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Can this computer run CHF?
a_chinese_kidDate: Monday, 28-Apr-2014, 9:07 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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I know it's not much and I don't expect it to run smoothly during mass but can does this work?
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 0:02 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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The troll in this is beyond dispute

Literally even a 40 dollar used desktop on EBAY (pentium 4 desktop) can run warcraft 3 smoothly

And your asking....oh well, the troll is beyond troll smile
If you don't know about computers, I will tell you this simply:

Unless you are seriously buying a rip off in today's computer, even netbooks should be able to run Custom Hero Footies without even a single lag.
Actually, I might even claim that even netbooks can run starcraft 2 smoothly (maybe not full graphics but close enough)

So ya, dont worry. Todays' computers or laptops can run wc3 anyday (including CHF)

Dragon-HawkDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 1:11 AM | Message # 3
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Get an Alienware laptop.. best for gaming;_uhb=1

MonsterDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 6:44 AM | Message # 4
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i got a y580, wish i waited for this to release sad

RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 10:21 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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If you guys really want to troll with what's the best laptop
You might want to care about only two things:

SAGER^^  <= if you go by pure specs, this company has it all for da price wink Now, just beware of crap looks lol
or... CyberPowerPC :l
***SAGER has CRAP looks. I admit that. But for the price, many of the times (when it updates...i guess), it is probably the company that has the BEST specs for its price.    SAGER FTW !

BTW: In general, "gaming laptops" tend to be overpriced for the same specs due to the attractiveness. And in general, "gaming laptop companies" are HUGELY overpriced for the specs.
This goes mainly for companies like "ALIENWARE" (I can get similar specs for lower price than this overpriced PC-MAC thingy)

In TODAY's society, I think battery life is more important than "GAMING LAPTOP" garbage. Basically any decent laptop can run anything. Like seriously, what game can you NOT play in a decent laptop that you can ONLY play on "gaming laptops"? This is all just freaking marketing for those who don't know much about computers to think "OMG! GAMING LAPTOP" crap hype.

To the guy who suggested ALIENWARE:
Please, don't be like the next fanboy of Beats headphones. Professionals know real sound are the unknown companies like sennheiser, grado, akg, etc. <SAGER, IBUYPOWER, CYPBERPOWER> :P

wink NUBS ^^
btw, custom made laptops are generally cheaper but when you look at the most EXPENSIVE gaming laptops, I suggest you just buy the gaming laptop. Buying 1 chip at a time can also sometimes be more expensive :l


Added (29-Apr-2014, 10:21 AM)
Quote Dragon-Hawk ()
Get an Alienware laptop.. best for gaming;_uhb=1
Alienware is the MAC version of PC.
Overpriced crap with ehhh specs for its price.

Alienwares are like Beats.
Sager are like Sennheiser.

Question is, do you go for quality, or for looks?

(IBUYPOWER is somewhat in middle I guess.)

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 10:22 AM
VexslasherDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 12:08 PM | Message # 6
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Something I have learned as a gamer is gaming laptops are not the best choice for a gamer. I have spent thousands on a few different laptops that were supposedly the best gaming laptops however laptops have so much things that can go bad within a very short amount of time. The first laptop I bought after the first year the battery died and the charging cord had started to not connect very well anymore after a bought half another year it had started to overheat within about 10 minutes of use and then shortly after that the screen got cracked all over the place. I got another laptop shortly after and it only lasted just over a year and now it overheats after about 30 minutes of use and then it doesn't turn back on for the rest of the day. And after that I switched to my desktop computer and it has been amazing and it was actually cheaper to buy the best desktop verses the best laptop, so not only does it last longer but it's also slightly cheaper in most cases and you can get better spec upgrades cheaper usually 2.

a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 4:34 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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What are you talking about Sager? btw you say i'm just trolling, which I am.. but it really doesnt seem like you know that..

Obviously I've done my research and this is an amazing laptop, and obviously I could careless if it could run chf since my mac mini can run that smoothly. I just wanted to show it off, I'm just going to play elder scrolls online with some friends and dota 2 somewhat. Just needed a laptop to go to my buddies.

anyway.. yeah.. no idea what that rant even is.. If you are going to talk about battery life and not bring up throttling you don't really know much o.o

but totally agree on that thing about ram.. 8gigs is plenty for even just elder scrolls. Maybe for like crysis and high video editing you will want 16.. 32 is ridiculous and nothing can really handle that.

Same thing with 4k screens.. nothing can even really process that, let alone games hardly even have things on that resolution.

Yeah vex you're definitely right. Gaming wise I'd say go with a desktop if you aren't going to any low level LANs or going around.. If you're buying a gaming laptop always pay attention to the battery and charger, since your laptop is essentially useless unplugged for gaming. Either the laptop throttles (suppresses gpu and cpu to conserve power) or they don't throttle/you remove throttling and you lose your battery extremely fast. Basically a gaming laptop should be designed as a mobile desktop in a sense.. it's going to be charging almost everytime you game.

Also for gaming like hard core (not wc3), if you are going to buy a desktop I'd say build one.. really easy with an ipad + a video instruction. Just make sure to follow a buying guide etc. It's much cheaper and faster


the more you knowwwwwww
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 5:02 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote a_chinese_kid ()
What are you talking about Sager? btw you say i'm just trolling, which I am.. but it really doesnt seem like you know that..
Na, I knew you were trolling but I was just showing you some other companies that make excellent quality laptops for the price because you might think of buying a laptop.

Quote a_chinese_kid ()
Obviously I've done my research and this is an amazing laptop
:) This laptop pretty good ^^

Quote a_chinese_kid ()
I just wanted to show it off
That's the whole point of gaming laptops. You know, I get more stunned by SAGER and those kinds of gaming laptops but I guess for the average people, they will probably be like, "WTF IS SAGER?"

Quote a_chinese_kid ()
If you're buying a gaming laptop always pay attention to the battery and charger, since your laptop is essentially useless unplugged for gaming.
I always found regular laptops to be much better deal in the long run. Luv those with like battery life over a day smile
*And they still epic specs ^^

Quote a_chinese_kid ()
Basically a gaming laptop should be designed as a mobile desktop in a sense.. it's going to be charging almost everytime you game.
IDK about you but this to me defeats whole purpose of gaming laptops xD

Quote a_chinese_kid ()
Also for gaming like hard core (not wc3), if you are going to buy a desktop I'd say build one.. really easy with an ipad + a video instruction. Just make sure to follow a buying guide etc. It's much cheaper and faster
Hmm, really depends. But on average, yes.
There are rare times when you need a super expensive chip (usually the intel i7 extremes which cost a couple thousand dollars), buying a preset is much cheaper
*(Companies mass buy chips => Gets chip cheaper => More worth it then)
But ya, general rule of thumb, building yourself from newegg for desktop is much cheaper

Quote Vexslasher ()
Something I have learned as a gamer is gaming laptops are not the best choice for a gamer
Thats what I just explained to him wink
Gaming laptops really aren't that all great except for the looks. lol

TangerineSkyDate: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2014, 9:38 PM | Message # 9
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Still running my 2001 mac with warcraft just fine.  Fanboy 4 lyfe

Dragon-HawkDate: Wednesday, 30-Apr-2014, 1:12 AM | Message # 10
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Alienware is the MAC version of PC. Overpriced crap with ehhh specs for its price.

Alienwares are like Beats.
Sager are like Sennheiser.

Question is, do you go for quality, or for looks?
 Aha i said this because i use it and its awesome biggrin

a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 30-Apr-2014, 3:43 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
IDK about you but this to me defeats whole purpose of gaming laptops xD

I honestly dont think you understand. Sure wc3, go for it, buy a laptop with a big ass battery and 2 gigs of ram, i3 and intel graphics. But if you want to play any new games, that require a real gpu a real cpu and real memory, you can't play worth crap without it charging.

Like i said before either you're going to get throttled for battery (which wc3 could still run on) or your battery goes away in less than an hour (on a real game)
Web-GhostDate: Monday, 16-Jun-2014, 9:08 AM | Message # 12
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i have a macbookair and
a gaming/video editing pc (gtx 560 2gb 256 bit, 12gm ram,2x500gb green drive wd,2x 500gb blue drive wd,and 2 ssd 1 running windows 8 and other mac(hackintosh))

spiegeljbDate: Tuesday, 08-May-2018, 7:03 PM | Message # 13
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its probably ok
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 09-May-2018, 3:43 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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u gotta stop necroing the most pointless threads in ucoz history

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