Least used Spells
lspiderl | Date: Saturday, 20-Apr-2013, 3:44 PM | Message # 1 |
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| Everyone tends to talk about whats spells are overpowered , or what spells are used but need adjusting but everyone tends to forget about the spells that are NEVER used for w/e reason So Lets use this thread to make a comprehensive list of the least used spells ,whats wrong with them , and ideas on how they might be adjusted , altered or completely changed to be usefull
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Saturday, 20-Apr-2013, 7:18 PM | Message # 2 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Compilation of the most useless spells:
Passive Abilities: Evasion Game is about hero spells against hero spells. Rarely does anyone EVER need to tank footies
AOE Spells Rockets This spell has high potentials but the amount of delay ruins the aoe Immolation Definitely the most useless spell. You can buy immolation cloak for 1400 and that ALSO has defense while this spell does not. Improve the aoe distance and add defense to the user when using the spell
AOE Abilities 2 Howl of Terror Increase time of the duration and add -2 more defense at level 6 and make it work on immunes. Rain of Fire This should be steroided blizzard. Current rain of fire level 6 is more useless than level 3 blizzard ZoZ Level 6 can't kill 1 footy. Trust me, I tried it on someone's base and it can't even DAMAGE because the tiers are bigger than the aoe. Plus, the damage is crap. Overall: Worse than death pact Raging Storm Only regular spell that cancels divine. And for what? A suicide spell that BARELY does any damage? Only good thing about it is that it LOOKS cool Warp Portal Using it is just as hard as clicking Cyray's hero during game Miscellaneous Spells Healing Spray Has bugs. Sometimes it heals only enemies, sometimes it does no heal, sometimes higher level heals less than lower level. etc. This is just a pathetic spell and even level 1 healing wave is more reliable than level 6 healing spray Frost Arrow Low damage, waste of skillset and can be bought for 750. I just wonder WHY anyone in his right mind would ever even get this spell
Casting Spells Siphon Mana I would rather take mana burn or just use multiple wizards. -.- Life Drain Seriously, life drain?!? Nuking does more damage than this Death Pact Death pact can be good ONLY when all teams GO undead. Which is like.....almost never (If you increase the strength of undead tier FOR EARLY TIERS (tier 1 and tier 2 and tier 3), then many people would get undead tier => Death pact gains popularity) Frost Armour Hmm.... Takes away mana, gets dispelled, does same defense as devotion aura (doesn't get dispelled). Pathetic spell^^
Summons Mana Scout (Owl) Just the most useless summon in game. Oh ya, and its SUPER HARD to use early game. You would have to be gifted in chf like soundwaves to even utilize them Quilbeast Gets dispelled? Wow, pathetic! Summoning Stone Gets dispelled? YAY! FEED
Ultimate Big Bad Vodoo Big Bad FAILURE Stampede So....isn't this earthquake's job? Sea of Flames Rats....used to be good but now everyone goes rats -.-
PS: I ran a test against teams. Somehow, team 1 always win without a hero. Now thats fuqed up Bond. Why is team 1 WINNING by default without a hero? lol
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i-connect | Date: Saturday, 20-Apr-2013, 9:42 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Team one is OP period.. Has more AOE Vision of invis unit, Better arcane attack range, very good base pet.. The frog can be easily found to resserect unlike shity dog when it dies it has same corpse as footies. The chicken and rabbit walks so stupid also, the frog is OP. ALSO when you put AI on, why does it only feeds team 1? wtf? it doesnt attack any other team until team 1 is gone........ Team one will have most of the exp in the game. ALSO its location. Its the only base located farthest away from skill picks. When you buy another hero, you can leave hero in skill pick area and leach EXP from killing units from other base. Probally why team one always gets unfair advantage reason.
Message edited by i-connect - Saturday, 20-Apr-2013, 9:43 PM |
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Saturday, 20-Apr-2013, 11:56 PM | Message # 4 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I-con, dont forget, Team 1 is also the team that does the modes. ^^
And its also currently the only team where heros cant steal items pre-mass :3
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Saturday, 20-Apr-2013, 11:56 PM |
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FireHart | Date: Sunday, 21-Apr-2013, 1:13 AM | Message # 5 |
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| Not to mention on EFB, it's always the stacked team
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Osetinas7171 | Date: Sunday, 21-Apr-2013, 4:58 AM | Message # 6 |
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| About items steal, easily steal amulet's from team3.
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SOUNDWAVES | Date: Sunday, 21-Apr-2013, 6:22 AM | Message # 7 |
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| Quote (lspiderl) Everyone tends to talk about whats spells are overpowered , or what spells are used but need adjusting but everyone tends to forget about the spells that are NEVER used for w/e reason So Lets use this thread to make a comprehensive list of the least used spells ,whats wrong with them , and ideas on how they might be adjusted , altered or completely changed to be usefull
http://chf.ucoz.com/forum/48-2804-1 worst is the least used spells. Agreed at most of rosarios post and iconnect. Some nubs might deny it tho.
Rest in Peace Rookies
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Ticklemonster | Date: Monday, 22-Apr-2013, 2:33 AM | Message # 8 |
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| Raging storm is good because it can hurt some magic immune units, but its damage is too crap to even have an advantage..
Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"
[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
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ic3dt3a | Date: Monday, 29-Apr-2013, 4:03 PM | Message # 9 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| healing spray heals buildings, it used to be chosen alot for mass tp mass pool tech build(no1 has done this in a while)
life drain, i grab this once in a blue moon(its a saying meaning very rarely), and get newts. i've wanted to do a lasso mana drain and siphon build with some people because of the cool factor, but sadly no1's really wanted to try it. i almost had talk and some1 do it with me(nothing sexual) but had to leave.
stampede, it used to be good, especially if u ww, sadly too much mh so spells like these are useless.
frost arrow used to be good in 5.4, the slow + the damage was worth it, i havnt done it on here at all. i go searing endurance/bloodlust and cold strike + transmute, fun little build
zoz is crap, sham's lighnting shield is stronger and lower cd
evasion- no 1 really mauls anymore, if they do its divine shield+avatar now.
i dont see thorns aura being used much anymore, its a good spell for mass though
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