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Forum moderator: Alex[STAR]  
What if....
Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 4:06 PM | Message # 1
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You were stranded on a deseert island, and you had to pick 6-10 people to be with. Who would you pick out of the CHF community?!

2DaYuDiEDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 4:19 PM | Message # 2
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- bond: for inventing cool games on the island
- fallen: to fuck em up
- masta: cuz it will just be fun to watch him try swim over without a team (=
- sound: maybe some1 will hear him, and hes a cool guy ^^
- all the girls: for a nice view
- njaguar: people will come save us becuz he got $$$$

ItSoVeR9000Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:06 PM | Message # 3
Blonde Ninja Mod
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1. Bond- For obvious reasons, he will make me happy and protect me from all the animals.
2. Shadow- So we can have girl talk and find treasure in the ocean together.
3. Eli- So we can drink together and talk about Kathy.
4. Talk- He seems funny and nice.
5. John- So he can stalk me and make sure I don't get lost or eaten.
6. Arctty- Cause hes logical and will get us out of sticky situations.
7. Trixx- To protect bond from the natives and help us communicate with them.
8. Alex- Cause hes a future doctor, and at one point I am sure we will need one.
9. Masta- So we can hunt fish to eat, since I am assuming we will need food at one point.
10. Stooge. - Because every island obvs needs a hater smile kidding, cause hes my friend ofc.

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Message edited by ItSoVeR9000 - Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:19 PM
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:22 PM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
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1. stooge- asians can do anything
2. cou- australians also
3. talk- so buff he can fight the tigers that attack me
4. chinese- always need that annoying kid and yes, asians can do anything
5. njag- we'd probs be stranded at his house and i want the keys to his stuff.
6. bond- would give me good rep with njag smile
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:32 PM | Message # 5
Zombie Pirate
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Bond - His old-fashioned prom-king good looks will distract the natives from us, allowing us to seek shelter. Also, his hiking prowess is legendary
Jamie - Who else is going to keep Bond's moral up? (except me, of course.) Also, a dentist would be nice to have
Alex - Genius with computers; he could probably make us satellite TV! Or something. Future doctor as well, although his hand does slip sometimes (like today)
Nick - Lax bro and classic comedic relief
Greggoreth - So he can use his muscles to build shit, and also do beer runs for me. Halifax buddy also must know something about living on islands
Eli - Hockey bro. We'd talk about hockey
Andynub - We'd troll the natives together. Same name buddies <3
Lizzy - Amazing, fun person <3 In event of a zombie apocalypse, we would repopulate the human race
HIV - Great friend, who listens to great music! We'd jam
Flamefusion - A child sacrifice to the natives' gods

Honorable mention: Shadow - Because I need someone who will stay up all night with me and talk smile

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ

Message edited by Trixxareforkids - Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:38 PM
Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:34 PM | Message # 6
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Here is my super impratical list

1. Trixx - We all need a Dan in our lives
2. Lizz - Well she's the person I've known the longest in CHF, so she's gotta be here :D.
3. Stooge. - Throw an australian accent in there smile
4. Jamie - She threatened me cry
5. Bond009 - Hopefully I'll think of a reason soon. I'm gonna go back to this one. (LOL) smile
6. ShadowHunter94 - Becuase she completes the family
7. Cheesy-Gordia - TF2 BUDDIES!
8. Talk - Brown?
9. Adam/Kristian - Just so smile
10. Jade - I have to bring my ex-wife

Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:36 PM | Message # 7
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Quote (Trixxareforkids)
Alex - Genius with computers; he could probably make us satellite TV! Or something. Future doctor as well, although his hand does slip sometimes (like today)

Oh lord, to anyone who wasn't there, that sounds so wrong.

ShadowHunter94Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:39 PM | Message # 8
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- Bond: I would miss him way to much if he wasn't with me. <3
- 9000: Bond would miss her, shes nice, and she is an awesome card shuffler. LOL
- Eli: So we would have a fourth for a game of cards and the commentating on the cards would be extremity funny.
- Alex: He is cool and could use his epicness to blind all the dangerous animals. tongue
- Trixx: Who doesn't love a good bowl of cereal? Oh wait, I have to bring people... Well the guy is cool too. biggrin
- Bring: He has the owls on his side and they could maybe fly a note with our general location so we can get saved.
- Master: He could swim to main land and get us some help.
- Talk: He could keep us entertained with his rap and just being funny and his job could help us make shelter.
- Jade: She is really smart and works in the medical field so she could help us stay healthy.
- Lizz: She has lasers, "pew pew." I know that would just add to the protection of everyone. happy

Warcraft is no game, Warcraft is my LIFE!
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:40 PM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (Alex|STAR|)
Oh lord, to anyone who wasn't there, that sounds so wrong.

And yet soooooOOOOOOOO right

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 5:59 PM | Message # 10
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Message edited by XXkillerbeansXX - Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 6:00 PM
ShadowHunter94Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 6:00 PM | Message # 11
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It said 6-10, so I went with 10. smile
That not ok? surprised

Warcraft is no game, Warcraft is my LIFE!
Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 6:01 PM | Message # 12
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Quote (ShadowHunter94)
It said 6-10, so I went with 10

Well, it was 6 until the high maintainence girl made me change it hahaha.

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 6:11 PM | Message # 13
Zombie Pirate
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then ill remake my list...

1. 9K: fun to tease. wonder if she'd care if mind rape was real?
2:shadow: idk? funny i guess, quiet
3. chinese: to piss of the girls
4: masta: ^^
5. bond: to keep his girls in check
6. trixx: idk... boring?
7. stooge: asians can do anything.
8. njag. gotta land on one of his houses on one of his private islands(hopefully the one with the Boeing 737 smile )
9: wilz: need more asians.
10: someone black? what if i need someone to jump high and i dont have any black people?
ItSoVeR9000Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 6:34 PM | Message # 14
Blonde Ninja Mod
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Quote (Alex|STAR|)
Well, it was 6 until the high maintainence girl made me change it hahaha.

biggrin biggrin biggrin bahahaha , you love that its 10..don't lie happy happy

xMoNsTeRRRDate: Monday, 15-Aug-2011, 9:27 PM | Message # 15
Zombie Pirate
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Cuz we fuck shit up

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.

Message edited by xMoNsTeRRR - Tuesday, 16-Aug-2011, 2:58 AM
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