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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

Custom Hero Footies Stats PRO v2.1 - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
Custom Hero Footies Stats PRO v2.1
VexslasherDate: Tuesday, 15-May-2012, 0:28 AM | Message # 1
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note to past users I forgot the site I was storing my updates at so the updater from within the older versions wont work because I'm using a new site.

Hot Keys
END = Saves clipboard text to the program list at the bottom.
Page Down = Loads the stats code at the start of the game, also zooms to 2500 if you have that setting on.
Pause = enters -repick, don't hit enter before doing this, it doesn't need the chat window open.
Insert / Ins = this will paste custom hero footies 3.5b# as default, however you can change it in the settings tab if a newer version comes out.
F8 = Quick Screen Shot, without paint or image programs needed.

hot keys guide normal keyboard

hot keys guide laptop keyboard

Change Log For v2.1

  • Made it easier to use the auto features since gamecapture is now installed to the proper areas automatically now when needed.
  • By default all the auto features are now on.
  • No more blanks in between or at the bottom of your lists anymore.
  • Made a lot of things easier for switching where you want to save info and stuff.
  • Added a star rank system it goes by you codes stored if you have 100+ you get 1 gold start and 200+ 2 gold stars ect up to 5 gold stars at 500 codes.

All Past Change Logs

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) - Is required to run the program on your computer, running without may cause errors.
7-Zip - Is Required to open the archive before running.
GameCaptureX- Is Required for the auto feature to work. This will install it to the default directory where my program uses it.

Fixes For Some Common Issues
Change the capability to xp sp2 for it to stop flooding

Set the privilege level of this program to administrator to fix error opening/closing

How to run my program on some newer macs

Norton Insight Protection blocking my program because fewer then 25 Norton users have downloaded this file?

Fix GameCaptureX for Windows 7

Fix My Programs Auto Features in Windows 7

Questions, Suggestions, Comments, Concerns post them here

SecreT-Name-Date: Tuesday, 15-May-2012, 3:41 PM | Message # 2
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Good job , Vex . Thanks for the program :B
Bond009Date: Tuesday, 15-May-2012, 6:15 PM | Message # 3
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looks good smile

LamsauceDate: Tuesday, 15-May-2012, 9:34 PM | Message # 4
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Vex i love this program <3 save so much time smile

Uploaded with
EdvorsEcDate: Wednesday, 16-May-2012, 10:51 AM | Message # 5
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good job smile

SOUNDWAVESDate: Friday, 18-May-2012, 9:59 AM | Message # 6
Group: Investor
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I can't initiate the program

message saids..

"The Program Needs to be reset for new settings to take effect"

I just restarted program but still same message.

what should I do?

Rest in Peace Rookies
2DaYuDiEDate: Friday, 18-May-2012, 12:45 PM | Message # 7
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what should I do?

Available to users onlycodes tongue

VexslasherDate: Wednesday, 23-May-2012, 2:53 PM | Message # 8
Site Manager
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I can't initiate the program

message saids..

"The Program Needs to be reset for new settings to take effect"

I just restarted program but still same message.

what should I do?

What Operating System is your computer running under? You could try changing the running environment for just that application it might work, if has that message every time like that then it means it's having trouble with being able to save data make sure it's running as admin.

SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 24-May-2012, 8:49 AM | Message # 9
Group: Investor
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My O/S is windows 7 professional and I am running it as admin.

what is default setup saving folder?
I am gonna delete setup files but can't find it.

not sure but I guess it's the matter of O/S language which have different system folder
name. MS made different name of system folders which is written in local langague and restricted every original system folders access authority
such as Documents and Settings even its administrator.

Rest in Peace Rookies
VexslasherDate: Thursday, 24-May-2012, 2:34 PM | Message # 10
Site Manager
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The folder that is storing the .exe will hold the saved data for my program, so if you move it to a new folder it should generate new info for that folder, I'm not exactly sure how you could view saved data manually but it's stored in it's folders settings somehow.

did you try this?

Click The "Compatibility" Tab
Check The "Run this program in compatibility mode for:
Change The Combobox to Window Vista (Service Pack 2)

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 8:25 PM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
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write for win 8 plz?
SANTOS_SHAGYDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 9:28 PM | Message # 12
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para que sirve esto no entiendo nada jajaj
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 10:28 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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why are you using windows 8..
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 10:49 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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why are you using windows 8..

because he's hip and unique

Added (2012-12-30, 11:49 PM)
also, i cant look at shagy's avatar without thinking that browsing a male to male encounters forum would look like this

Message edited by ic3dt3a - Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 10:49 PM
a_chinese_kidDate: Monday, 31-Dec-2012, 0:45 AM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
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also, i cant look at shagy's avatar without thinking that browsing a male to male encounters forum would look like this

god seriously look at the bags in his eyes and the fact hes shirtless plus that extremely pink lips and odd hair style.. i feel like i got 4 stds just from looking at it
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