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[Tutorial] Fog Click Dectector - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
[Tutorial] Fog Click Dectector
BouncingHitmanDate: Tuesday, 03-Jun-2014, 9:39 AM | Message # 1
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Fog Click Detector (non-official) Download

The fog click detector can be used on- and offline depending on which game rules apply.

What to do once you downloaded it:
  • Unzip the file.
  • Move one of them in your Warcraft III folder (directly to the .exe). You do not need to start the file because it will automatically load with Warcraft 3.
  • Play a game/watch a replay and you might notice someone hacking.

  • The FCDs are extremely bugged and glitched. They are mainly to give you a hint who might cheat. Don't make accusations ingame and make sure to watch the replay to confirm them. A proper way of confirming clicks is by using the [url=[img]]RM"><fontEntGaming:DRM[/url].
  • Depending on the game you are playing and the FCD you are using, it might cause your client to crash.
  • FCDs do not detect all kind of maphacks. Users might be using features to hide their clicks, so don't stop watching out for suspicious behavior only because you are using such a tool.

For questions, feel free ask below!

Wc3 ENT Forum Moderator

Message edited by BouncingHitman - Thursday, 05-Jun-2014, 4:05 PM
a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 03-Jun-2014, 7:38 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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Thank you very much! This will help me control the bans on my bot very well!
TicklemonsterDate: Wednesday, 04-Jun-2014, 6:28 AM | Message # 3
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Instructions not clear enough, got pen*s stuck in a toaster...


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
Dragon-HawkDate: Thursday, 05-Jun-2014, 2:00 AM | Message # 4
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dude search the forums.. we had 3 posts about this

BouncingHitmanDate: Thursday, 05-Jun-2014, 3:06 AM | Message # 5
Group: Users
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dude search the forums.. we had 3 posts about this
 I could care less really. None of the posts mention exactly how it works, the specific usage (warnings, etc), display proper content or even have a proper direct link in which you don't have to worry about downtime.

RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Jun-2014, 5:25 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote BouncingHitman ()
I could care less really. None of the posts mention exactly how it works, the specific usage (warnings, etc), display proper content or even have a proper direct link in which you don't have to worry about downtime.
That awkward moment when the person's own forum thread has HORRIBLE directions, HORRIBLE specfic usages, HORRIBLE etc. etc..
<hypocrisy going on here? xDDDD>

Anyways, thank you for your time to create this uhmm...detailed post smile
I have found this very helpful <3
Not as helpful as the other maphack detector threads in this forum (theres wayyyyyyyyyy too many btw -.-) but still very helpful happy

 And please understand Dragon-Hawk's frustration because he had also posted maphack detector in the past with pretty much the exact same details
(cause the  extra? ones mentioned are common logic and just here to fill up the page and look more

Added (05-Jun-2014, 5:25 AM)
Anyways, WELCOME TO THE DEAD FORUM Hitman. As you can see, because WC3 itself is dying, even custom games like CHF is dying. :)
I'm an oldie <3 so :3
btw, I love ENT games (well, I suck at Legion TD...) 
So hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

btw, although my first post  my sound sarcastic (which it should be cause its supposed to be mocking these stupid threads), i seriously found it pretty helpful. It's like an additional archive of knowledge to me happy
Will test that link out sometimes this week xDDD

a_chinese_kidDate: Thursday, 05-Jun-2014, 7:33 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 3952
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Ignore these shits. Thanks for your post it will really help me manage clanhpmm
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