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CHF could be remade on the Starcraft 2 engine - Forum

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CHF could be remade on the Starcraft 2 engine
Cyray@USEASTDate: Saturday, 31-Oct-2015, 2:02 PM | Message # 1
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By Blizzard Traysent 31/01/2015

We’re excited to announce the models and assets that made Warcraft III an amazing universe to explore are now available in the StarCraft II.

This brings over three thousand new materials for the amazing Arcade development community to work with, including new hero models for the 4 primary races, all of the original Warcraft III models including neutral creatures and their sounds as well as doodads, structures, spell effects, ambient sounds, music and custom user interfaces for each race.

We are so excited to see what our community is going to make that we wanted to give you a head start. Once these assets become available to the public, we are going to spotlight the best content in what we are calling, “Memories of War.” This is your chance to start playing with your new tools and to start making amazing experiences.

What are some of your favorite moments in Warcraft’s history? Whether it’s from the first opening of the dark portal in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans to Grommash leading the Iron Horde in Warlords of Draenor, we want to see it recreated in the StarCraft II editor. We’d love to see anything from screenshots of epic battles, single-player missions recreated from your favorite game, mini-games using the new assets or anything in-between. However you want to celebrate, we want to see it.

CHF in Starcraft would be so cool biggrin but I can only dream...What do you guys think?


Here are some examples of what people are already doing with Warcraft 3 in the Starcraft 2 Engine:

name: james mcgovern

Message edited by Cyray@USEAST - Saturday, 31-Oct-2015, 2:16 PM
Web-GhostDate: Saturday, 31-Oct-2015, 3:44 PM | Message # 2
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Quote Cyray@USEAST ()
CHF in Starcraft would be so cool but I can only dream...What do you guys think?
i told bond009 about it long time ago but he does not want to work on it

Cyray@USEASTDate: Saturday, 31-Oct-2015, 3:51 PM | Message # 3
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
i told bond009 about it long time ago but he does not want to work on it

rip the dream

name: james mcgovern
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 31-Oct-2015, 10:49 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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i want warcraft 4
Random260Date: Sunday, 01-Nov-2015, 2:47 AM | Message # 5
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TBH it could be made on dota 2.

Uploaded with
lotrrotkDate: Sunday, 01-Nov-2015, 7:11 AM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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TBH you could come online more often and reply to other posts more often

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 01-Nov-2015, 6:27 PM | Message # 7
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Random260 ()
TBH it could be made on dota 2.
I asked this long time ago....

Call me "GOD”

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