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Forum moderator: Bond009  
feeltreeDate: Thursday, 29-Sep-2016, 11:05 PM | Message # 1
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I would like have Instant AOE-Kill against this boring Masstp with fast Darks
into Basecorner.

I Would like it

Its so boring
so fuking boring
to see it all the Time

Bam...Thorhammer...adios the Fuck

none shall harms the wild
attackers2012Date: Friday, 30-Sep-2016, 7:02 AM | Message # 2
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ajajaajaja du bist noobs
smalbuck101Date: Friday, 30-Sep-2016, 11:35 AM | Message # 3
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noobs bist du ajajaajaja
feeltreeDate: Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 4:08 AM | Message # 4
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u are so ajajaj


Added (09-Oct-2016, 4:08 AM)
somthing other i woul like is

somthingh like catapult

to throw em out of the base in front of the base

somthing to pay 500 gold or somthing like that

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 4:09 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 8:38 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Wait, let me get this straight.

Quote feeltree ()
I would like have Instant AOE-Kill against this boring Masstp with fast Darks
Quote feeltree ()
somthing to pay 500 gold or somthing like that
So enemy has dedicated his/her ultimate, 22000+ gold (I'm sure with upgrade, it's more like 24,500) and you want THAT to be countered by 500 gold?

Man, I always knew you made no sense but this a whole new level of nonsense.
There is already an item for that. It is your penguins in the shop.
It's only around 15000 gold.

OR wait! Forcefield. Explosion. Slow/Awe Aura, Howl of Terror, mass AOE, silence, tower of brokeness

Seriously, if you want 500 gold to counter around 24,500 gold, then you need help. Go see a doctor.
There's already so many counters to it. Oh ya, forgot, you even get a free base invulnerability item in your shop. What more do you need?

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 8:39 AM
feeltreeDate: Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 3:24 PM | Message # 6
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
So enemy has dedicated his/her ultimate, 22000+ gold (I'm sure with upgrade, it's more like 24,500) and you want THAT to be countered by 500 gold?Man, I always knew you made no sense but this a whole new level of nonsense.
There is already an item for that. It is your penguins in the shop.
It's only around 15000 gold.

hey mister nonsense, or lady?

yes, by 500 gold to counter....

thatz why

do u think, there is only tis oneway? yes?

than it sux really sux

it is against fast baskill

there are also some other tacticsinstead biing the fastest on get dark mortars, ward of god n 2nd heros

get out with this shit....get counter it

mr overpwoerdnonsense

Added (09-Oct-2016, 3:23 PM)
Quote feeltree ()
Seriously, if you want 500 gold to counter around 24,500 gold, then you need help. Go see a doctor.

i will give u an advice
by writing such shit, u will need this doc


Added (09-Oct-2016, 3:24 PM)

just seeing ur little sighn

shows me u really need this doc

come down

just a little

would help ya

but shows me


no comment ...

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 3:26 PM
smalbuck101Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 6:09 PM | Message # 7
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pls tech me pley
feeltreeDate: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 7:45 PM | Message # 8
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no 500

it have to be for free

Massteleport into enemys base = instant kill or unable

this is what i called baseprotection

none shall harms the wild
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 13-Oct-2016, 4:16 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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hello, mr idiot, there is something that costs less than half of the tech cost of darks, it is called a nuke tower.

k, thx bye.

suggestions: either read and learn the game or uninstall and play mine sweeper.
Priest-Of-SinDate: Monday, 17-Oct-2016, 3:51 PM | Message # 10
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Wait, let me get this straight.Quote feeltree ()
I would like have Instant AOE-Kill against this boring Masstp with fast Darks
Quote feeltree ()
somthing to pay 500 gold or somthing like that
So enemy has dedicated his/her ultimate, 22000+ gold (I'm sure with upgrade, it's more like 24,500) and you want THAT to be countered by 500 gold?

Man, I always knew you made no sense but this a whole new level of nonsense.
There is already an item for that. It is your penguins in the shop.
It's only around 15000 gold.

OR wait! Forcefield. Explosion. Slow/Awe Aura, Howl of Terror, mass AOE, silence, tower of brokeness

Seriously, if you want 500 gold to counter around 24,500 gold, then you need help. Go see a doctor.
There's already so many counters to it. Oh ya, forgot, you even get a free base invulnerability item in your shop. What more do you need? have so many options....only if you put your brain to work(just a bit) you will see the results(or maybe not).
Quote ic3dt3a ()
suggestions: either read and learn the game or uninstall and play mine sweeper.

i like this option better,my advice is to forget about ''read or learn'' just fuc4ing uninstall w3 lol.
Quote feeltree ()
hey mister nonsense, or lady?
no need be rude with ppl who are trying to help you

sarahwao123Date: Wednesday, 01-Mar-2017, 9:47 AM | Message # 11
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Mighty Thor Hammer =)
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