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Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Bio-AssAUltDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 10:26 AM | Message # 31
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Like I said in chat and I am going to re-iterate here...

No more spoofing, of anyone. Spoofing is bannable. I don't care what the reason for it is... just don't do it anymore. Play on your own account(s). Spoofing is considered using a hack, to be clear.
GagamelDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 12:04 PM | Message # 32
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Punishment by sentence to death,years of ban, spoofing is a crime....? Yeah If you would all calm down now that would be fine.
What AL_GI actually did was creating an account on a different realm with a similar name that already has existed. This is neither a crime nor has anyone here the right to forbid this, since it is non of your buisness which nickname he choses in the game you have hosted a funmap in. Headadmins of chf are not the chiefs of blizzard cooperation. And Al_gi has not signed any licence agreement with you. So stop tell him what to do. If he creates an Account on another realm it belongs to him and yes even if you had the name first. So go and ask him for the password if you feel offended by spoofing, but dont start a big drama here by abusing your "virtual powers". Some of you should feel ashamed for the bs they have written here. I mean cou what kind of friend are you anyway if you don t even talk to him? You know him far longer than i do.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 12:20 PM | Message # 33
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Of course it was Cou´s mistake that he didnt keep his account on all realms. Every player should make his account in all realms and then nobody will "spoof him". But AL_GI didnt make that account because he like this nickname, but because he wanted admin abuse (he knew Cou is root admin and his admin is working on all realms i guess).
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 12:35 PM | Message # 34
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Adam no offense but stfu with all these lies

I spoof? So creating a damn private game in which there is only two players on a PRIVATE bot is considered spoof now?
Lol you got to be kidding me. I didn't even make an account on battlenet for Vexslasher unlike YOU who went out to create on different realms.

I guess next time, naming myself Bond009 on solo campaign should make me banned in CHF.
Sigh, Adam, there is a big difference between what I did and what you did.
YOU actually spoofed in real games using an ACTUAL Battlenet spoofed Vexslasher.
I in fact was just testing that crappy debug mode in a private game.

Next time I use donation glitch on me vs comp map offline, please go ban me.
I hate idiots here seriously.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 12:44 PM
nzfockrDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 1:01 PM | Message # 35
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Lol gagamel can you learn to read please.
Cou said he didn't care that al_gi spoofed his name if it was just for fun.
the problem is he abused the power(kicked people,abused sync limit and so on) so yeah he should be banned.

Always trying to justify any wrong doing and turn it around on the admins that are just doing what they should be doing
 But Oh wait, no, he shouldn't be banned because he is acting like you so why should he be banned right?  lol
You are a complete joke.honestly please go click ''delete all files'' in your deluded cyber fried brain and learn how to crawl again because you are about as retarded as they come.

''If you mess with me i will cause drama, spam bot spam , abuse abuse abuse''.LOL
Grow up dude
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 1:08 PM | Message # 36
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First of all... it was your IDEA spoofing Vexslasher.

We were talking about that debug mode and you said something like "I am going spoofing Vexslasher on another realm" but few seconds later you said "Oh I forgot i have name spoofer so dont need to spoof him". If you didnt have WIII name spoofer then it was you who spoofed Vexlasher, not me.

I didnt want make account Vexlasher on some of Battle net realms so i asked you for this WIII name spoofer (i send you also PM where i asked you for that) but you didnt answer me on purpose. I wanted test this debug mode and the only one way was making account Vexslasher.

Anyway i agree with you that there is really big different using spoofed name and debug mode on private bot or using them in real game on HPMM Bot. But you need realie big different between me and you:

1) i dont have admin on any private bot (you do) so i cant make private games

2) i dont have WIII name spoofer (you do) so you dont need spoof players for testing debug mode, but i need

Anyway I noticed long time ago that you prefer spoofing players in private games on private bots, dont you?

and stop lying in troll box (sorry i mean chat box) because you are not really reason why i am not unbanned.
Bio-AssAUltDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 1:30 PM | Message # 37
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FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 1:36 PM | Message # 38
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Ok so Gagamel.
Writting proper English doesn't make your arguments better. I just fully disagree with what you said in this thread.

How can you even attack Cou when he's surely the most responsible, fair and devoted root admin chf has ever known? If he considers that a 3 months ban has to be applied, then it's a fact, you don't really have your word to say.
You're defending Al Gi here, as if he had just spoofed an acc, but he didn't only spoof. He kicked people from game for no reason, fully abused of root admin, and made himself admin. Please don't tell me that this doesn't deserve a consequent ban.
Why do you even talk about crime? It's a damn game, no crime can be commited here. Use correct words, comparing what we're blaming Al for to a crime is just bullshit.
Quote Gagamel ()
Al_gi has not signed any licence agreement with you. So stop tell him what to do.

He's playing on a game that Bond009 owns and did create alone. Bond did choose his rules and his root admins. They decide. Anyone playing chf has to respect the rules that were made by the owners of the game. Otherwise it would be like "I'm american, I'm allowed to carry a gun in my state, so when I'm in Europe I can do the same, don't tell me what to do". Clearly not. You follow the rules that belong to the place you are, and it's the same here.

It's not only about spoofing. It's about harassing other people of the game by kicking them and it's also abusing because he made himself admin when no one had allowed him to.
I mean. Your arguments don't even make sense. I don't even know why I'm currently argumenting. Logic proves itself that what you're just wrong. It's not about a point of view, it's about being civilized.

BajsHoranDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 3:44 PM | Message # 39
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Hi im Rogerlucas smile

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 4:47 PM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
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Let's stay on topic guys. This thread is about needing help :3

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 4:55 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 4:57 PM | Message # 41
Robotic Ninja
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Quote FirNesS ()
Writting proper English doesn't make your arguments better. I just fully disagree with what you said in this thread.

the irony. . .

Quote FirNesS ()
He's playing on a game that Bond009 owns and did create alone

bond built off of 5.4b by windale, he does not own this(yet, i recall him looking into it, but that was about it)

Gagamel is basically stating that there was no agreement between players and mods as to actual playing by the rules, and there wasn't. there is only a non-formal agreement, i believe there is text informing you of the bot rules. yeah, it's impossible to have everyone visit the site and agree to the terms, but its a legit argument. on the other hand, al_gi has been a member of this forum for a time and understands and is aware of the rules(what cou is saying). he was also admin and was informed of the riles, therefore he has acknowledged what the rules are.
CouDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 9:00 PM | Message # 42
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Quote Gagamel ()
Headadmins of chf are not the chiefs of blizzard cooperation. And Al_gi has not signed any licence agreement with you.

Though admins are highly against it, it's not a crime to spoof but it was the motives behind it that was made malice. Blizzard may not have a licence agreement with us but we have an agreement with the players that donated alot of money and time to the bot. Therefore it's our responsibility to maintain the bot to be as playable and enjoyable. Not doing anything about problems will only make us corrupted thieves and I will not stand that among us admins. All admins are also doing this in their spare time and not getting paid for it except a backlash from the community lol.

Quote Gagamel ()
if you feel offended by spoofing, but dont start a big drama here by abusing your "virtual powers".

I will quote again that I wasn't offended by the name spoofing. It's the name "Cou" that holds the virtual power and it was being abused by him.

Quote Gagamel ()
Some of you should feel ashamed for the bs they have written here. I mean cou what kind of friend are you anyway if you don t even talk to him? You know him far longer than i d

You seem like an intellect but you also must really see the whole picture and not just what you want to see. Yes I was his friend. We got on well. I respected AL_GI because he seems like a nice guy and a veteran player. Read my rep, we were meant to have an inhouse as well. Since you want to bring "friends" into factor then tell me this then.

Why did AL_GI spoof me and make me look like a bad admin and trash talk players and tried to make me look like a bad person and set me up then? What kind of a friend would do that then? All I did was my job and I'm a horrible person? Even now behind the scenes in the staff forums, I'm stopping Bio and Random from making a longer ban. That just makes me even more evil and corrupt! I did try to talk to him but there was no replies in my mail too. So I suppose you'll come up with something creative on why it's my fault that AL_GI's ignored my private message too huh? Anything else that I should be ashamed about?

Gagamel, do me a favor? Go and ask AL_GI yourself. If I upset him or "kicked him out of the lobby to display my power" or start anything bad in anyway, then I deserve it and am guilty but at  this stage, with a clean conscience, I can say all I did was help him and even now, helping him still.

I will throw this out there though and want to sort this out. Since everyone ranging from Adam_cz, to QQcreate and gagamel who get a resolution, then I will also grant AL_GI a gentle resolvement as well. It's up to him if he will accept it. I will pm AL_GI on here nicely and if he can give my name back on then I will grant him amnesty, all will be forgiven and it will be like nothing ever happened. Then I can say that AL_GI did more to help as then I will give "euro Cou" access to Random and he can log into "Cou" on euro battlenet and find out what's happening with it. I'd like for all the bullshit to rest. I already come home stressed from work so I don't need un-warranted attacks on a game that I'm meant to enjoy.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015, 11:54 PM | Message # 43
Robotic Ninja
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Ice, why you act like you wanna contradict me when you finally don't even go ahead in your post? Why do you always revive your personal hate against me? Just fucking leave me alone. I don't really care if you hate me, but the way you permanently act does actually disturb me.

Quote ic3dt3a ()

Gagamel is basically stating that there was no agreement between players and mods as to actual playing by the rules, and there wasn't. there is only a non-formal agreement, i believe there is text informing you of the bot rules. yeah, it's impossible to have everyone visit the site and agree to the terms, but its a legit argument. on the other hand, al_gi has been a member of this forum for a time and understands and is aware of the rules(what cou is saying). he was also admin and was informed of the riles, therefore he has acknowledged what the rules are.

I'd just take again the exemple I did already give. When you go to a state which is not yours, you follow its rules even if they are not the same in your country. It's pretty impossible to sign an agreement between players and admins, wether it'd be IRL or in game. It would take way too much time, and this is why countries generally don't make you sign a chart or anything.

GagamelDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 9:32 AM | Message # 44
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Ok Firness since you cry so much about it i will answer you.
Quote FirNesS ()
Writting proper English doesn't make your arguments better.

I disagree. Writing proper English makes my arguments easier to fallow and easier to understand. In a debate not only the argument itself is important but also the way you present this argument. Those are only two of many linguistic factors of an argumentation that rely on each other. If you were german i could give you some coaching about that, but my english skills are not good enough to discuss on a high linguistic level in detail. Based on this i will just give you a counterexample:

First read this "argument":


And now let me show you the same argument in proper english:

Refering to your argument that it is about beeing civilized to have rules and not about the point of view i have to point out that you can t compare a single rule in detail with the fact of having rules in general. For examample you refer to different places where are different rules you have to fallow. By arguing like this you can legitimatize historical crimes on humanity like the holocaust or slavery easily. For example people were transported into concentration camps because it there were rules which humiliated those people as lower human beeings referring to their origin. Same goes for slavery. Tell me were the holocaust and slavery about civilisation, because there have been rules involved? That is why it should be common sense not to accept every rule as given without making your own thoughts about it first. In my opinion thinking about possible consequences of rules before accepting them is a sign of mental health.

Quote FirNesS ()
You're defending Al Gi here, as if he had just spoofed an acc, but he didn't only spoof. He kicked people from game for no reason, fully abused of root admin, and made himself admin. Please don't tell me that this doesn't deserve a consequent ban.

I dont belive in rehabilitation trough "punishment" in general. So yes he doesn t deserve a consequent ban. But that does not mean that he did nothing wrong. Still i am here covering his back like real friends should do. I already told you that i will from now on view any abuse towards al_gi as it was done to myself. And i give you all the advice before you feel in need to punish al_gi without hearing him out, dont mistake my kindness for weakness right now.

Quote FirNesS ()
I don't even know why I'm currently argumenting.

That is something i cant answer for you. Aswell i can t tell you why you re on the one hand seeking for my attention by crying for an answer and on the other hand you want me to be removed from the forum. Maybe you make up your mind before the next post.

Added (12-Feb-2015, 9:32 AM)
Quote Cou ()
So I suppose you'll come up with something creative on why it's my fault that AL_GI's ignored my private message too huh? Anything else that I should be ashamed about?

I didn t got a response on my private messange to him aswell yet, don t worry. I suppose sooner or later he will response. And instead of talking about what you should feel ashamed about i would like to say that there are reasons you can be proud of yourself, too. Because there are many good signs in your character aswell.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob

Message edited by Gagamel - Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 9:40 AM
Bio-AssAUltDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 9:41 AM | Message # 45
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