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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

Custom Hero Footies Stats PRO v2.0 - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
Custom Hero Footies Stats PRO v2.0
VexslasherDate: Friday, 07-Oct-2011, 4:00 AM | Message # 1
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I'll update this pic later

Hot Keys
END = Saves clipboard text to the program list at the bottom.
Page Down = Loads the stats code at the start of the game, also zooms to 2500 if you have that setting on.
Pause = enters -repick, don't hit enter before doing this, it doesn't need the chat window open.
Insert / Ins = this will paste custom hero footies 3.5b# as default, however you can change it in the settings tab if a newer version comes out.
F8 = Quick Screen Shot, without paint or image programs needed.

hot keys guide normal keyboard

hot keys guide laptop keyboard

Change Log For v2.0

  • Fixed issues with protected file locations now all things saved to new locations.
  • Now comes with a gamecapture installer that should be used by my program if using the auto features only.
  • Now once again free and no sessions either. ( since no one bought v.1.9 and the sessions made me 3 cents with 3 users testing for like a month.)
  • Now works pretty good on windows 7 (not perfect but better)

All Past Change Logs

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) - Is required to run the program on your computer, running without may cause errors.
7-Zip - Is Required to open the archive before running.
GameCaptureX- Is Required for the auto feature to work. This will install it to the default directory where my program uses it.

Fixes For Some Common Issues
Change the capability to xp sp2 for it to stop flooding

Set the privilege level of this program to administrator to fix error opening/closing

How to run my program on some newer macs

Norton Insight Protection blocking my program because fewer then 25 Norton users have downloaded this file?

Fix GameCaptureX for Windows 7

Fix My Programs Auto Features in Windows 7

Questions, Suggestions, Comments, Concerns post them here

GameOver3000Date: Friday, 07-Oct-2011, 6:54 AM | Message # 2
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 231
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thats good idea vex biggrin but i think some ppl just cant use that coz that is too complex ..
PS I just download that and its good


Message edited by GameOver3000 - Friday, 07-Oct-2011, 6:55 AM
VexslasherDate: Friday, 07-Oct-2011, 4:52 PM | Message # 3
Site Manager
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I tried to make it as easy to use as I could, having most of the setting preset to the most commonly used way that I think users would prefer. So really all of everything you can see is for more advanced users except for the the main tab you gotta know how to add at least one save code for this to get started.

DragonWarriorDate: Friday, 07-Oct-2011, 4:58 PM | Message # 4
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Vex smile your back smile

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
VexslasherDate: Thursday, 20-Oct-2011, 12:49 PM | Message # 5
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I was never really gone, just didn't have internet for awhile.

Anyone have any ideas for 2.1?

GameOver3000Date: Thursday, 20-Oct-2011, 1:30 PM | Message # 6
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Idea for 2.1:you can make simple instructions if someone does not know who he can use that program
For example: make link like ''Help'' and there is all instructions that how it works
its that good idea??? biggrin

Bond009Date: Thursday, 20-Oct-2011, 2:13 PM | Message # 7
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hes pretty much got all the instructions there.. only thing more he could do is make a youtube video of him setting it up and using it maybe lol

GameOver3000Date: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 0:43 AM | Message # 8
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killerrangeDate: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 2:08 AM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (GameOver3000)

I'm here to help :D
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 2:28 AM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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He could make it black Orange white and gray for takeover than increase size to overload his screen.
SOUNDWAVESDate: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 10:34 AM | Message # 11
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thanks again Vex. you are so nice.

Rest in Peace Rookies
GameOver3000Date: Saturday, 22-Oct-2011, 2:48 AM | Message # 12
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thats awesome idea bond... he can make video on youtube and there vex show that how its works...
PS: Where you got that stats pro idea?? victory

PsychopathDate: Sunday, 18-Mar-2012, 2:35 AM | Message # 13
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great man! this is a good info biggrin

FrallaNDate: Monday, 26-Nov-2012, 6:10 AM | Message # 14
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Can't get it to work, is it possible to make it as a rarfile? Looks insane and I want to try it out smile

FireHartDate: Monday, 26-Nov-2012, 11:17 AM | Message # 15
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I've got windows xp and i try open it with firefox and it just wont open and floods my internet tabs


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