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I have found my heir - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
I have found my heir
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 02-Feb-2014, 2:49 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Now you just need a sidekick like mine, Masta_Killa and Bond009.

Added (02-Feb-2014, 2:49 PM)

Attachments: 4592526.png (13.1 Kb)
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 02-Feb-2014, 3:04 PM | Message # 2
Zombie Pirate
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Lol....only giving my opinion biggrin

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

TrixxareforkidsDate: Sunday, 02-Feb-2014, 10:31 PM | Message # 3
Zombie Pirate
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I have a working theory that you accrue reproofs intentionally so you get to interact with Bond more often

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 02-Feb-2014, 11:43 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Trixxareforkids ()
I have a working theory that you accrue reproofs intentionally so you get to interact with Bond more often

AL_GIDate: Monday, 03-Feb-2014, 0:22 AM | Message # 5
Zombie Pirate
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I don't understand why is he posting this..

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

a_chinese_kidDate: Monday, 03-Feb-2014, 4:11 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Trixxareforkids ()
I have a working theory that you accrue reproofs intentionally so you get to interact with Bond more often

LOL NO.. We're just really good friends.. I mean, I guess bond understands me and he's always been there for me.. but.. I just.. no. Sometimes things just don't, you know, always mean something like you think they do..

We're just friends.
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Tuesday, 04-Feb-2014, 7:55 PM | Message # 7
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Trixxareforkids ()
I have a working theory that you accrue reproofs intentionally so you get to interact with Bond more often
Confirmed, his love of chinese cuisine proves it. What his name actually means is A_Chinese(Loving)_Kid. Bond also likes chinese cuisine and so they must be very good friends, but as China does not have the friendship abilities, he must get on the bad side of Spidiepoo to get Bond's attention and affection.
a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 04-Feb-2014, 10:25 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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