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mb53Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 5:32 PM | Message # 1
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You people all seem to get off topic. So yeah, post here now instead of other threads.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
lolbladeDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 6:57 PM | Message # 16
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notanty,notanty,notanty, NOTANTY

my answers

if u want the true ones just subsitute the above post with my name

sig in construction
HashDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 8:08 PM | Message # 17
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OMG people, I want you people to answer them truthfully. I guess that you don't want to help me then cry
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 8:21 PM | Message # 18
Zombie Pirate
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My votes!
1. Halifax Buddy (Greggoreth)
2. ChrIscera
3. David.Palmer (he's from before your time)
4. homo

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
mb53Date: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 8:49 PM | Message # 19
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Angel arena: lolblade, I didn't want to spam the idea topic about angel arena sooz


Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 8:53 PM | Message # 20
Zombie Pirate
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What map is it? I used to play a lot of X and Domination, and I was the chief tester for most of the real versions of you just want items? Or heroes? Tactics even?

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
mb53Date: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 8:55 PM | Message # 21
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Allstars (Mainly because its the only one I can find a bot hosting)

I played eclipse once and it was meh, I had no idea what was going on =P

Well apparently there are super secret stuffs, so I would like to know whatever =P

I already know everyone hates dark seer and rockets/fists because of how cheap they are.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
AntyoneDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 8:15 AM | Message # 22
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Quote (Hash)
OMG people, I want you people to answer them truthfully. I guess that you don't want to help me then

the truthful people have decided not to post here at all I believe, sorryyyy..

stoogeDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 8:23 AM | Message # 23
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i reckon it'd be like this

1. stooge.
2. haseopkk (past) ( current 1 = urs truly stooge.)
3. talkischeap (always has something new to try and makes up pretty good strats too)
4. stooge.

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
BikiniandPunaniDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 11:37 AM | Message # 24
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1). A couple ppl are cool... Cou is cool guy to chill with! (ps ur welcome rookie)
2). Simple nuff... BikiniandPunani can single handedly shred players... I have shown this tons of times! wink
3). I like Soundwave's stats, stooge got some nice stuff, cheesy is up there, ismokerocks LOL this dude has some sick shit, not all of it works! some other too but yeah!
4). Duhhhh its me and maybe bond!!
ItSoVeR9000Date: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 12:56 PM | Message # 25
Blonde Ninja Mod
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1_ Who is the coolest person? I like everyone in the clan, I think they all are cool (well mostly everyone

2_ Who is the best CHF player? Bond of course!

3_ Who is the best strategist? Hm I think Isis has pretty good strat...cheesy, talk, bikini, hato, bondy, hash! to name a few

4_ Who is the most handsome? Bond is sexxxay flirt

CouDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 1:08 PM | Message # 26
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Quote (BikiniandPunani)
). A couple ppl are cool... Cou is cool guy to chill with! (ps ur welcome rookie)

heh cute Bikini, I don't think he's on here to read it lol.

There's alot of players that I have respect for but I'm sure they know who they are. wink

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
LittleBDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 1:10 PM | Message # 27
Robotic Ninja
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Well that was sweet, and im loling at this thread, u guys even get off topic, off topic! LoL!
Anyway Jade i will be honest with you smile

1.Talk,Bond Itsover9000.
2. Bond
3.Bryan123 (me haha ) and Bond
4. Talkischeappppp!

hahahahahha tongue tongue tongue tongue

BikiniandPunaniDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 1:13 PM | Message # 28
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lol 9000, such a sweet comment, however a bit biased dont u think?... If i may please correct just a few things...

1). Is a lie... Who was the one saying eww its biki??? Fail!
2). lol excuse me? Are u on drugs?... My homie bond is a really nice guy, made qn excellent map and has my full respect!, but come on, rethink bout what u said. smile (ps. Bond when u read this dont get all worked up bro, ill take u out for beer to make up for this truth I had to spit)
3). I love u too!
4). Thats stretching it a bit... the guy is alright, but id take him on anyday!... We Spanians dont know the meaning of unhandsome, idk if thats a word but anyhow point made!

And i had to make a comment bout adding hash on the list???? Wtf??? Now i definatly know that ur on drugs!!!!

ItSoVeR9000Date: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 1:19 PM | Message # 29
Blonde Ninja Mod
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hey I said most of the clan is cool...not everyone biggrin

Annndddd did you even post a pic yet!!!
hahah surprised

AntyoneDate: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2011, 2:25 PM | Message # 30
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so i heard u upload ur pic and u get like 20++ rep cuz thats all that matters on teh forums nowdays lol

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