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Forum moderator: Bond009  
The CHF Knowledge Library
Bond009Date: Tuesday, 15-Apr-2014, 4:18 PM | Message # 1
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Custom Hero Footies Knowledge Database

The Library of CHF Information

This will be used for descriptions as well as main usefulness to the unit/item/spell
The perfect place for new players to come..


Primary spellcaster. Can cast Purge, which slows and dispels positive and negative buffs. Can also use Lightning Shield and Bloodlust and has death coil.

Bob the Newt
A Magic Newt. Uses Abolish Magic, and Ensnare. This unit also has 75% resistance to magic. This unit is good for dispelling units or wards or a tank token, also good vs mauler heros and magic immune units to lock them down with net.

Giant Sea Turtle
Big and slow turtle with Taunt, Resistant Skin, War Drums, and Clone Turtle. This can be used to counter many things as well as OP heros, it's clone is a summoned unit that lasts 30 sec that can devour pretty much anything in the game besides an Alter of the Gods.

Has Bash and has Song of Terror and Song of Power. Also has True-sight, Life Link, and Tracks of haste which speed up movement of all surrounding units.

Jammy the High Priest
High Priest of healing magic. Can cast Firebolt, Rejuvenation, Heal, and Dispel Magic. This unit can also be upgraded into a Joza with the Power of the Priest staff and just about doubles its power with mana, HP, attack and makes it immune to xmute and charm.

Priest of Protection
Supporting spell caster. Can cast Anti-Magic Shield, Invisibility, Inner Fire, and Healing Ward. This unit can also be upgraded with the Power of the Priest staff and can help block transmuting abuse.

Rock Golem
Heavy melee unit that hurls boulders at opponents and has Bash. Immune to spells. This unit is good for stunning or gaining map control with good micro to lock down spell casting heros.

Renegade Wizard
Magic user that casts Purge, Mana Drain, Sleep, and Smoke Screen. Also has Wind Walk and Brilliance Aura. This creep has enough energy to block a spell every 2 mins. This unit is good for dispelling Ward of the Gods and can be used for countering heros with massive mana or giving mana to allied units in a pinch.

Can be used to repair buildings, has Blink and is immune to magic, can also acquire and use items like a hero is able to do so.

Pocky the Rat
A sneaky rat with Evasion. Can cast Silence, Farsight, and Curse. This unit is useful for having good map awareness also countering units by using silence, very good at stopping channeling spells or harassing heroes/units.

Goblin Zeppelin
Can transport units around the map, can be useful for invisible surprise attacks or dodging transmute.

Blank the War Golem
Heavy melee unit, Immune to spells, has cleave and can casts Devour Magic. This unit is extra useful if someone is abusing rats silence

A permanently invisible spirit that can see other invisible units, but cannot attack, it has 100% evasion so melee attacks has little to no affect.

Owl Scout
A sneaky little owl with True Sight and Mana Flare. This unit is invulnerable, but can be dispelled.

Long-range siege weaponry. Effective against buildings but slow and vulnerable. Has the Burning Oil ability. This is useful with buffs to surprise attack bases, also use this with the zeppelin for better tactical chances.

Dino LizZarD
Heavy ranged unit that hurls fiery missiles. Can cast Mana Burn, Bloodlust, Devour, and has Thorns Aura. Also has Repile stealth which allows the units to move faster while invisible to counter creeps that are immune to magic. This can also be used to slip free from nets.

Troll Batrider
Light flying unit with incredible perception. Good at destroying buildings. Has the Unstable Concoction ability, which allows the Troll Batrider to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemy air units. This makes it effective at countering Chims and Mana Dragons or massive attacks from air units.

Mana Dragon
Small flying creature adept at harming spellcasters and avoiding damage. Has Spell Immunity, Phase Shift and Mana Flare. Can be OP in masses so you can only own 2 Mana Dragons at any given time. Use these to counter an over abundance of spell casters.

Granite Golem
Heavy melee unit that has Immolation and War Stomp. Immune to spells and most magical effects. This cost 3.5k with 6000HP and is useful at taking out large amounts of low class units.

Giant Polar Bear
Heavy melee unit with Roar, Rejuvenation, Cleave, and Mutated Polar Bear. If in the lead this unit can help maintain the lead, this unit is best used to support an army with its roar or given bloodlust to better increase its attacks on enemies.


Staff of Saving
This item can be used to save your own units or allied units and heros, this item is very useful for good team work and strategies.

Ninja's Stealth Cloak
Ninja's Stealth Cloak gives you permanent invisibility unless you are attacking a unit or are revealed.

Hero Spells:

Acid Bomb
This spell is a good AoE that gives slow affect to enemies and does dmg over time and gives a armor reduction. It also does more dmg over time to the main target.

Animate Dead
Raises dead units in an area to fight for the Death Knight. Animated units are dispellable, and can not be attacked.


Game Modes:

Extra Game Info:

    They give mana regen so keep them safe. They have blink, immune to magic and beast mode which gives them extra HP to survive.

Bond009Date: Tuesday, 15-Apr-2014, 8:48 PM | Message # 2
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Well i got a good start on this, its to improve players and also as a guide to new players from foots 5.4 that are overwhelmed with all the new things they have never experienced. I noticed we have a lot of new players especially from 5.4 lately and there is a lot they don't know or understand so this im hoping will help.
I figured i'd start with the creeps because in many ways they are top priority to know because they are always there and not build dependent to counter things.

If any of you wanna help add to this and improve it here is the list i used to get most of the icons

TrixxareforkidsDate: Tuesday, 15-Apr-2014, 9:19 PM | Message # 3
Zombie Pirate
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It would be cool if you could (at some point -- this will be a lot of work) list spells and cooldowns for both heroes and creeps, as well as tech upgrade stats.

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 15-Apr-2014, 11:12 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Yeah and add how much every upgrade effects certain units ya know, like upgrading attack gives how ever mucht o catapult.
Random260Date: Wednesday, 16-Apr-2014, 7:35 AM | Message # 5
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Err put in aswell.

Uploaded with
MonsterDate: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 0:15 AM | Message # 6
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bonds king

ZiZi-____-ZiZiDate: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 8:14 AM | Message # 7
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I like dis ... Bond009 good job, continue adding other things ^^

CHF for life :) ^^

JawnsonDate: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 9:41 AM | Message # 8
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Thanks for making this!  It's really nice to be able to quickly read through and know what each creep is good at doing/countering.

O_o]-PrincipVDate: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 2:42 PM | Message # 9
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Quote Bond009 ()
Bob the Newt
 I think is op  mellow

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 7:58 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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King 009

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
MonsterDate: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014, 8:44 PM | Message # 11
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gigasus91Date: Friday, 18-Apr-2014, 6:05 AM | Message # 12
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its more like xfansterrrr
Priest-Of-SinDate: Friday, 18-Apr-2014, 6:55 AM | Message # 13
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Quote Monster ()
kids lets behave ourselfs.let not turn this thread in something its not meant to be.

Bond009, good job

ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 24-Apr-2014, 4:57 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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is this what you do instead of releasing the game? what is wrong with u?!


honestly, i think the most important information on there should be the rune of shielding. new players(or veterans of other footies games) won't know wtf is happening and will accuse you of cheating(as i did when i vsed u guys the first time)
Bond009Date: Monday, 06-May-2019, 10:16 PM | Message # 15
Overall Site Owner
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Lol remember this.. was a good start as a guide for new public. People should help towards it and link it to 5.4 and 5.5 players lol tongue

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