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List your worst spells in CHF - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009  
List your worst spells in CHF
these are the worst or weakest spells in chf
1. Warp Portal [ 12 ] [75.00%]
2. Lava spawn [ 5 ] [31.25%]
3. Death pact [ 9 ] [56.25%]
4. Sleep [ 2 ] [12.50%]
5. Frost arrow [ 1 ] [6.25%]
6. Evasion [ 4 ] [25.00%]
7. Spiked Armor [ 5 ] [31.25%]
8. Howl of Terror [ 4 ] [25.00%]
9. Immolation / zoz [ 4 ] [25.00%]
10. Soul Burn [ 2 ] [12.50%]
Answers total: 16
SOUNDWAVESDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 1:18 PM | Message # 1
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Heres are my suggestion.

1. Warp Portal : It's really hard to send units to rat hole. also really hard to use and I see no point of this skill.
But if trigger changes like star gate it will be really useful for tech players or hit and runner.

2. Lava spawn : Since dispels are powerful in chf this summon is kinda worthless to use. no idea

3. Death pact : make refill mana amount same as hp.

4. Sleep  : no idea

5. Frost arrow : buff its damage and chill duration time

6. Evasion : generally 90% of chf players game styles are based on aoes and hk spells so evasion isn't useful against most of opponents.
add movement speed increase effect. lv1 5%, lv6 50%

7. Spiked Armor : like evasion no good against casters.
add attack speed increase effect. lv1 5%, lv6 40%

8. Howl of Terror : more duration time and penetrate magic immunity(don't know if it is possible. does it can be dispellable then?)

9. Immolation / zoz : damage per 0.3sec. it have small aoe ao it wont be same as blade storm.

10. Soul Burn : This spell is ladyinpinks favorite. No wonder why she lose every game.
like rosa said range is too small so can't reach to enemy. Increase range, at least more further than lasso.
And its dps description is same as acid but this spell is dispellable. that's the weak point so buff dps.

11. Hawk : let level 1 hawk can attack units. also chage it to magic type attack in every level and change secondary attack type target which should be anti-air not hero.


I think these spells are the worst. These spells require balance change.

list your spells

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Wednesday, 06-Feb-2013, 0:40 AM
FireHartDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 2:53 PM | Message # 2
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Immolation is not the worst and it is almost as good as bstorm in comparison

FirNesSDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 2:54 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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Lol? Sleep and soul burn are good or maybe even op...

FireHartDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 3:01 PM | Message # 4
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Isn't everything op that is said here

2DaYuDiEDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 3:14 PM | Message # 5
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warp portal is useless and can be removed as spell
sheep is op in some way.. cuz u can perma sleep several heroes and needs a serious change imo. maybe give it just a short duration with invulnerable but some damage over time 
spiked armor could use some extra armor bonus.. shud be more than the aura lol
rest idc much.. wont be used much anyways

FireHartDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 4:33 PM | Message # 6
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Evasion I wonder if it stacks with Cou hero evasion cause If it does its 90% miss rate
frost arrows are ok for hk
death pact is our kak
lava spawn need something more special to persuade people to use it
warp portal uhm remove
soul burn does most dmg from a spell in the game but is easy to dispell
sleep is good for interchanging a hero to ur bases
picked armor only good against maulers or for avalanche
howl of terror is only good for late game which is why people don't take it the would rather take awe aura

and you are forgetting healing spray and death and decay

Message edited by FireHart - Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 4:35 PM
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 5:17 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Sleep is very bug spell because duration is longer that cooldown and this is very bug, because you can sleep enemy hero non-stop.... And he can not do anything
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 5:19 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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as hele said, remove warp portal, or make it better. Well it could somehow be sort of a mass tp, but the thing is it's really hard to pass several units at the same time in it, which makes it rubbish. Remove it or let groups of units come in, or idk.

Buff or remove death pact. It can be good in zombie mode but srsly it's more than pointless.
Buff a lil bit frost arrows. Let them stack with multi arrows.
Btw evasion is used quite much in ssd and in ftd by maulers, and atm the spell is pretty balanced I think.

Buff Immolation

AOE only, let dmg / mana used as they're now
Buff lava spawn dmg and hp a lil bit

Remove howl of terror. Basically this spell could be good but no one ever takes it. People prefer awe aura and that's understandable.

Buff spiked. As it has been said it should be better than the aura.

Soul burn is fine. Maybe nerf lvl 1 just a lil bit.
Lol firehart, healing spray is op in ssd you should know it

Added (2013-02-02, 6:19 PM)
And sorry if my post looks horrible, but this new post system just sucks

a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 5:23 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (2DaYuDiE)
maybe give it just a short duration with invulnerable but some damage over time
  yeah do that or make it drain mana, something so it has a use..
Quote (FireHart)
and you are forgetting healing spray and death and decay
death and decay deals percentage damage which means it can literally kill any organic unit.  night terror/penguins cant do sh*t about it

and healing spray, at least used too, heal buildings
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 5:34 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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It still does and it's the whole point of the spell since it gives rubbish regen to units. Once I had a ssd game with 4 healing sprays, believe me it's op as fuck, atm it saved me from pengs when I had tier 1 (I didn't even need rune).

In SSD if you want your base not to be killed, get 3 heroes with healing spray / Ww / divine / xmute and it's done

F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 6:00 PM | Message # 11
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sleep really don't need to be nerf it's not weak but op if you play smart with this spell.

Maybe add a bonus to lava Spawn. But their are already good for stack a team or for mass.

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

VexslasherDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 8:24 PM | Message # 12
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lol death pact 100% go figure :P

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013, 8:40 PM | Message # 13
Zombie Pirate
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i use death pact in mass tp sometimes, works to keep you alive well
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 03-Feb-2013, 2:11 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
i use death pact in mass tp sometimes, works to keep you alive well
No wonder u lose all. Theres something called unholy aura that keeps the job better

Soul Burn is decent from my experience (should have bigger distance cause i cant soul burn heros that root me....and thats annoying cause i cant counter their "firestrike")

Rest...i agree...cr3p cr4p cr1p
Howl of terror should work on magic immune too for gosh sakes. Auras are 100000000000000000000% more efficient than this spell

and frost arrow and warp portal
u can just remove that since i see no point of them
Unless frost arrow has like chaosish dmg from towers and does it to multiple units!! (a nova with insane dmg..xD)

FirNesSDate: Sunday, 03-Feb-2013, 3:24 AM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
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Sleep can be op as Footy said. Just get 3 heroes in team with sleep who up it, and you'll see. The guys will be perma sleeped for sure, and, even if they bring units to wake them up, they'll always have to wait their heroes not to be invulnerable anymore.

It's just that not many people take it, except for Sleep / Interchange, and still.

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