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Shuffle players in every 2 game in oder to guarantee ggs - Forum

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Shuffle players in every 2 game in oder to guarantee ggs
mehrquackDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 11:21 AM | Message # 1
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The teams are too unblanced in oder to give people who dont benefit from mass stacking/pooling a enjoyable game. Let me explain :
The playerbase of chf manily consists of less experienced people . As result there is a lot of feed/bad playing in chf games . On the other hand there is a movement of more experienced players who stack ( alts , elo booster.). The problem begins here :
The stacked team defintly going to win the mass because of deadly wards / good spell picking while the other teams have no aeos...... This leads to condition in which the stacked team is above everyone ( gold , xp ). The mass pool as well as the good starter situation allow them to dominate the game quite easily through hk e.g shamans + banish , mass aoes , feed , vegance build etc. Wining vs this strategy alone is nearly unpossible.

So i am asking random to include auto-sp in every 2 game ... for the good of the bot

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 12:10 PM | Message # 2
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mehrquack, hi if you wanna be able to win vs stack you need a team which can speak your language and alot of trust if someone says they tech keep pooling them and you will win also tell them about recall item if they tech(so they can easily bk) . 
i play with alt accounts now days so i bet a stack team  mastaskill  janefox frost-hack (note they did not do !swap they just joined move to each other) smile

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 2:34 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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mastaskill-janefox-frost-hack thats not really stack... they are just normal players

stacked team is for example something like this:






ic3dt3aDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 4:39 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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mehrquack, i basically agree with you, however, it would end up with ppl feeding their friiends instead. the optimal solution would be to change everyone's name to player 1 and change their colors to the same thing(that way they cant say what color they are). yet, they would be able to tell based on base position(barracks).
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 5:15 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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I hate stacking too but you need respect there is many players who are friends or clan mates and they want play only together (like Roystom-Yeferzon or JST4X-Cheesy etc.) and if you will shuffle they will leave and join next because they want play only together and they will not play vs each other. I was trying explain this to Mehrquack like 100x times but he cant understand for some reason.
Random260Date: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 8:13 PM | Message # 6
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I've already made a idea similar to this. However, it hasn't been done since there are more things that need to be done.

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nzfockrDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 10:57 PM | Message # 7
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A stacked team = IIIlllIIIlll & 8lllllllD
feeltreeDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 11:20 PM | Message # 8
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yae, shuffleplayers have to be in every game!!!
or a vote by 4 players !yes to get !sp.
so much fukedup games by staked teams / elo-win hunters
ruins a lot of games.
goodgames are rare.
suffleplayers will give more balanced and more interesting games = more fun

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 11:27 PM
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 4:58 AM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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I repeat again - some players are friends and they have clan or team and want play together. They will not play vs each other. If you will use !sp they will keep leaving lobby until they will not have team together again.... CHF is team game if you are angry because there are stacked team solution is maybe make team with somebody or just stop play CHF. I have almost 0 friends but you dont see me cry here "make sp please" etc because i dont care.
mehrquackDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 5:16 AM | Message # 10
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
I repeat again - some players are friends and they have clan or team and want play together. They will not play vs each other. If you will use !sp they will keep leaving lobby until they will not have team together again.... CHF is team game if you are angry because there are stacked team solution is maybe make team with somebody or just stop play CHF. I have almost 0 friends but you dont see me cry here "make sp please" etc because i dont care.
@Adam the hosted games would be separated into "shuffle players" and "normal lobby building" . Therefore players are able to decide if they want to team up or not . You clearly need to develop your understanding....
Moreover you play only stacked. As a result you arent effected by this specific situation. You only want to maintain your advantage of stacking.. Coz you know alone you will loose a lot of elo

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
feeltreeDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 6:55 AM | Message # 11
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yae @ mehrquack, thats it.
they just afrait to lose stats (elo n win)

i do understand, that friends want to play together...but really...i give a shit
they can leave...and its good like that - couz it will be a stacked team.
it is more interesting to see what shuffle brings, and also fun to play vs a friend
or if good players fight vs each other in a random teamformation.

me vote everytime ars - it makes the game more interesting
im tiered of all thes boring noob spellcombos and tactics
random makes it more fun.

none shall harms the wild
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 7:02 AM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Cou deleted my elo (he deleted 800 or 1000 i dont remember) and since this moment i dont care about elo anymore mehrquack trust me.

Added (14-Feb-2015, 7:02 AM)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
me vote everytime ars - it makes the game more interesting

ARS is bad mode... if you wanna read why check this old thread:
feeltreeDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 7:12 AM | Message # 13
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i know why it is a good mode to me, so im not interest to know
why it should be a bad mode.

i have much more good games in -ars mode and much more annoying games
in chosen ones .. so this makes -ars just the 1st choice to -ars is best

none shall harms the wild
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 9:10 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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I love how so many players in this game doesn't even have one game friend in Battlenet after all this time.

If you hate the current system, then go make friends or play with your clan members.

The situation here is being exaggerated to such a large amount that I can only laugh.

And btw, why is JaneFox admin? She's always admin for no reason. I am very confused on this issue. Even game moderators lost their powers and yet here is a random player, who is admin because she has kids. You don't get privilege for having children.
There are many here with families. I don't see them crying about their admin so why should JaneFox have a random admin power?

Quote feeltree ()
suffleplayers will give more balanced and more interesting games = more fun
I highly doubt this.
I really really really really doubt this from the bottom of my heart.
Sorry but last time shuffling was innovated in assasin-bot for CHF, all things got crazy.
A lot less people joined so longer game.
Lots of spamming "enter lobby " "exit lobby"
And most of all, lots of QQ and cries about admin abuse (cause red won't be red!)

Quote feeltree ()
me vote everytime ars - it makes the game more interesting
im tiered of all thes boring noob spellcombos and tactics
random makes it more fun.
Ars is such a horribly balanced mode that it's not even funny.
If all your teammates and you get like Death pact, evasion, sacrificial pit against a team with banish bolt aoes, your pretty much screwed from start no matter how professional of a player you are in CHF.
And worst part is, when ARS is called, SSD usually follows. And SSD shows the BIG rift REALLY quick.
If that's what you call fun I laugh.
Plus, if it is "ars", ELOers can always use win code heros. In other words: ELOers if they really wanted to can have an enormous advantage in game.

Quote feeltree ()
i have much more good games in -ars mode and much more annoying games
in chosen ones .. so this makes -ars just the 1st choice to -ars is best
Could you repeat what you just said? I couldn't understand a word of that reply...

Anyways, I just feel like if this is implemented... Every "2nd game", the bot will take quite a while to load cause of people who keep joining and leaving, etc.
You can't really stop stackers. Just let them be. They are really the minority of CHF anyways.
No need to over-exaggerate the 0.000001% of CHF bot games.
Just leave the lobby if you see a stacking team. I don't understand why people are so stubborn about this issue.
Or just learn to man up and play the game correctly. Seriously, it's just a game and stackers can still lose if you outplay them.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 9:13 AM
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 14-Feb-2015, 9:21 AM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
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Yeah true... Mehrquack is just angry because he is solo player (who play without team) and he is angry because he always lose vs stacker while he play with random allies. As i said in prevous post CHF is really team game so solution is find some friend and make team with him or just stop play CHF. Because many players playing in team and if you will !sp they will keep leaving and joining until they will not have team. Really mehrquack you need understand this is team game. You should try play some different map where is 1v1v1v1 or something like this.
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