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Banning without reason - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt, Random260  
Banning without reason
Bio-AssAUltDate: Wednesday, 11-Nov-2015, 9:49 PM | Message # 1
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
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Admins you guys need to make sure you are putting a reason on your bans when you implement them please.

I'm just going to start removing bans that don't have a reason attached.

In-game command: !ban (user) (reason) e.g. !ban bio-assault tower mid FTD

If you implement a ban in-game and forget to put a reason either whisper ClanHPMM !delban (user) and re-ban them with the reason attached or use the panel to correct the ban immediately following the game. (if you have access)

It's simply not fair to anyone if someone asks why they were banned and we are not able to give them an answer. Nor should another admin have to go check the entire replay to figure it out if the banning admin isn't on.

Someone breaks the rules, ban them and include your reason or your ban is considered invalid. It's simple.

I see bans without a reason listed every day. No reason for it, please stop.

FirNesSDate: Thursday, 12-Nov-2015, 5:14 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
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Added (12-Nov-2015, 5:14 AM)
Btw I don't mind Farmer and Rival having admin again as long as they dont abuse. But if I see them abusing believe me its gonna be a mess

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