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Forum moderator: Bond009  
ChrIsicera's skill suggestion list
ChrIsiceraDate: Friday, 15-Oct-2010, 2:02 PM | Message # 1
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 150
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Status: Offline
Regular Skills: ((13))

3[Talkischeap86]Land mines: Plant an invisible landmine for large AOE Massive damage.

4[HM2008]AOE Berzerk: attack speed +50% damage taken +30%
L1: infernal sized area. Mana cost: 75 Long cool down, can have on roughly ¼ of the time if constant casting.
L2: slightly larger than infernal sized area. Mana cost: 75 same cool down.
L3: Medium sized area. Mana cost: 100 Less cool down.
L4: Medium large sized area. Mana cost: 125 Less cool down.
L5: Jamie dispel sized area. Mana cost: 175
L6: Jamie dispel sized area 75% extra speed 20% extra damage taken total. Mana cost: 225 able to stay active ¾ of the time.

(A nice mid ground between the area friendly nature of endurance aura and the awesome might of bloodlust.)

5[Isicera] Rupture Organs:Turns unit into a living explosive, when the unit dies they explode doing a % of their life as damage in an AOE around the corpse.
L1:Upon death a very small AOE damage of 20% of the dead creature's life. Mana cost: 100
L2:Upon death a small AOE damage of 35% of the dead creature's life. Infected creature takes 5% more damage. Mana cost: 125
L3:Upon death a mediumE damage of 40% of the dead creature's life. Infected creature takes 5% more damage. Mana cost: 175
L4:Upon death a medium large AOE damage of 45% of the dead creature's life. Infected creature takes 10% more damage. Mana cost: 200
L5:Upon death a large AOE damage of 50% of the dead creature's life. Infected creature takes 10% more damage. Mana cost: 250
L6:Upon death a Jamie dispel size AOE damage of 60% of the dead creature's life. Infected creature takes 15% more damage. Mana cost: 300

(The game has pretty much 0 status effects other than DoT that are worth casting on footies, this would fix that.)

6[Isicera] Trained in Combat (aura): Multiplies the experience that units gain.
L1: Nearby Units gain 1 kill's worth of experience themself for every 75 kills of the hero.
L2: Nearby Units gain 1 kill's worth of experience themself for every 50 kills of the hero.
L3: Nearby Units gain 1 kill's worth of experience themself for every 25 kills of the hero.
L4: Nearby Units gain 1 kill's worth of experience themself for every 12.5 kills of the hero.
L5: Nearby Units gain 1 kill's worth of experience themself for every 10 kills of the hero.
L6: Nearby Units gain 1 kill's worth of experience themself for every 5 kills of the hero.

(This skill exists purely to enhance the awesome unit experience system that you never get to see in the game. XD)

7[Isicera] Fear the Swarm (Aura):Bonus damage and armor depending on the number of units you have encompassed in your aura.
L1:Bonus: .5% movement speed per every 3 units in aura.
L2:Bonus: 1% movement speed per every 3 units in aura and .5% damage.
L3:Bonus: 1.5% movement speed per every 3 units in aura, 1% damage, and 1% life regeneration.
L4:Bonus: 2% movement speed per every 3 units in aura, 1.5% damage, 2% life regeneration, and 1% attack speed.
L5:Bonus: 2.5% movement speed per every 3 units in aura, 2% damage, 3% life regeneration, 2% attack speed, and 1% damage returned.
L6:Bonus: 2.5% movement speed per unit in aura, 2% damage, 3% life regeneration, 2% attack speed, 1% damage returned, and .25 armor.

(Another skill to make units more awesome in comparison to heroes, a powerful supplement to massive sprawling armies.)

8[Isicera] Heavy gear(passive): This skill is pretty much the item bag Bond has in various other awesome games though as a skill instead with the addition of slight bonus strength. Items passive effects still active while carried in this area.
L1: 1 extra item slot, +3 strength.
L2: 2 extra item slots, +6 strength.
L3: 3 extra item slots, +9 strength.
L4: 4 extra item slots, +12 strength.
L5: 5 extra item slots, +15 strength.
L6: 6 extra item slots, +18 strength.

(Since Bond was talking about a way to get the item bag in without breaking heroes I think this could be a fun way to do it, requires a skill slot so people can't just go crazy for free, but it allows the potential for someone to have crazy items late game and still have slots for potions and the like in exchange for a skill.)

9[Isicera] Incite madness: A potent curse on both heroes and units, single target. When used on a unit will attack the nearest creature, friend or foe. When used on a hero all AOE effects they have effect their own units as well as enemies. Any units killed by either maddened units or errant AOE give gold to the caster of incite madness.
L1: Madness lasts 8 seconds, mana cost: 80
L2: Madness lasts 16 seconds, mana cost: 80
L3: Madness lasts 24 seconds, mana cost: 100
L4: Madness lasts 30 seconds 20% extra damage to allies, mana cost: 100
L5: Madness lasts 36 seconds 40% extra damage to allies, mana cost: 120
L6: Madness lasts 44 seconds 30% extra damage to allies, madness becomes AOE mana cost: 140

(This skill would be a strong counter to stomps, (since the caster is within the AOE) nova and shockwave at mass and is in general an incentive to use an enemy's strength against them whether it be enraged units all battling each other, or forcing novas to destroy some of their own units, a potent tool for status effecting goodness.)

10[Isicera]Fresh Flesh Golem: Caster launches a wall of organic force similar to shockwave, yanking flesh away from each unit it hits, at its end point creates a flesh golem from all the damaged flesh. Unlike shockwave this doesn't damage buildings.
L1: 4/5 Shockwave damage, double shockwave's cooldown, same mana cost. Golem gets 100% of absorbed health.
L2: 4/5 Shockwave damage, double shockwave's cooldown, same mana cost. Golem gets 125% of absorbed health.
L3: 4/5 Shockwave damage, double shockwave's cooldown, same mana cost. Golem gets 150% of absorbed health and immolation
L4: 4/5 Shockwave damage, double shockwave's cooldown, same mana cost. Golem gets 175% of absorbed health, immolation, and 3 bonus armor.
L5: 4/5 Shockwave damage, double shockwave's cooldown, same mana cost. Golem gets 200% of absorbed health, immolation, 3 bonus armor and devour magic (From blank the war golem).
L6: 4/5 Shockwave damage, double shockwave's cooldown, same mana cost. Golem gets 225% of absorbed health, immolation, 3 bonus armor, devour magic (From blank the war golem), and 95% spell resistance.

(A fun fusion of summoning and offense and a way to bring back blank for those of us who didn't learn to appreciate creeps until now. :D)

11[Isicera] Devour: Since 9,000 fails so miserably at this need to at least let the hot arch mage do it in game. When a caster devours a target they get various bonuses depending on the level of devour, along with more potential devour targets. Potential targets are determined by spell level and caster's max health. Devoured units take damage at a set % of caster's max health per second as they're digested. Caster regenerates that much health and mana each second.
L1: Caster can devour units with 10% of caster's max health. Does 1% max health damage per second.
L2: Caster can devour units with 15% of caster's max health. Does 1% max health damage per second. From here on can target creeps.
L3: Caster can devour units with 20% of caster's max health. Does 2% max health damage per second.
L4: Caster can devour units with 25% of caster's max health. Does 2% max health damage per second. Damage done to the predator is 20% absorbed by the prey. From here on can target heroes.
L5: Caster can devour units with 30% of caster's max health. Does 3% max health damage per second. Damage done to the predator is 40% absorbed by the prey
L6: Caster can devour units with 35% of caster's max health. Does 3% max health damage per second. Damage done to the predator is 40% absorbed by the prey. Once digestion is completed hero's max health increases by 1%

(This skill targets high health heroes giving more utility to the under appreciated class of strength melee, at low levels it's purely a way to get back health and mana while removing a footy from the game, at midgame it can be used to poach people who are running around with low healths that would have been killed by an equivalently leveled AoE skill while still maintaining the bonuses for the predator, and late game it helps the predator in every non unit kill aspect, helping with tanking and removing individual targets like Jammies. This gives excellent incentive to pay just as much mind to a growing strength tanks as to a growing agility mauler since when they get to the scary point they'll actually be a similar problem for heroes, scaling with their health instead of just capping with their stomps.)

12[Isicera] Spell armor: Gives the target unit a chance to negate spells.
L1: 25% chance to negate a spell, 30 second duration, 1 minute cool down.
L2: 35% chance to negate a spell, 30 second duration, 1 minute cool down.
L3: 45% chance to negate a spell, 40 second duration, 1 minute cool down.
L4: 55% chance to negate a spell, 40 second duration, 1 minute cool down.
L5: 65% chance to negate a spell, 50 second duration, 1 minute cool down.
L6: 80% chance to negate a spell, 10% chance to reflect the spell back at its caster, 50 second duration, 1 minute cool down.

(Skill version of the amulet of spell protection.)

13[Isicera] Reflexive spell (Passive): Whenever the hero attacks or casts a spell there's a chance for them to cast another spell from their arsenal for free. (Does not apply to passive skills. Stacks with spell arrow)
L1:8% chance per spell cast, 0% chance per attack.
L2:16% chance per spell cast, 0% chance per attack.
L3:24% chance per spell cast, 3% chance per attack.
L4:32% chance per spell cast, 6% chance per attack.
L5:40% chance per spell cast, 9% chance per attack.
L6:50% chance per spell cast, 12% chance per attack.

(MK in Creep arcade has a somewhat similar skill and it's useful for all kinds of builds in CHF)

To be continued in next post...

Added (2010-10-15, 3:02 PM)
Ultimate skills: ((22))

1[HM2008]Dispel magic: Akin to Jammy's but stronger.
L1: Jamie area of effect. 20 second cool down. Low/no range. Mana cost: 80
L2: Same AOE. 15 second cool down. Medium range. Mana cost: 160
L3: Same AOE. 10 second cool down. Now decreases duration of avatar and to all summons including infernals, etc, damage to Chims/phoenixes. Jamie range. Mana cost: 240

(Brainstormed before newt kind of countered Avatar. May or may not be useful/overpowered. May be good counterbalance to Chims)

2[Isicera]Ultra Glaive (passive): Keeps all effects as if each attack were the primary.
L1: 1 bounce.
L2: 2 bounces.
L3: 3 bounces.

(Alternative ranged passive to multishot for those who like using things like mauls or ice orbs.)

3[Isicera/Talkischeap86]Ultimate Aura: Gives all auras for a period of time after it's cast.
L1: All auras at level 2. Lasts 10 seconds. Avatar length cool down. Mana cost 200.
L2: All auras at level 4. Lasts 20 seconds. Avatar length cool down. Mana cost 275.
L3: All auras at level 6. Lasts 35 seconds. Avatar length cool down. Mana cost: 350.

(A completely different take on an ultimate for temporary army super powers. More focus on team play.)

4[Isicera]Spell arrow: Gives a % chance for one of your skills to fire at a target whenever you attack them. Only works with non beneficial spells *IE no healing wave etc.*
L1:Character attacks have a 20% chance to cast a random spell from your spell pool on the target.
L2:Character attacks have a 40% chance to cast a random spell from your spell pool on the target.
L3:Character attacks have a 60% chance to cast a random spell from your spell pool on the target.

(A take on the frost/searing/dark arrow though amplified up to the next level for a pseudo passive ultimate.)

5[Isicera]Arrow of Harvest: Enemies killed while the Arrow of harvest is effecting them bare fruit from the dark seed it plants within them. If an enemy doesn't destroy the fruit its gold is given to the player.
L1: +5 damage. 10% extra gold should the fruit survive 3 seconds. Mana cost 20 per arrow.
L2: +10 damage. 20% extra gold should the fruit survive 2 seconds. Mana cost 30 per arrow.
L3: +15 damage. 40% extra gold should the fruit survive 1 second. Mana cost 40 per arrow.

(A money making alternative to Transmute, more for the all the time instead of the remove this specific unit now necessity.)

6[Isicera]Trader (passive):A passive ultra that doesn't heal, negate, or do damage. Its benefit is lowering the cost of items bought in any store.
L1: Items can be bought at 95% of normal cost.
L2: Items can be bought at 85% of normal cost.
L3: Items can be bought at 75% of normal cost. Enemy players must pay 5% more for items if you're alive. Does 1% max health damage per second.

(Completely non combat related ulti that would guarantee all your enemies want to kill you. ^.^; )

7[Isicera]Enhanced Breeding: Support skill for a tech-centric build. Increases spawn rate and health of troops from selected building. Includes creep spawn and Hero revival.
L1:Units spawned from targeted building have 5% more health and spawn rate is 50% faster. Duration 2 minutes cool down 2 minutes and thirty seconds. Mana cost: 200
L2:Units spawned from targeted building have 10% more health and spawn at double the speed. Duration 2 minutes and thirty seconds cool down 2 minutes and thirty seconds. Mana cost: 300
L3:Units spawned from targeted building have 15% more health and spawn rate is 200% faster. Duration 3 minutes cool down 2 minutes and thirty seconds. Mana cost: 400.

(Another skill that's more unit based, could make or break a game thanks to feeding/dark over running.)

8[Isicera] Wave of Atrophy:Massive AOE stomp spell for minimal damage. Does not work on undead enemies. Heals friendly undead.
L1:2,500 range 50 damage
L2:5,000 range 75 damage
L3:10,000 range (whole map) 150 damage

(There are no fast stomp ultimates, there's channeling ones, there's single target ones, there's summon ones, but not a single stomp, so this is a super stomp to compensate.)

9[Isicera] Teleport attack: Hunt down your prey with a massive range blink and attack. (Allowed to target your own footies)
L1:75 bonus damage 2,500 range. 200 mana short cool down.
L2:150 bonus damage 5,000 range. 100 mana very short cool down.
L3: 225 bonus damage 7,500 range. 75 mana. Neggligible cool down (Charm length).

(A mobility based ultimate to keep people from needing Windwalk so bad to get from A to B quickly. Also allows a more hero hunter based build so when people run you can catch them.)

10[Isicera] Concentration (passive aura): Reduces cool down for all skills you have.
L1: 5% reduced cooldown.
L2: 10% reduced cooldown.
L3: 15% reduced cooldown.

(A skill for those who really just like to cast their normal skills as often as possible and support the team while they're at it!)

11[Isicera] Merge and Purge: Merges the hero with the nearest friendly controlled unit in order to gain some of their attributes. When purged the previously merged unit dies allowing the hero to merge with a different unit. If the hero dies the unit is also killed. Cannot work with buildings.
L1: Hero gains 20% of the unit's: Health, Mana, Attack Damage, Attack speed, armor, movement speed, attack range, and 1 random skill provided there's room.
L2: Hero gains 40% of the unit's: Health, Mana, Attack Damage, Attack speed, armor, movement speed, attack range, and 2 skills provided there's room.
L3: Hero gains 30% of the unit's: Health, Mana, Attack Damage, Attack speed, armor, movement speed,attack range, and 1 random skill provided there's room. Allows merge bonuses from 2 units at the same time.

(Alternative for Avatar, not as strong as Avatar especially at the beginning, but more potential for customizable builds with it, ranging from pure tanking with Tauren absorption, or for additional casting power with a Shaman, or to have supplementary powers like with a Pocky for Silence/curse. Very versatile and potential to have a whole group of builds just on its own!)

12[Isicera]Legacy of knowledge:Friendly units killed near the hero who have levels of experience contribute to future units. Hero casts this on fresh units to give them instantaneous experience.
L1: Hero gives new units 25% of the maximum experience of a unit killed near the hero.
L2: Hero gives new units 50% of the maximum experience of a unit killed near the hero.
L3: Hero gives new units 75% of the maximum experience of a unit killed near the hero.

(Again this is to enhance the power of unit experience since it's a cool albeit underused feature in the game.)

13[Isicera] Tax day: You force your units to pay taxes to their hero for the greater good, buy those CHF war bonds! Effects all units you control on the map
L1: 3 gold per unit.
L2: 5 gold per unit.
L3: 7 gold per unit.

(Incentive to keep lots of units alive so you can make lots of money, another anti 'cannon my footies so they don't get farmed' skill)

14[Isicera] Paragon of training: Cast this roar to temporarily have your skills function at a higher level. Perfect skills for those who don't care about their ults, but want higher level primary skills fast. This lets skills hit level 7, a higher point that normally can't be reached!
L1:Mana cost 200: Effect lasts 20 seconds. Bonuses skill 1 level.
L2: Mana cost 250: Effect lasts 30 seconds. Bonuses skill 2 levels up to a maximum of 7.
L3: Mana cost 300: Effect lasts 40 seconds. Bonuses skill 3 levels up to a maximum of 7.

(Loved this skill in Diablo II albeit under a different name, and having the ability to push skills to past their normal maximum seems totally awesome. :D)

15[Talkischeap86] AoE Hex: Hexes every unit in a large area.

(we need a status effect ultimate skill, and we need an AOE status effect.)

16[Talkischeap86] Downgrade units: Reduces the tiers of all nearby enemy units.
L1: 1 tier down
L2: 2 tiers down
L3: 3 tiers down (IE Raider down to Footy.)

(Interesting concept that could be utilized very well late game!)

17[Isicera] Abuse: Put your enemy through a living hell that most cannot survive.
L1: Target receives acid like an acid bomb L2, cold as of nova L2, and all L2 negative auras lasts 15 seconds. 90 second cool down
L2: Target receives all the effects of L1 except now at L4 and: Shadow strike effect L4, Soulburn effect L4, Hex effect lasts 20 seconds. 70 second cool down
L3: Target receives all the effects of L1 and 2 at Level 6 and: a non channeling life steal to your character, a non channeling mana siphon to your character, and when the effect ends after 20 seconds they're hit by a level 4 sleep. 60 second cool down

(The ultimate case of 'Please, just kill me' Where they're in serious trouble but not just the TT/Yam Cannon variety.)

18[Isicera] Target Item/Disarm (Passive): Your hero's attacks are full of such finesse that they're able to target an enemy's gear!
L1: 2% chance per strike to disable a random item from functioning for 1 minute, during this time it cannot be used, sold, dropped, and all of its passive effects are taken away from the user.
L2: 4% chance per strike to disable an item, 1% chance to break the item destroying it permanently out of target's inventory. Broken items yield 25% gold of their cost to the disarm-er.
L3: 8% chance to disable an item, 2% chance to break an item, and 1% chance to steal an item, if the casting hero's item slots are full the hero gets the full sell price of the item instead. If an item is disabled then the disable chance goes off it's broken, if an item is disabled then the break chance goes off it's stolen.

(Alternative for those who focus on their physical attacks to avatar and multi shot. Sacrifices the ult slot for the potential to seriously screw up those who focus on tanking out their hero with ridiculous gear.)

19[Isicera] Development through Victory (passive): The more the hero kills they gain a bonus to their stats.
L1: For every 100 kills they gain a permanent + 2 to their primary stat and +1 to their other stats. Hero kills count as 10 kills.
L2: For every 75 kills they gain a permanent + 2 to their primary stat and +1 to their other stats.
L3: For every 50 kills they gain a permanent + 2 to their primary stat and +1 to their other stats.

(if you're expecting the game to be very long this can supplement any hero.)

20[Isicera] One with the universe:After cast for a long period of time all passives the hero has effects nearby allies such as units, creeps and allied heroes. Item passives such as bash from slippers is included.
L1: 20 second duration, 250 mana.
L2: 30 second duration, 250 mana.
L3: 40 second duration, 250 mana.

(An alternative skill from avatar or multishot for maulers with a more army based nature to make them less lone wolf and more team friendly, allows a mauler to be super awesome without needing to walk through darks on their own.)

21[Isicera]Freedom from Purgatory: An indiscriminate version of resurrection, works on enemies and allies alike.
L1: Equivalent of level 2 resurrection, avatar level of cool down, 300 mana.
L2: Equivalent of Level 2 resurrection, Earthquake level of cool down, 350 mana.
L3: Equivalent of Level 3 resurrection, Tornado level of cool down, 400 mana.

(A dual purpose ultimate skill, of course it's great for armies since it has properties of resurrection at a greater power, however it's only efficient in that regards when there's more of your army dead yet they're also stronger units, IE after some big nuke spell, otherwise it's just as beneficial to the enemy. However an alternative use for Freedom is to use in farming, resurrecting foes for increased gold yields.)

22[Isicera] Summoning sacrifice: Sacrifice a unit in order to have access to a stronger one. If unit is unable to advance the tiers, each is worth 5 experience. Half earthquake cool down. 400 mana
L1: Demolisher attack AoE 75% chance to recreate the units with 5 more experience, 5% chance to create them as 1 tier higher, 5% chance to create them as 2 tiers higher, 1% chance to recreate them with 20 more experience, 9% chance to kill the unit, 5% chance to recreate them as a creep.
L2: Demolisher attack AoE 50% chance to recreate the units with 5 more experience, 10% chance to create them as 1 tier higher, 10% chance to create them as 2 tiers higher, 10% chance to recreate them with 20 more experience, 5% chance to kill the unit, 9% chance to recreate them as a creep, 5% chance to recreate them with maximum experience. 1% chance to recreate them as a granite golem
L3: Demolisher attack AoE 20% chance to recreate the units with 5 more experience, 10% chance to create them as 1 tier higher, 10% chance to create them as 2 tiers higher, 10% chance to recreate them with 20 more experience, 20% chance to recreate them as a creep, 10% chance to recreate them with maximum experience. 4% chance to kill the unit. 2% chance to recreate them as a Granite golem. 2% chance to recreate them as is with permanent L6 blood lust, L6 dark fire, 25% life steal, resistant skin and spell immunity. 10% chance to recreate them as a summon with no timer IE permanent bear, beetle, etc. 2% chance to recreate them as an ultimate summon without a timer (infernal, druid, death tower, etc)

(Another unit centric ulti for taking your army and making it scarier, at first your chances are mainly just for experience, but lets you get scary stuff later!)

23[Isicera] Doom blade (Passive): A very strong poison that guarantees the target will die. Only 1/10 effect on heroes
L1: Doom blade poison does 5% damage per second with a 1 minute duration. 5% chance on death to infect units within a 150 radius
L2: Doom blade poison does 10% damage per second with a 1 minute duration. 10% chance on death to infect units within a 300 radius
L3: Doom blade poison does 15% damage per second with a 1 minute duration. 15% chance on death to infect units within a 450 radius.

(Skill for killing strong targets that aren't heroes, it's for things you want dead but don't have as much of a care for how long it takes, healing spells can keep them alive of course, but that's over a course of mana and time. Anti dark, anti golem, anti penguin skill. Strong by virtue of being constantly active akin to a less mauling oriented multishot)

Bond009Date: Friday, 15-Oct-2010, 4:58 PM | Message # 2
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oh dang theres the famous list.. xD

ChrIsiceraDate: Friday, 15-Oct-2010, 6:02 PM | Message # 3
Group: Clan Members
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And it's growing too! >:} Ya better watch out or it will devour us all! If you want me to give ones that I have a high priority on I could make a concise list of just a few even though all of them would be fun. ^.^
Vampirism_FireDate: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 0:06 AM | Message # 4
Group: Clan Members
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normals 5,9,10,11,12,13 are all WAY OP

ultis: , 3 needs to be channeling, 5 shouldnt work with cleave or spells, I love 8, 9, 10, 11 would need to be 50% effective on darks(like explosion, otherwise think about a hero merged with 2 fully upped dark tauren and not useable on spell immune stuff, what would happen if you had warden with 3 moves, ww and this? no room for another ability. surprised . 13 has no cooldown or manacost. it needs it. 14 would be a game breaker. imagine ww 400-? 700 , cold shot 900 -? 1300, storm bolt-? 900 -1300 = the ability to dish out like 20,000 damage over cooldwon course. Try that with passives and its worse! bash? Cleave?! Crit!??! sorry, but ARE YOU MAD!?!. 15, normal hex should be aoe. 16... really? games would be ended with J33bus not by darks... darks wouldnt have a point anymore... 17, good idea but it needs a longer cooldown. 18 no, no, NO should NEVER EVER be able to Steal Item!!! Mind Rape is bad enough... 19, good idea, wouldnt be op. 20, MUST be channeling and also the effects shouldnt be 100% share. max out at say, 60%? (think of crit+darks) 21, ? kinda like resurecction with a shorter cooldown but consumes mana? how does that affect enemies... 22 make all the %s add up to 100% and only let one effect per unit.

anything i didnt comment on means i think it is interesting but overall good stats.

Signature by: Vexslasher
There Is No Such Thing As A "Final" Version.
ChrIsiceraDate: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 2:01 AM | Message # 5
Group: Clan Members
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5: Rupture Organs: What Numbers would be less OP on this? It's a % base that would be very applicable at later levels of the game because of it.
9: Incite Madness: Is this OP for having both effects on it? If so would a single use of just hero be better?
10: Flesh Golem: Which things need to be nerfed to balance this?
11: Devour: I don't think it's ridiculously OP, it's a very late scale skill, it's like a less cruddy mirrors where it will only suck at the beginning instead of being useless.
12: Spell armor: What numbers do you think are necessary to balance it?
13: Reflexive spell: Again, what numbers are necessary to be legit with this?


3: Ultimate aura: All channelling ultimates are trash, even if it were this, they're all endable far too quickly, I think if it needs a nerf decreasing the duration would be a better balance.
5: Arrow of Harvest: Of course it doesn't work with cleave etc, it's an arrow effect just like dark arrow or cold arrow if they have cleave it only effects the primary target.
8: Wave of Atrophy: I'm glad you appreciate it! biggrin
9: Teleport attack: ""
10: Concentration: ""
11: Merge and Purge: That's the point of it, at L1 you really can't access much unless you're pooled and it's much worse than all others since you can't access anything strong. Late game it becomes much stronger than Avatar. If you have other moves you don't get your sexy abilities. sad If you get passives that means you'd need to snag some very unique things to eat their passives.
15:Aoe Hex: You think our current L6 hex should be AoE? That may be reasonable.
16: Downgrade units: He originally wanted it to turn units into footies no matter what. That was Talk's idea as stated.
17: Abuse: How much longer CD? 20 seconds per level maybe?
18: Target item: We have things in game for hero specific removal, specific unit removal, specific building removal, specific summon removal, every kind of removal except items, I don't see why they should be exempt.
19: It's really hard to figure out what's the point it's balanced and when it's OP as it should feel useless at first but late game you should be beyond scary.
20: One with the universe: Again, channeling makes things bad, I'd opt for worse duration as certain things just make all channeling spells suck mid to late game. As far as % functionality that does seem good, fine with adjusting that.
21: Freedom from Purgatory: I think you're confusing Reincarnation with resurrection. Resurrection you use to bring units back not heroes.
22: Summoning Sacrifice: It does at up to 100% right now thus why everything has its specific numbers.

Hope these answers clear things up!


Edit: XD you're using an old 3D model section I was working on with some paint as an avatar. XD

Message edited by ChrIsicera - Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 2:02 AM
Bond009Date: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 3:43 AM | Message # 6
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You need to use your old icon avatar chris its weird with it different loll

ChrIsiceraDate: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 5:25 AM | Message # 7
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I do change avatars occasionally you know. =p
mb53Date: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 8:58 AM | Message # 8
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tl;dr tongue

I'll edit this post with my actual thoughts when I do have time to read it.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
Bond009Date: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 1:52 PM | Message # 9
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Hey chris got an idea just becuz your first post is sooo overpoweringly long.. lol

you should track your ideas for skills with numbers and then separate them with tabs xD
Thats another part of the coolness about this new forum tabs!! smile

your skills for example would look like this:

to do this you just use:

[spoiler=Your title]
All your text goes here[/spoiler]

Vampirism_FireDate: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 2:30 PM | Message # 10
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Signature by: Vexslasher
There Is No Such Thing As A "Final" Version.
Bond009Date: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010, 3:15 PM | Message # 11
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lol just wanted to test it out?

PinasDate: Monday, 18-Oct-2010, 1:29 AM | Message # 12
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Wow no offense Isis but I got bored reading all of those. The ones I did read were very good and can be OP


Message edited by Pinas - Monday, 18-Oct-2010, 1:29 AM
ChrIsiceraDate: Monday, 18-Oct-2010, 1:43 AM | Message # 13
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Can do Bond!

And Pinas, yeah that's cause this list has been growing since 3.2 before you even played the game and just hasn't been acted on yet. XD These were balanced to around old nova for the most part.

Bond009Date: Monday, 18-Oct-2010, 4:05 AM | Message # 14
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Yeah you'll have to revise your old skill chris wink lol also when you fix up your list with those drop down button tabs i think it will be a lot nicer looking and much less scary to read for ppl. xD

I started it for ya Isis lol

Master-HeroDate: Monday, 18-Oct-2010, 3:49 PM | Message # 15
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Quote (Bond009)
You need to use your old icon avatar chris its weird with it different loll

Man I get confused too!

Quote (Bond009)
1[Isicera]Deadly shield: Summons a target for enemies to attack. Has an automatic taunt with a large area of effect after a certain interval and the skill spiked carapace. Has no attack.
L1: 1,000 health. spiked carapace level 1. Taunts every 8 seconds. Duration 1 minute. Mana cost 100
L2: 1500 health. spiked carapace level 2. Taunts every 7 seconds. Duration 1 minute. Mana cost 125
L3: 2000 health. spiked carapace level 3. Taunts every 6 seconds. Duration 1 minute. Mana cost 150
L4: 2500 health. spiked carapace level 4. Taunts every 4 seconds. Duration 1 minute. Mana cost 175
L5: 3000 health. spiked carapace level 5. Taunts every 2 seconds. Duration 1 minute. Mana cost 200
L6: 3500 health. spiked carapace level 6. Taunts every 1 second, taunts for a random offensive spell once every 10 seconds. Duration 1 minute. Mana cost 300

I think that is a nice spell and the bounce aswell.

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