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An easier way to keep your save-codes. - Forum

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An easier way to keep your save-codes.
Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 20-Mar-2011, 11:43 AM | Message # 1
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Here is a program made to save codes in RPG's (it was developed by the TBR people).

It will record any text written on the screen by the map.

For example in CHF.

(Player) is Godlike!


(Player) has left the game crying!

It writes these messages in a white box on your desktop.

So at the end of the match when you've got your code, it'll write that out too. Then just ctrl + c and ctrl + v into a notepad or Vexslashers program.

This is also very good if you have forgotten to save the code at the end of a game, you just minimize out and there it is!




If the program says

Failed to obtain debug priveliges, exiting.


Run WC3 and GameCaptureX in compatability mode for XP SP2, as an admin by:

Finding WC3, in its installation path.


Properties->Compatability->Windows XP SP2.

Do the same for the program.

Here's an example of the text. (Copied and pasted).

This is your Save Code, please
right it down and remember it
so the next time you play, you
can continue with your stats.
Also, remember that the code is
cAsE sEnSiTiVe!
Save Code = 21R1 0B1r u1

Bond009Date: Sunday, 20-Mar-2011, 4:40 PM | Message # 2
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that is pretty sweet..

ill have to check that out but the link u gave when u click the dl link in that site it goes to this This Connection is Untrusted b.s so maybe u could just put it in a zipped folder and upload it to the site or somewhere and then link it smile

also did u test if theres any bugs like can u turn this program on at the end of the game so it just gets the code or does it have to be on before wc3 is first loaded up?

Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 20-Mar-2011, 5:20 PM | Message # 3
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You load up WC and then the program. The box will say -GameCaptureX has been sucesfully loaded- on the first line.

Go into a game and it will record all the text which is written, and at the end just find your code.

I tried to upload but my upload speed is like 0.15mb/s.

I'll try again tonight, or maybe someone with a faster connection can do it?

stoogeDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 5:31 AM | Message # 4
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it comes up saying "failed to obtain debug privileges, exiting"

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NoBrainDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 6:05 AM | Message # 5
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Quote (stooge)
it comes up saying "failed to obtain debug privileges, exiting"

same for me

je l'ai rêvé si fort... que les draps s'en souviennent..
Bond009Date: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 9:06 AM | Message # 6
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yea same for all of us i guess looks like its up to your slow upload speed to upload it here for us bop tongue

Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 10:29 AM | Message # 7
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It's going now, 24%.

Are you all on Windows 7?

If so, the fix for that problem is:

Run WC3 and GameCaptureX in compatability mode for XP SP2, as an admin.

stoogeDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 10:33 AM | Message # 8
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nope vista...

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Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 10:34 AM | Message # 9
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Try the same. I fixed it for Master-Hero.

Edit: I've uploaded a mirror.

Master-HeroDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 10:40 AM | Message # 10
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Well it works for me biggrin (after bop fixed it on my computer and it works sweeet)

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Bond009Date: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 10:51 AM | Message # 11
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so master u got vista too? you just had to run both wc and that program in xp sp2 mode eh? i havent tried it yet but it doesnt work on vista or win7 without doing that then?

Master-HeroDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 11:04 AM | Message # 12
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Yea I got windows 7. I make both wc3 and the program run in xp sp2.

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stoogeDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 11:28 AM | Message # 13
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k i donu how to run it in xp s2 compatibility mode, but at them moment i downloaded ur mirror as well and its still giving me the same msg

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Message edited by stooge - Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 11:29 AM
Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 12:01 PM | Message # 14
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Find WC3, in its installation path.

Then Properties->Compatability->Windows XP SP2.

Do the same for the program.

lolbladeDate: Monday, 21-Mar-2011, 6:08 PM | Message # 15
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i do the same with screenshots but i use a think to read my screen just like urs (its not the same one tho) and mine works fine tongue

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