Going to have an all clan game 10pm EST Sunday Feb 13.
13riNgiToN | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 7:43 PM | Message # 31 |
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| yeah it would be awesome
Owls <3
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stooge | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 7:45 PM | Message # 32 |
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| every1 agrees on spider going on a power run... here are a few screenshots of clannies chatting.... PS: what was wrong with my post that u deleted? there was no swearing there was NO flaming it was simply what everyone else is saying... telling people to grow up yet u, urself are a douchebag sir.
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
Message edited by stooge - Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 7:54 PM |
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Bond009 | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 8:22 PM | Message # 33 |
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| Ok we gotta come to some sort of agreement on this at some point lol I wasnt keeping up on the argument with stooge, arctty, and spider but i skimmed through it in those 2 threads. a lot was said and yeah theres always gonna be parts here and there that are truth to what ppl say but gotta look from both sides Aside from maybe being too strict with ppl sometimes spider runs stuff pretty well, and sensors stuff and what not. Im not gonna do it so its good someone does. Becuz i guess it is an over all site rule that certain things cant be publicized on here or they can close the site down on us.. (It is a free site w/ free hosting after all ) If some ass hole person from like the old nohunter site wanted to try and get us closed on here or something it wouldnt look good probably to break their rules a lot. I mean they arnt my rules i dont really care too much here and there but it is the site providers guidlines. Anyway no one likes to be called out on stuff so i can see why spider would jump on the first thing arctty did wrong after the on going argument lol judges do it cops do it etc.. but still hes prob right arctty shouldn't have swore quite as much as he may have. I didnt say ban him but then again i wasnt there to see it all i just think its probably best we start from now on using the Reproofs thing that way it happens slowly with warning and there a place to write the reason so we have documentation on that stuff. I dont like having clan members banned either but its hard to not have the same fair rules for all. Then we got ppl coming back (like masta or rocks etc.) and saying not fair etc etc btw 9000 was drunk that night in wc ^ lol she loves drama and shit talking when drunk anyway whoever has issues left undealt with, u can probably carry it on in a PM or make a new thread just for the convo in the ClanHPMM section that areas private.
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mb53 | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 8:31 PM | Message # 34 |
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| Well. I think it makes sense for acrrty to be banned. Seriously, he was literally asking for it. Sigh I hate drama tempted to just disappear from wc3. One the forum side, everyones freaking out over dumb stuff, and then in wc3 all of my friends are being stupid and also have pointless drama...
Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
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Bond009 | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 8:54 PM | Message # 35 |
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| yea shits true man waay too much drana for a game to have eh lmao
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stooge | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 10:30 PM | Message # 36 |
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| if we can all be fair and easygoing like bond and stop sucking up to ppl there wouldnt be any freaking drama....and whoever deleted my post from 2nd page of this conversation F**k U loser get a effing life...
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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Arcty | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 11:04 PM | Message # 37 |
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| Honestly I don't care anymore, if nothing is going to be done about spider despite a huge amount of people having an issue with him then whatever, I am not going to lose any sleep. Ban me for one week even though Bond said to do it through reproofs go ahead I pretty much made him do it, ban me another week for "breeching my ban" and deleting posts of me trying to coordinate clan games that is abuse. It also says nothing about that in the rules. Spider will probably delete this just like he has some of the other posts in this thread but I am still going to coordinate clan games either way whether I post it or some one else does, multiple people have already offered to post on my behalf so you might as well just leave this up. Friday 8pm, Saturday 4-5pm through the night this weekend, I think that will be good for everyone.
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lspiderl | Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 11:45 PM | Message # 38 |
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| im sorry but unless your a complete and utter moron ( and i know your not) ANYONE with a SPEC of common sense would know if they were BANNED then making another account to avoid the ban would not be allowed and likely result in further punishment furthermore the ONLY people complaining about me running the forums are your friends that you told HALF teh story to so DUH of course they think that i mean in picture of convo that was posted you have deathguard thinking i banned BOND and someone claimed i only ever play pokemon defence when that was ONE night that i felt like playing that since i can play it laying down ( mind you im still recovering from major BACK surgery you keep spreading lies and twisted truths and then use the results of your actions to try and justify your poor behaivor furthermore i play at least one game a day on odd hours sometimes i jsut join w/e bot is hosting it and sometimes i play on west ( but weve been dealing with crap there because yet agian clan wfe disbanded because wind was too busy playing WoW to login /sigh ) so jsut because YOU dont see me doesnt mean im not on not to mention you dont know all of my accounts on wc3 either and i play sc2 as well and yes im on the forums alot because oh yeah IM AT HOME FO SEVERAL WEEKS RECOVERING FROM BACK SURGERY AND THERES NOT A LOT I CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so serious GROW UP , follow the rules and GET OVER IT
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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stooge | Date: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 4:18 AM | Message # 39 |
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| way to pick crap out of the conversations...he was joking when he asked if bond was banned...also grow a effing pair dude and actually name people instead of saying "someone claims i only play pokemon" u need to freaking grow up and stop being a forum nazi here... i know this is gona be deleted or edited but tbh i couldnt give a flying F**k.... y R u here anyway, u DONT play CHF, WC3 for that matter, so y dont u go do something more productive with ur time instead of wasting it on the net... PS: what gives u the right to take off ur neg rep from me and arctty????
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
Message edited by stooge - Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 4:19 AM |
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KinG | Date: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 4:55 AM | Message # 40 |
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| Quote (stooge) y R u here anyway, u DONT play CHF, WC3 for that matter, so y dont u go do something more productive with ur time instead of wasting it on the net... PS: what gives u the right to take off ur neg rep from me and arctty???? LOL this is off topic deleting thread and banning everyone thanks stooge really u need to chill on the fourms wtf resizing picture and we can say efffin wtf we all know wat it means really childish i dont think these fourms even need moderaters or managers they "efffing" run them selves
I'm still winning ....... Like charlie sheen
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lspiderl | Date: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 10:50 AM | Message # 41 |
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| king dont fuel the situation
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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lolblade | Date: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 6:01 PM | Message # 42 |
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| this aint a fighting/ban forums. AND spider u rly dont have to write essays for ur post. MY EYES hurt lookin at them
sig in construction
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stooge | Date: Wednesday, 16-Feb-2011, 4:29 AM | Message # 43 |
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| Quote (lolblade) this aint a fighting/ban forums. AND spider u rly dont have to write essays for ur post. MY EYES hurt lookin at them every thread me or arctities start, spider turns it into a banning competition and tries to find ways to ban us and start a fight...and as far as writting essay's goes he apparently cant play footies for 20mins but can write about 5-6 essays like that on different threads.... PS: u still havent awnsered my question spider...what gives u the right to take off the neg rep from me and arctities??? so its k for other's to keep their neg reps but not for u???so no1 can give u neg reps cuz u'd simply jus take it off?
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
Message edited by stooge - Wednesday, 16-Feb-2011, 8:08 AM |
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lspiderl | Date: Wednesday, 16-Feb-2011, 11:50 AM | Message # 44 |
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| neg reping because you were punished for poor behaivor is simply childish that said this is the last time im going to tell you to stop trying to start trouble from now on you WILL get a reproof every time you try to start a fight with staff you said you were going to stop then because arccty didnt stop and got himself a vacation you decided to try and pick a pick in EVERY thread and its getting old He knew what he was doing when he did it HE needs to deal with the consiquinces of HIS actions let it go and stop trying to start trouble
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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stooge | Date: Wednesday, 16-Feb-2011, 6:26 PM | Message # 45 |
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| whatever makes u happy....i can see how satisfied u r with ur life..hahaha do whatever the f**k u wanna do u have a power corruption isssue and every1 knows it... and as far as reps go doesnt matter how u give some1 neg rep no1 else can remove it check anyone's, hatoup,flames, masta, all their reps stay neg but on the other hand u jsut remove urs, u R and always will be a douchebag and a forum nazi get a life.... dont barge into my convertions from now on and plz get of this thread since u dont play/know anything about wc3 or footies...this is my last msg to u...GET A LIFE and stop barging into the conversations that doesnt concern u.
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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