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mb53Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 5:32 PM | Message # 1
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You people all seem to get off topic. So yeah, post here now instead of other threads.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
HashDate: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 5:51 PM | Message # 2
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I am so sorry. I was the first one to start doing that. I will post anything that are not related to the topic here. cry cry And thank you for making this thread smile
mb53Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 8:17 PM | Message # 3
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Anytime something does happen to get off topic, I shall post to this thread =)

And NP!

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
ItSoVeR9000Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 8:27 PM | Message # 4
Blonde Ninja Mod
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lol I wonder where this post will lead patsak

BikiniandPunaniDate: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 8:30 PM | Message # 5
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sorry... Hash is too saxy... i cant focuz when i talk to her! other things grab my attention biggrin

Added (2011-02-27, 2:29 Am)
btw.. heyyyy blond ninja!

Added (2011-02-27, 2:30 Am)
fyi there is a reason why there is no e there!

mb53Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 10:03 PM | Message # 6
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It will lead to crazy

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
HashDate: Sunday, 27-Feb-2011, 1:08 AM | Message # 7
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LOL @ Bikini. Thank you for the complimet. By the way, what does reputation do for you? Why is it that everyone wants reputation? I am trying to give everyone some reputation, but still wiondering about its purpose tongue

Added (2011-02-27, 7:07 Am)
OMG! I can't even speel right mad

Added (2011-02-27, 7:08 Am)
LOL, spell* Darn it. what is wrong with me?

mb53Date: Sunday, 27-Feb-2011, 1:50 AM | Message # 8
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Its just.... reputation. People with 0-2 (or in the negatives) are typically unliked (or just unknown), and people with it high have a good reputation.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
AntyoneDate: Sunday, 27-Feb-2011, 6:35 AM | Message # 9
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Quote (mb53)
Its just.... reputation. People with 0-2 (or in the negatives) are typically unliked (or just unknown), and people with it high have a good reputation.

look, im more popular than you are then tongue

mb53Date: Sunday, 27-Feb-2011, 6:19 PM | Message # 10
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Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
lspiderlDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 6:55 AM | Message # 11
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i r ninja ninja

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
HashDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 1:19 PM | Message # 12
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I need everyone to help me with a survey. Please answer truthfully. This is regarding Clan HPMM and CHF. So here are the four categories.

1_ Who is the coolest person?

2_ Who is the best CHF player?

3_ Who is the best strategist?

4_ Who is the most handsome?

And please remember to answer those questions to your best knowledge. Thank you tongue

AntyoneDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 1:21 PM | Message # 13
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anty anty anty anty

next survey please.

HashDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 1:23 PM | Message # 14
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LOL Anty, your answers aren't valid. Because first of all, you never posted your pic up. So we don't really know. And secondly, I can't simply based on just your answers to conclude. This is a survey which required everyone's votes. Sorry Anty tongue
AntyoneDate: Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 2:17 PM | Message # 15
Development Director
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ok ok, my bad

anty anty anty talkischeap86 - LoL

p.s I hope that solves your problem

Message edited by Antyone - Monday, 28-Feb-2011, 2:17 PM
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