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Main » 2013 » October » 2 » Troll box monitoring:
1:53 PM
Troll box monitoring:
I have now been put in charge with monitoring the troll box as well! Troll box is allowed to be used as normal but if anything goes beyond ugly such as posting pictures of a player which has been done in the past, or racism or anything beyond that, I will trace up that player and bring him to light of who it is hiding behind that anon. Not sure if it warrants bans or what not at this point but Bond will discuss more of what he wants done. If a player feels he's being hounded and bullied by anons and he PMs me, I might not hesitate to let him know who his bullies are behind anons. You've been warned. Think twice before posting in anons. Any questions, pm me. :D

Anons can be used to say what they want to say just as long as it isn't being abused and can get away with ugly verbal murder. ^^

-Cou ^^

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