh bs easily get bored just like your mom. prove your skill in game not on making bs stuff on forum mod god. hahahaha I really want to see your big talk in game instead of Cold Silence unlike forum thread and chat box. keep QQ more till I rape you down again HAHAHA
Rest in Peace Rookies
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stooge | Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-2013, 6:44 AM | Message # 45 |
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| ur english as just as bad as ur chf skills LOL u must be frothing cuz i can hardly understand what ur trying to say...all i can make out is QQ, QQ and more QQ
this "rape again" comment is funny cuz u havent dont shit on ur own yet LOL ur butt hole must be like a train tunnel by now after all those butt rapes from pretty much every one even PUBS lol and u post a replay of urself pub stomping trying to prove something? LOL just proves again that u can only play vs pubs..
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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