lol I never thought to introduce myself on here.. Guess i will do it now in case anyone doesn't know who i am, im Bond, i made Custom Hero Footies and play it quite abit so im pretty damn good lol ^^ but not the best.. When i first made CHF it was mostly just for me and my friends to play when i hosted then somehow it got huge so i went with it and just kept making it better. I put together Clan HPMM on East realm quite a few years ago but it didn't start getting huge until now. Its hard adding new people because we always have around 96/100 active people in the Clan. You're welcome to stop in and chill in the clan room anytime though, you wont be able to get in unless someone in the clan is in there also (before you try to enter) I made 2 bots, ClanHPMM and BondBot, they host on East, West, and Europe almost 24/7 up time (at least i try) you can add those bot names to your friends list on wc3 to better find the game name they are hosting at the time. They can host up to 12 games at once, if you ever see them just sitting in the clan room all games are full atm.
A bit about personal life.. i'm 24 in last year of college for Computer Networking and Systems engineer. I live in Michigan, just a full time student, and hang out with my good friends when i can find time.. Like the casino, poker, various games, hiking mountains, beaching it on nice days etc.. My girlfriend of over 2 years i get to see all the time and goes to the same college as me funny thing is i got her to play wc with me and shes not to bad at it loll guess i'm just that lucky haha Theres plenty more to say but its getting overall pretty long so i'll end it here.
I assume your here because you like my game so glad to hear it
You can learn alot more about it here on the site and in the game in F9
Check out all the commands at least it will really help you out over time. Also check out change logs, in this forum there is also a place to dl the most up to date map and view a good amount of info about it.
Haven't really changed it from when i posted on the first forum xD
See ya on bnet