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Pokemon PC Version Beta 1.2 - Forum

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Pokemon PC Version Beta 1.2
VexslasherDate: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 2:36 AM | Message # 1
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Download Pokemon PC Version Beta 1.2 HERE

This project is by me and my bro, we used a map that was already a pokemon map but had no custom stuff and was very glitchy before, the original creators of the older map was PerfectParadox & PerfectMadness maybe others also not sure.

-145 total pokemon
-112 pokemon with custom models
-83 pokemon attacks/spells
-187 custom basic icons, 187 disabled icons
-38 pokemon related items

Download Pokemon PC Version Beta 1.2 HERE

Completed Stuff
*Trade System - unlike any other map
*Fly System - unlike any other map
*Berry System - unlike any other map
*Building Entry/Exit System - unlike any other map
*Pickup ability - unlike any other map
*Many Trainers - more then any map I have seen that was for pokemon
*Lots of icons - pretty much everything has a nice icon
*Good Catch System - can use a pokeball of any type from any slot whichever type is in slot one will take priority if you have more then one type.
*Transform Move - I haven't seen anyone with this move working so good in any of the other pkm maps really cool move.
*Metronome Move - This is a also a really cool move that can only be found in my map you will be shocked how fun this new move can be.
*Legendary Goals - No more easy to find legendary pokemon you need to find specific items for pretty much all of them or solve the puzzle to get them, if they have a pad location where they apeer go onto the pad for tips and some story.

The berry trees get berries every now and then, they get a random type of berry, the berry can be picked via pick berry spell from the tree, or you can right click it and drag it to your unit, the spell is faster tho.

Pokemon With Pickup

Pokemon Who Can Learn Fly

Pokemon With Transform

Pokemon With Metronome


Vex's Bro


Vexs Bro - he did like 98% of them

Beta Testers

Some trigger help was from Bond009

Change Log For v1.2

  • Changed the ranges of all trainers to help prevent freezing
  • Completely remade the fly system much better now
  • Added a model for exeggcute
  • Added a model for exeggutor
  • Added a model for Ralts
  • Added a model for Kirila
  • Added a model for Gardevoir
  • Added a shoe store
  • Added more playing options for the dice gambling
  • Changed starting levels to 5 for starter pokemon
  • Untransform for ditto and mew now costs no mana
  • Pokemon don't drop items when they die anymore
  • Added packrat ability to Rattata and Raticate
  • Fixed evolutions glitch for all pokemon
  • Doubled the experince rate
  • Added Heal pulse
  • Added Future Sight
  • Added Doom Desire
  • Fixed trainers to be able to use some items

Change Log For v1.1a

  • Ditto doesn't drop the ditto item when it dies anymore.
  • Mew doesn't drop the mew item when it dies anymore.
  • fixed the town area so pokemon don't get stuck on the roofs anymore.
  • fixed the range of the rock climer trainer so you can't get perma stuck on him anymore.
  • made mew unable to turn into ditto because if he did and then used dittos transform it was getting stuck permanently as a ditto before.
  • fixed return pokemon so it can only work on your own pokemon
  • fixed release pokemon so it can only work on your own pokemon
  • fixed catch pokemon so it only works on neutral hostile pokemon
  • fixed earthquake so it's not blizzard anymore.
  • made mew easier to select
  • added a new inside of a building with a trainer who will trade a lapras for your onix.
  • disabled the timed endings temporarily because it was just freezing at the turny

Download Pokemon PC Version Beta 1.2 HERE

Let me know what you think of this, and if you have any ideas of things to add let me know. Also if you spot any bugs such as broken icons/portraits/triggers or anything post it here. smile oh and if you need any help with finding a specific pokemon just ask and I'll tell you where or how to get it.

TheDeathKnightDate: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 7:37 AM | Message # 2
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GJ youre a pretty good map maker bro.
Bond009Date: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 5:08 PM | Message # 3
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lol looks good vex how you find all those models tongue 107 is a lot..

just dl'd and wow 7megs eh better keep it under 8 as im sure you know thats the max limit for hosting on

2DaYuDiEDate: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 5:41 PM | Message # 4
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i put it on helebot if anyone wanne try biggrin bot running the whole time in hpmm channel smile gave most of u admin already its a really nice game tongue

Bond009Date: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 7:21 PM | Message # 5
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this could be one of the better pokemon games out of all the pokemon games i have seen on wc with some work.

a few things you will have to do is
- conserve space
becuz you will need more later for many things. i assume this is after the map compression/optimizing program i showed you right? which shrinks it down a bit
if you want help with compressing the music i am good at that, the songs i put in zelda were more than double the size before i compressed them without much quality loss.
Also this would allow you to put a few different music themes in the game, the one you have now can be mostly for battle or intense situations and the old main theme for when you are just walking around.

- user friendliness
idk how i feel about how the pokemon are called to fight, i think it would be better if the trainer could just target the hero/pokemon icon to the side give it a cast range of like 99999. or maybe just clicking the icon wil lmake it come and the other one return like some of the other games. make it so like when the pokemon is selected while in that region it will come and that will trigger any other pokemon to return.

Also i think you should have some of the spells on the trainer that wont be used much be in a spell book so you have more room for more frequently used spells like return and calling out pokemon. put the release pokemon in the spell book, or you could put it on that gold box when they are returned.

Also i think you should make the trainers inventory able to use items so he can get gold coins and such, this would allow you to have him get a "Bike item" and move faster or something as well, you will have to make triggers to not allow him to pickup or use items that are meant for pokemon though if you do this.

- make map travel easy
idk if you made anything like this yet, but when you get a pokemon that can learn fly you should allow it to tp/blink the trainer around to different towns similar to how i made the ocarina in zelda work. you may already have something like this that i didnt see yet and if so thats cool.

-a bug i noticed is if your pokemon you first get dies you can go in and get another one but then cant revive your old one due to limiting max food.
also 6 player is nice but if possible the more the better ;p

need any help with anything let me know, also i can show you how to make it so different players can hear different music, so if one player goes into a battle the other players that are still walking around will still here the normal music smile

VexslasherDate: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 9:05 PM | Message # 6
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Quote (Bond009)
- conserve space

I already have the music file smaller then most of the models, and as I run out of space I keep making the models a bit more compressed most of them still look fine.

Quote (Bond009)
- make map travel easy
idk if you made anything like this yet, but when you get a pokemon that can learn fly you should allow it to tp/blink the trainer around to different towns similar to how i made the ocarina in zelda work. you may already have something like this that i didnt see yet and if so thats cool.

That's a good idea, I don't have it that good right now it just allows them to fly over stuff.

Quote (Bond009)

-a bug i noticed is if your pokemon you first get dies you can go in and get another one but then cant revive your old one due to limiting max food.
also 6 player is nice but if possible the more the better ;p

lol well most people just know your only supposed to get 1 starter pokemon

The reason why this is still beta is because there is still glitches I was playing this with 2 of my bros today for a few hours and I found and fixed 6 glitches that were sorta big deals hopefully by v1.2 it will not need to be beta anymore.

Bond009Date: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 10:49 PM | Message # 7
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yea sounds good, this game could get really good, as far as pokemons go, with time im sure this could beat out all the rest

user friendly is a big key though, spell books will be a good thing, maybe name it backpack or something, or you could just name it Menu and the advanced options could be in there like the release pokemon and whatever else, also maybe just have the items-pokeballs clickable and that will be what summons the pokemon there, make the pokeball item have a spell that can target ground and thats where you thro whte ball to call it out maybe

VexslasherDate: Friday, 27-Jan-2012, 11:12 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (Bond009)
items-pokeballs clickable and that will be what summons the pokemon there

That would be a good way however you can catch unlimited pokemon in my version so you wouldn't have enough item slots to cover that. I really like the idea of using a spellbook for fly locations tho that will be a nice change I think.

Bond009Date: Saturday, 28-Jan-2012, 1:35 AM | Message # 9
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Quote (Vexslasher)
That would be a good way however you can catch unlimited pokemon in my version so you wouldn't have enough item slots to cover that. I really like the idea of using a spellbook for fly locations tho that will be a nice change I think.

Yea the spell book on a flying type that knows the ability fly. you could even make it so it can only fly to places you have already been too like in the real game and like i did in zelda.

Also i got noticing how yours was different from other pokemon games in how it allows you to have more than 6 pokemon and that is neat. but i will admit i havent played it enough yet to get more than 6 was just testing it. but i could assume by how it was set up that 6 wasnt the limit.

If you do it that way you will need to do it like the gameboy version was how you can store the other ones you dont have in your main 6 in the PC box.
You'll need 2 different areas the place your main 6 pokemon go and then that PC storage Box like it was in the game. Then you can deposit one of your 6 in the box to take one from the box to add to your main 6.

You could also allow catching a pokemon while all 6 slots are full and have it auto go to the PC box
that way you can make the ground cast ability that the pokeballs have only able to target the ground and not your units so it wont be the way you call back the pokemon but instead it will only be the way you call them out to fight smile

THecashDate: Saturday, 28-Jan-2012, 1:59 AM | Message # 10
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Wow this looks fun so much pokemons ! i like it

2DaYuDiEDate: Saturday, 28-Jan-2012, 6:29 AM | Message # 11
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bug: all abilities work on alied units... u can store alied units and bug the whole game or release alied units and fuck em up

a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 28-Jan-2012, 10:14 AM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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i think i love i think i love you vex! (meanwhile in asia all the riots stop to play pokemon on their computers)
VexslasherDate: Saturday, 28-Jan-2012, 6:56 PM | Message # 13
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OK I wanted people to still be able to have fun with my map while I'm working on 1.2 so I decided to release a 1.1a for now since when it's played online it ruined the game right away without these new fixes since people could release other pokemons and stuff.

a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 29-Jan-2012, 1:16 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Vexslasher)
I wanted people to still be able to have fun with my map

... then you posted it on the wrong forum dude biggrin
VexslasherDate: Sunday, 29-Jan-2012, 3:06 AM | Message # 15
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
... then you posted it on the wrong forum dude biggrin

I have this posted on several forums, I didn't even post 1.0 here because I thought no one here would like it lol that's why the first one I posted here was 1.1 beta and not 1.0 beta..

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