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Pro con list of golem - Page 3 - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009  
Pro con list of golem
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 07-Feb-2019, 12:17 PM | Message # 31
Robotic Ninja
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Well, depends on the situation. But in a game where most players are good or in an inhouse, there will be a lot of aoes, even if every player only picked one. Have you tryed to tech in an inhouse? 9/10 times it ends up by a failure cuz your units get one shot everytime you go to the middle.

Added (07-Feb-2019, 12:19 PM)
Then charm counters, but requires lvl 11. In an inhouse you generally win or lose the game before getting to that point. Bladestorm? Lvl 1 kinda bad, most of the time you end up dead killing nothing. xmute for creeps? golems, newts, turtles don't bother. Donation to try to win with time? Too slow. To me a good creeper can prolly win every game if he didn't get a shitty mass.

Message edited by FirNesS - Tuesday, 12-Feb-2019, 6:33 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 13-Feb-2019, 7:11 AM | Message # 32
Robotic Ninja
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A real inhouse generally is very different from most CHF games anyways.

Everyone literally has banish / bolt / cold strike / frost nova / entangle / lasso and if you step out of position for even a sec, you should expect 7 bolts, 9 cold strikes, 9 novas, 1 banish.

And ultimate? You see nerds going donation / mindrape / yamato cannon / transmute.

It's usually the one team who doesn't know how to play that feeds the other team hard in inhouse that creates discrepancy in results. Otherwise, games pretty much stale all game in inhouses.

Having said that, I don't really think golems are the issue.
Feel it's more of the stupid newts. Newts + tech + lasso in a regular game are true headaches. Especially with mass pool.
I wish something was done to nerf newts. Make it more 1 more food and lower magic immunity?

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Wednesday, 13-Feb-2019, 7:14 AM
DooMsDate: Thursday, 14-Feb-2019, 0:55 AM | Message # 33
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For you information best ulti in inhouse is TT
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 14-Feb-2019, 5:46 AM | Message # 34
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Feel it's more of the stupid newts. Newts + tech + lasso in a regular game are true headaches. Especially with mass pool.I wish something was done to nerf newts. Make it more 1 more food and lower magic immunity?

Remember when newts were completely immune to magic? I remember going for unholy + aoe and buying like 11 newts, rooting everyone on the map. There was no counter for it lol

t33vs1erDate: Thursday, 14-Feb-2019, 9:10 AM | Message # 35
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Having said that, I don't really think golems are the issue.Feel it's more of the stupid newts. Newts + tech + lasso in a regular game are true headaches. Especially with mass pool.
I wish something was done to nerf newts. Make it more 1 more food and lower magic immunity?

I do not agree with that. 

I am pretty good with going golems mercs and I find teching much harder because of mass toming + aoe. You can basically hit and run with 2 aoes and kill everything. Especially if you have WW or divine you can dodge the stuns. Additionally, say you get caught by a newt, you can always TP out after casting 2-3 aoe (and perhaps a ulti too). That is easily 300 gold for 2 new tp's. 

Now say that you get lassoed, sure you may avoid it with wizard/rats. But not everyone is pro enough to do that. But most teams only have one lasso. So say a techer gets gangbanged (having 2 or more - oftentimes more) by heroes with aoe, the techerl kill only one hero, while losing its entire army. This is especially the case when you go solo with little pool. Now if you get pooled, that is different as you will also prob get supporting heroes that would sleep or hex ennemy heroes who aoe - but then the problem becomes stack vs non-stack which is an imbalance no matter the playing style. 

That said, newts ARE a bit OP. They should be balanced. 

But I disagree that teching is op. Teching is what is missing from games nowadays. 

The only people who win with tech are:
-Stacked teams
- Players with 150 + apm (and that is not enough to win - trust me! I have an apm around that). 


Added (14-Feb-2019, 9:18 AM)

Quote FirNesS ()
Well, depends on the situation. But in a game where most players are good or in an inhouse, there will be a lot of aoes, even if every player only picked one. Have you tryed to tech in an inhouse? 9/10 times it ends up by a failure cuz your units get one shot everytime you go to the middle.

Exactly. So the problem are not Golems or mercs, but AOE! That is my point. People do not tech because of mass AOE. AOE needs a nerf. 

The game as it currently is, demotivates players who are not stacked or have crazy apm to tech - which is the natural counter to golems. 

Golems are only op from the perspective of going mass AOE. But if you have fiends, you will laugh at golems. 

Quote FirNesS ()
Then charm counters, but requires lvl 11. In an inhouse you generally win or lose the game before getting to that point. Bladestorm? Lvl 1 kinda bad, most of the time you end up dead killing nothing. xmute for creeps? golems, newts, turtles don't bother. Donation to try to win with time? Too slow. To me a good creeper can prolly win every game if he didn't get a shitty mass.

Charm obviously counters. Bladestorm! lol. I never use that. 

Transmute is nice because because it sells some of the most keys units like priest and wizard (with a bit more difficulty of course). To me, it is not the golems that are powerful mercs. Blank golem? just dodge it. Stun golem? I only make one as I consider it the weakest merc. The stun is short. Sure you can mass them, but is that really good? Vs other than true pubs i do not think so. 

And vs teched, stun golems die like flies. So the issue is that people do not tech!

Why? because of the REAL imbalance - namely too strong AOE. Tomes are also a problem. 

BTW a good golemer can win most games quickly... but that is if he is not harrassed to death during a rush. The rush is crucial to gain momentum. 

Use rats to silence him when he rushes ennemy team
Kill his with with druids
Throw in a tower while he rushes
Aoe his footies
Kill his hero - that hurts!  (Torrential tribute, mind rape, druids)
Xmute his wizard of priest!
Mass backstab with footies/tech

GG poor golemer!

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