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Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 9:42 AM | Message # 46
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Gagamel i will give you simply question and you will answer "YES" or "NO".

Are you using map hack in WIII?

Answer please.
Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 9:51 AM | Message # 47
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Adam_CZ, same goes for you
do you maphack yes or no?
do you spoof yes or no?

RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 9:58 AM | Message # 48
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
do you maphack yes or no?
He is only 'testing' it.

Quote Web-Ghost ()
do you spoof yes or no?
Like I said, he is only 'testing' it.
It's not as if he is playing over 40 games on Vexslasher xDDD

Testing and playing is different. smile
<huh...the logic in this forum xD>

GagamelDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 10:37 AM | Message # 49
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Gagamel i will give you simply question and you will answer "YES" or "NO".Are you using map hack in WIII?

Will the next question be: "Where is the download link?"

Now tell me adam: What job does your mum have? I answered your question honestly now i want you to do the same in return.

Added (12-Feb-2015, 10:37 AM)

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob

Message edited by Gagamel - Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 1:48 PM
Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015, 10:46 AM | Message # 50
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Adam_CZDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 2:11 AM | Message # 51
Robotic Ninja
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Testing and playing is really totally different. I used map hack only 1 game in my whole life. It was private game on garena 1v1 (green vs red) and we both used map hack (me and MrDarkDevil) but i never used MH in real game on ClanHPMM Bot.

Anyway i spoofed Vexlasher on Europe and i used debug mode in real games (maybe 4 games) on ClanHPMM Bot. It was mistake.
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 2:41 AM | Message # 52
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Anyway i spoofed Vexlasher on Europe and i used debug mode in real games (maybe 4 games) on ClanHPMM Bot. It was mistake.
got it, by mistake you made a account names vexlasher, by mistake you joined a game right? and by mistake you did [code removed by administrator] right?

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 5:25 AM | Message # 53
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Web-Ghost ()'s not as if he is playing over 40 games on Vexslasher xDDD

Why are you lying again? I created account Vexlasher on Europe realm and i played like 4-5 games (games with czech flag). Gagamel created account on West realm and he played definitely more games than me (compare games with czech flag and games with german flag - who played more?).

Quote Web-Ghost ()
got it, by mistake you made a account names vexlasher, by mistake you joined a game right? and by mistake you did [code removed by administrator] right?

Joke? Of course i created account, joined game and used debug mode on purpose. When i said "it was mistake" i mean later i realized it was not good idea. Learn english. People are doing mistakes, sometimes they did something wrong and later they feel sorry for it.

Anyway you need realize (even Bond said it) i didnt get any win code or ELO from these games. If you put [code removed by administrator] nobody will lose and nobody will win, nobody will lose ELO. In fact i didnt ruin anything. But Gagamel-trash is using map hack and he ruined many games with 1 hero mass, with fake accounts in other teams. And people in these games lose ELO, he ruined games. He is atleast 100x worse than me.
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 8:29 AM | Message # 54
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Adam_CZ, get your quotes right RosarioVampireZ, said that not me

GagamelDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 9:29 AM | Message # 55
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Anyway you need realize (even Bond said it) i didnt get any win code or ELO from these games. If you put [code removed by administrator] nobody will lose and nobody will win, nobody will lose ELO. In fact i didnt ruin anything.

Since ELO is your life you may not have realized that there are other players aswell who play for fun and not for their "virtual- stats-penis." And most of those players don t check the forum and don t know about the debug mode. When they see someone cheating like that they simply lose interest in a game where something like this is possible.
Except for that your "virtual-elo-penis" is the smallest one around anyway, because it is not even real. It is fake. Tell me adam do you think you have accomplished something in life because of your CHF stats? Please make it a "YES" or "NO" answer. And dont dare to talk here again before you haven t answered it.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 11:01 AM | Message # 56
Robotic Ninja
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I dont care about CHF stats and ELO anymore. My answer is "NO".

And i will give you few questions now. And again answner "yes" or "no".

Are you AndresJones?

Are you b2p?

Are you SuckMyD1ck?
GagamelDate: Friday, 13-Feb-2015, 11:52 AM | Message # 57
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"yes" or "no"

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 3:46 AM | Message # 58
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Quote Gagamel ()
Still i am here covering his back like real friends should do.

We don't care about the fact you guys are friends. What we want are objective point of views. If hitler had been your friend you'd have supported him in his massacre? Saying "he is friend so please don't ban him" is not an argument, neither trying to find unlegit excuses for him is.

Quote Gagamel ()
That is something i cant answer for you. Aswell i can t tell you why you re on the one hand seeking for my attention by crying for an answer and on the other hand you want me to be removed from the forum. Maybe you make up your mind before the next post.

I'm seeking your attention? You're one of the dumbest person I've ever seen, you did actually reach masta killa's level. Getting your attention is more a shame for me rather than something I wanna get.
Then I did never say I wanted your acc to be removed on this forum. But yes, considering you're an abuser, a map hacker and a shit talker, I truly believe that measures should be taken to ban you from the game, tho it's not really possible because there are too many ways to dodge bans.

GagamelDate: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 5:39 AM | Message # 59
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Quote FirNesS ()
We don't care about the fact you guys are friends. What we want are objective point of views. If hitler had been your friend you'd have supported him in his massacre? Saying "he is friend so please don't ban him" is not an argument, neither trying to find unlegit excuses for him is.

The issue with Al_GI has been solved already days ago, so what are you doing here right now? Seeking for attention again?
Quote FirNesS ()
I'm seeking your attention?

Yes you were. Just reread your own posts i dont take the time to quote now.
Quote FirNesS ()
You're one of the dumbest person I've ever seen

Doesn t affect me if this comes from a dumber person than myself. Or why was it me who had to teach you about the argumentation part? "But hey you lost the argument so why not start to insult now?"

Have a nice day, stop seeking for my attention, from now on you wont get it anymore anyway. Gogo cry about me getting banned. In fact your opinion does not matter anyway. What metters is what i talk with Bond. And belive it or not i made up a deal that is good for both of us. And i demanded nothing i could not give to myself anyway. Oh he didn t invite you to join the conversation? So if he does not care about your opinion that much, why should i do?

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
feeltreeDate: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 1:51 PM | Message # 60
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bedenke, bei allem spaß, den du bei der sache hast, der schaden
den du anrichstest ist ungleich höher als der aufwand den du dafür investierst.
mnachmal frage ich mich, ist es nun 10 mal so viel oder doch 1000mal.
naja, kannst mir ja berichten, anhand der früchte, die deine arbeit
tragen wird.

none shall harms the wild
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