Vexslasher | Date: Monday, 10-Feb-2014, 6:14 PM | Message # 1 |
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| I will be keeping all my past change logs here from now on for CHFSP cuz it's a pain to try to deal with all this text plus all the other text for my program in the same thread.
Change Log For v2.3 - Fixed custom game name saving
- Fixed backup load location saving
- Made all settings on the settings tab auto save now so it's much easier to handle
- Made a few slight visual changes to the about page
Change Log For v2.2 - Now should be fully function in Windows 8
- Changed default directory of saves from C:\ProgramData\CHFS\Save\ back to C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\CHFS\Save\ (SaveLog.txt may need moved manually to new location)
- Added options to load backups from the 3 main directorys instead of just ProgramData (you can also pick other directorys if you want)
- Changed the "Load Items" button on the main page so that now you can load a save file from any location instead of just the given one
Change Log For v2.1 - Made it easier to use the auto features since gamecapture is now installed to the proper areas automatically now when needed.
- By default all the auto features are now on.
- No more blanks in between or at the bottom of your lists anymore.
- Made a lot of things easier for switching where you want to save info and stuff.
- Added a star rank system it goes by you codes stored if you have 100+ you get 1 gold start and 200+ 2 gold stars ect up to 5 gold stars at 500 codes.
Change Log For v2.0 - Fixed issues with protected file locations now all things saved to new locations.
- Now comes with a gamecapture installer that should be used by my program if using the auto features only.
- Now once again free and no sessions either. ( since no one bought v.1.9 and the sessions made me 3 cents with 3 users testing for like a month.)
- Now works pretty good on windows 7 (not perfect but better)
Change Log For v1.9 - Added the ability to have 100% auto saving & loading without the need of a key press or minimize.(This feature may not work on all OS types yet, I have a Windows Vista OS and it works perfectly for me.)(This feature requires GameCaptureX to function properly, GameCaptureX is a free program created by Darimus and the dll for it is also free and was rewritten by Zephyrix.)
- Fixed the problem with codes containing %, +, ^ characters, they didn't exist in the older codes but the newer code system uses them, so if your code contained them in past versions it would have just removed them during the loading process, however now they will work.
- Added customizable hot-keys to the "Help" tab, now you can choose from 22 different keys that you want to use as your hot-keys.
- Added a load backup button on the "Help" tab, for easily restoring a backup file.
- Added a new tab called "Auto" it is used to choose how you want the automatic features to work, and if you want to have them on or off.
Change Log For v1.8 - Added a anti-flood control option to the options tab it will help prevent flooding, if you never flood just turn it off.
- Added a Backup save option to options tab, will save a backup of your save list into a backup folder incase of errors.
- Added an option to turn off the confirmation sounds/voices it's in the options tab.
- Changed the default back to being visible in the taskbar.
- Added an option to never show in taskbar istead it will be in the system tray, option is on the bonus tab.
- Added an option to not show the image window when auto saving screen shots, option is on the bonus tab.
- Added an option to set the image format to save the auto saved screenshots in, 3 choices .png, .jpg, & .bmp.
- Changed start minimized to system tray option, now can either be minimized only at start with that option only on or if you have it and the never show option together then it will always be minimized to system tray.
Change Log For v1.7 - Now doesn't take up space in user task bar, instead it will be minimized to the system tray.
- Added an auto save option for the quick screen shots, has voice confirmation, saves in .PNG format.
- There is now 3 file formats supported during the screenshot save (not auto) .PNG, .JPG, .BMP.
- Added a start minimized to system tray. option (If warcraft starts it will return to a normal window.)
Change Log For v1.6 - Added options to turn ON or Off the delays for the "Test AFK" and "No TK" since some users preferred it without delay.
- Added a option in the Bonus Tab to "Create Startup File" & "Delete Startup File" when created this program will start when you turn on your computer.
Change Log For v1.5 - Fixed the "Check For Updates" button on the about tab, it will now really check for updates, and will provide downloads for newer versions if available.
- Added a "Bonus Tab" Added a Quick Screen Capture that can be used in the game to quickly get screen shots without opening a image program. hotkey F8 when on.
- Added a customizable area for the size in width and height you want the screen capture window to be.
- Added a save button for the quick screen shot in case you liked the image, you can save it.
- Added a button in the help area "Quit Without Saving" to help prevent loss of codes when you make mistakes.
- Added a question to the "Remove All" to help prevent lose of codes.
- Decreased the delays a bit for "-Test AFK" and "No TK".
Change Log For v1.4 - Fixed an issue of when all options were on at same time you would get flooding problems. (added randomized delays)
- Added another on load option for "-Test AFK" or it can be changed to anything you want.
- Added another on load option for "No TK" or it can be changed to anything you want. (off by default)
- Added a label for "Total Stored" so you can easily see how many codes you have saved.
- fixed an issue where the program would sometimes try to send your code to the world editor.
- fixed a problem with the auto-load list button, it was removing all saved codes before, lost 20. :(
- now always auto-loads your list when you run it, removed the option to turn it off.
Change Log For v1.3 - Customizable Zoom Amount. (idea from bond)
- One Program for both 32bit users and 64bit users.
Change Log For v1.2 - Added the ability to use this program while warcraft is minimized/windowed
- Added a button to quickly paste save codes for all those using the gamecapturex
- Fixed an exception that was being caused on initial run in some cases
- Now Installs all needed directories and files for the presets (past users may need to add there old settings again.)
- Now have v1.2 for 32bit and 64bit users, if yours was having trouble before get the 64bit version.
Change Log for v.1.1 - automatically loads a default location and file name for the log file.
- now can turn off the hot keys if you don't want to use them, or if you just want them off for a short time while browsing the web, so that they don't cause any issues.
- removed my little advertisement for this program from loading.
- added a -stats message option to have it check the stats right at the beginning after loading your stats code, so you can be sure it worked. The -stats area in the settings tab can also be changed to anything else if you have some other message or command you would like it to do automatically every time you load just change it and save the settings.
- cleaned up the help tab a little bit.
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