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Run Bitch Run!!! - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
Run Bitch Run!!!
Vampirism_FireDate: Friday, 22-Oct-2010, 7:08 PM | Message # 1
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 388
Awards: 2
Reputation: 115
Status: Offline

Basically a medium small map with npc towers scattered around and a shop in the middle. Only Playable for up to 4 players. Alters for revive exist in top right corner. No penalty for death except an extra orb around you (like if you are carrying an orb of poison). STill in the testing phases. I believe that if it was seriously worked on that it would beccome a semi-popular good playable game.

You have your one charactar, Sylvanas(More female heroes to be added later) and you have shadowstrike, serpent wards, frenzy, and Divine shield. All projectiles are homing and all move very slowly, so slowly that if you keep moving you can outrun most and all low level towers. Your charactar can build towers. Gold is given slowly automatically and also by killing towers or "Noms" which are small rangers with varying strength. hitpoints and damage are all scaled down currently. start with 50hp i believe and gain 5 per level(1 str, agi, and int per level).

My brothers and i have all worked on this map. Credit for first experimenting with the idea of running away from slow moving homing shots goes to Alchminy, my littler brother. Credit for turning it into a game where 2 people run around an empty map with towers fireing on all sides goes to him also. Credit goes to me for expanding it into an actual game with varying towers and a unique terrain goes to me(even though it isnt done). Credit for expanding my version and making it much more playable goes to both my little brothers, Alchminy and Skellyton3.

Credit for my new game Idea of Hero Tower Arena goes to me. Actual game has not been made but it is based on RBR and will be much more intricate, functional, and fun. This game has a LOT on paper but the rough draft balancing issues have not been completed. I would be happy to corrospond in making the map with somebody but if i did that i would pretty much like th have them be a builder and I the architect. At least until the first playable version is in place. the reason from this is I don't want it to stray to much from how I dream it will be.

Eventually these games may become Custom but first they need to be functionall without it. The reason I go so indeapth with who did what is we(myself and my 3 brothers) had a fair argument on who gets credit for the map.

Im not sure if this is the most recent version or not but i don't think it is. I do not suggest playing it online, please only try it out by yourself, in a lan game, or with other clan members who you know won't spread it much. It is not protected.

I used to go by the names Sexy_Sylvanas, and Fistandantilus. I have the first on all gateways but i have the second on all except east. I now use this one, Vampirism_Fire. If I do get the name fistandantilus on east and it is possible to transfer my CHF code, bot admin, and this forum account to that name then I will. For now if anybody knows where it is that it says who made the map, where i can get to it, how to change it, and how epicwar knows that data please tell me. The only reason I do not have a newer version up is because I want to have one with my name and my brothers' names on it as creators.

if any features I talked about above do not exist in this version then i am very sorry but as i said before I do not want to upload a newer version without having my name on it.

Signature by: Vexslasher
There Is No Such Thing As A "Final" Version.
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